Social Theory September 15, 2020

One day before the British and European Alliance launched a new round of negotiations in London on September 8, British Prime Minister Johnson issued an ultimatum to the European Union, limiting the two parties must reach a new free trade agreement on October 15th.If you can't reach an agreement at that time, you should accept the facts and continue to move forward.

The British government announced a new draft of Brexit law last Wednesday to overthrow some of the key clauses in the Brexit agreement reached last year, which may cause the trade negotiations between the two parties to break the situation.Once the trade negotiations with the European Union break down, the new decree will be above the key terms of the Brexit agreement.

The draft law of the law. During the negotiations of EU officials last week, EU officials have gradually lost their patience and stated that they are studying the possibility of adopting legal actions against the United Kingdom, because the new bill violates the agreement on Brexit.

From the negotiations with the European Union in the past few years, to the end of January this year, Britain and the European Union have been unable to make progress after the Duolun trade negotiations.The Brexit transition period is scheduled to end at the end of the year. Whether it is October 15 or December 31, if there is no agreement, it means hard Brexit, that is, the worst agreement without agreement.From Johnson's speech, he was not afraid that the negotiation rupture did not reach the result of the agreement.

Since the Brexit transition period is only more than three months left, the negotiations of last week still failed to make breakthrough progress, and the difficult problems cannot be resolved, including the implementation method of reaching related agreements with the European Union, such as maintaining as much as possible between Ireland and Ireland.Border openness, etc.

In the eighth round of negotiations held in London, the two sides continued to blame the other party to be stubborn, play with the political marginal policy, and did not have the sincerity of the negotiation, which led to the continuous improvement of the negotiations.British chief negotiation on behalf of David Middot; Florus rarely accepted an exclusive interview with newspapers before, and it has hinted that the negotiations must not have the hope of breakthroughs, because London will not compromise the bottom line.

After six months of unpleasant disputes, Britain and EU officials acknowledged that the possibility of failure to reach the agreement continued to increase.When talking about the future relationship between the British and 27 member states, Frost said that Brucel needs to see reality more clearly on the issue of Britain's independent state status.The EU chief negotiated representative Barnier has warned that if Britain fails to abide by the Brexit agreement, this will destroy any opportunity for future self -trade agreements.

A new round of negotiations are considered to be another liquidation time for negotiations between the two parties. The negotiations have far -reaching impacts. Especially when the British and European economy is hit by the crown disease, the tariff issue is likely to bring a worse effect.Johnson said that he would not talk about it, he would withdraw from the negotiations, and his tough attitude had laid a foreshadowing for the failure of the negotiation.

The British business community is worried that if there is no trade agreement, the British economy will become worse, and it will also damage the relationship between Britain and European neighbors for a long time, including affecting security and intelligence cooperation. These concerns have been troubled by the British business community in the past few years.As the negotiation fails, it becomes a nightmare.

Former British Prime Minister Blair and Meijie reported on Sunday on Sunday on Sunday, and expressed shock for the British preparation legislation to overthrow Brexit. They believed that this was violated with international law. They called on parliament members to refuse new legislation.However, some of the tough Brexit persons led by Johnson's ruling Conservative Party hoped that the United Kingdom would separate ways with the European Union. They would also prevent Johnson from making significant concessions to the EU and reaching an agreement at the last moment to brag and show off their diplomacy.Big victory.

In the final sprint phase of the Brexit trade negotiations, the new legislation will undoubtedly add new differences to any negotiations by the end of this year. The unbelievable emotions between Britain and the European Union are deepening, and they are unwilling to make a slightest compromise on their own unfavorable free trade agreements.Essence

Johnson hopes that the European Union agrees to reach a zero -tariff agreement similar to Canada, but the EU cannot make Britain get better conditions than EU members. Therefore, it is difficult to achieve the last moment.Simple and fast solution.

On the occasion of trade negotiations with the European Union, the United Kingdom has reached a free trade agreement with Japan a few days ago. According to the agreement, 99%of the products exported to Japan will enjoy tariff -free benefits.New Yuan).Britain also said that the Free Trade Agreement has taken an important step for it to join the Cross -Pacific Partnership Agreement (CPTPP), which helps British companies to open the door to the Asia -Pacific region.

After signing a free trade agreement with the second largest non -EU trading partner, the United Kingdom is also conducting free trade negotiations with the United States, Australia, New Zealand and other countries.To a certain extent, it affects the process of free trade negotiations with the European Union to a certain extent.