On September 7, local time of US President Trump put forward the view of the China -US economy's decoupling, implying that if China and the United States no longer do business, the United States will not suffer.Trump said at a press conference on the Workers' Day of the White House that the word decoupled was mentioned, which was an interesting word. We lost a billion dollars.So many dollars.This is called decoupling, so you will start thinking.Trump vowed that his government would ban the federal government from signing contracts with Chinese companies in the future and demand that China is responsible for the spread of new crown viruses around the world.He said that we will make the United States a superpower in the world's manufacturing industry and will end our dependence on China once and for all.Regardless of whether it is decoupled or levying high tariffs as I have already done, we will end dependence on China because we cannot rely on China.Trump said we will bring employment opportunities back to the United States from China, and we will impose tariffs on companies that abandon the United States and create employment opportunities in China and other countries.

The US think tank said that China is not welcome to decume, but it will not shrink.Robert Bull, director of the Kissinger China Research Center of Wilson; Robert Daly, said recently that the price of the United States and China is high, but this does not mean that China will not choose to build a system of mutual exclusion with other regions of the world.Dali said that China does exist (decoupled) danger, and most parts of the world are developing separate financial systems for international debt payment and trade payment.China can also develop different technical systems. If this happens, if you have mutually rejection of financial, economic, technical, and digital systems, will you really talk about discouragement?Even if China knows that for China, the United States and other parts of the world, the cost of decoupling will be very high, but this situation may still occur. China does not welcome decoustals, but it will not shrink.Dali said: Some people in the White House want to be technically decoupled from China and do not want to provide it with any chips that help to establish China's comprehensive strength.However, they do not want to let Qualcomm go bankrupt. They do not want to hurt American farmers. Because of the trade war, American farmers have received approximately $ 28 billion in taxpayers.(BHJ)

China is not afraid of decoupling, and China is not worried about decoupling.China's 1.4 billion people and huge markets can be said to be the country that is most welcome and decoupled in the world.If China completely abandon the use of the United States and the United States, American goods cannot be sold at all, and all Chinese people buy Chinese goods will not have much loss, but they will fully support Made in China.This 1.4 billion population and huge market in China will sooner or later the market in the world's largest market. The United States is less than a quarter of the population of China. At present, it is only that the living standards are higher than that of the Chinese.Based on the transition consumption with tomorrow's money, it is supported by huge amounts of liabilities.Once this liability consumption cannot continue, the average living standards in the United States will decline hugely, and the decline in the national GDP driven by it will also be extremely obvious.This year's U.S. epidemic caused many American population to suddenly lose their jobs and lose their revenue sources. The standard of life dropped to the bottom of the valley, and the US GDP fell by 32%in the second quarter. A large part of the reason is that the number of national consumption declines.This year, the GDP of the United States this year will also be pulled greatly due to the transitional liabilities that are difficult for the people to support and overdraft consumption. At the same time, China's GDP has already shown a good increase. This yearLarge reduction.At the same time, without countries like China provided cheap consumer goods and purchased U.S. Treasury bonds, the standards of life of American people will continue to decrease.These are important factor in the decline in American GDP.If it is completely decoupled, the economic volume and GDP of the United States after the decourse are far less objective as today. Secondly, whether it can maintain a long period of economic volume world is the first great question mark.The total US economic volume may not be attractive to other countries.

China is not afraid of all kinds of tiger scary.Just take your own way to your own way. If your country is so large, what are you worried about decoupled?It is the most solid and stable way to develop yourself. China has never rely on others to develop.The national anti -new crown pneumonia epidemic commendation conference was grandly held on the morning of September 8th in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the Central Committee, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, awarded the Medal of the National Medal and the National Honorary Title winner and delivered an important speech.Xi Jinping emphasized that history and reality have told us that as long as they continue to liberate and develop social productivity, continue to enhance economic strength, scientific and technological strength, and comprehensive national strength, and constantly make the people's sense of gain, happiness, and security become more fulfilling, and constantly make persistence and persistence and persistence and persistenceThe material foundation of developing socialism with Chinese characteristics and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is becoming more and more solid.

China's huge healthy market is increasingly attractive to the world. This year, China is the most longing for global enterprises and global capital.Against the background of China's capital market opening up to the outside world, foreign capital is also accelerating the incorporation of the Chinese market into the long -term strategic layout.A few days ago, the CSRC released information showing that the establishment of the Bellaide Fund Management Co., Ltd. (referred to as Berlaide) has been approved, which marks the establishment of my country's first wholly -owned public fund in China.In April of this year, my country's official cancellation of foreign -funded stock ratio restrictions on fund management companies. The two major US asset management giants Belle and Lu Bomai simultaneously submitted an application for qualification approval to public offering funds to the Securities Regulatory Commission. Foreign -funded wholly -owned public fund license.Some analysts show that many years ago, Belled began to launch the Chinese market with the private equity industry.In August 2015, Berlaide registered Black Overseas Investment Fund Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. in the China -foundation Evil. The registered capital was $ 8.3 million, and the company classified as other private equity fund managers; in December 2017, the companyRegistration and filing Belaide Investment Management (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., the registered capital is $ 19 million, and the company is classified as a private equity securities investment fund manager.The strategic configuration view of the post -epidemic era released by Bellaide recently pointed out that the epidemic has accelerated the transformation of key structural trends and caused a sharp fluctuation in the market and prompted investors to re -think about strategic asset allocation.In view of the close limit of interest rates and increased inflation risk in the medium term, Bellaide stated that it will reduce its holdings of developed markets in the name of government bonds and increase the holding of inflation linked government bonds;, Bellaide's investment strategy will tend to be slightly low -end to match global investment -level credit bonds and developed market stocks.In the strategic layout of the post -epidemic era, Berlaide made it clear that the private equity market and Chinese assets will play an important role.

The human world, with two benefits, and fighting.From the perspective of the global structure, the global pattern created by Sino -US cooperation will indeed be more stable.On September 6, 2020, CLIFF KUPChan, chairman of the Eurasian Group of Political Risk Consulting Company, said that Sino -US relations are one of the most important bilateral relations in the world today.The attention and attention of the international community.It is worth noting that Kupchaan believes that the current world has a new bipolar system. Kupchan believes that compared with the multi -polar system, the bipolar system will be more balanced and stable, and this stability is mainly due to the economy between China and the United States.balance.KupChan pointed out that there are more cooperation between China and the United States, including crisis management.Evan Medeiro, a senior researcher at the Asian Research of Walsh School of Foreign Affairs, and Georgetown University, Georgetown University, said that Sino -US relations are no longer a regional relationship, but a global relationship of deep development. FromIn terms of global order, Sino -US relations have brought the world to polarization.Stephen Orlins, President of the National Committee of the United States and China Relations, also called on Sino -US cooperation and pointed out that China and the United States should not move towards strategic competition, but should strengthen mutual benefit cooperation and take some mutual benefit measures.These measures include re -launching strategies and economic dialogues, and carefully determine the definition of national security that can be accepted by the two countries so that they can continue to promote investment and exports and create employment.In addition, doubleFang can also agree on the rules of network space, so that the people of China and the United States can benefit from the leap of technical and artificial intelligence.It should be pointed out that in the current political atmosphere of the United States, the cooperation between Sino -US cooperation returning to globalization is a bit too rational.But for global stability in Sino -US relations, the issues that these think tanks are concerned about still have realistic constructiveness.

China may increase oil from the United States in September.Although China's geopolitical relations with the United States have deteriorated, China ’s interest in American crude oil in September has risen significantly.The information currently revealed shows that in September, it is expected to be one of the most old -fashioned months in China.According to the information of the data intelligence company KPler, the current initial estimation is that the US crude oil that was shipped to China in September was 840,000 barrels per day, a record high in history.Although this data is still in a very early stage, the actual export volume in September may still be corrected, but this sign is still worthy of attention.People in the industry said that so far, China ’s purchase of US crude oil in September looks strong.American traders, ship brokers, and Chinese importers have previously stated that it is expected that oil exports to China will increase significantly in August and September. There are two main reasons: first, low oil prices stimulate China to increase imported crude oil; secondIt is the requirement for China to meet the first -stage trade agreement signed with the United States.Judging from the China -US oil trade, the deep decoupling of the two countries is not easy.

When Trump met with the President of Serbia, he arranged for the other side table and chair, thinking that he had damaged the dignity of the other party. In fact, he greatly damaged the image and dignity of the American country in front of people all over the world.This self -righteous arrangement and the screams are decoupled, and they are all smart self -righteousness of the little wise.National pattern, national high, national image.And if this little clever clamor, if China also responds relative to each other, it will also lower the Chinese itself.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Strategic Researcher of Petroleum Central Enterprise, Researcher of the Chahar Society, Special Researcher of the IFF International Financial Forum Research Institute