Ming Pao

The US media obtained the new book that was about to publish the new book of the water gate case on Wednesday (9th). It shows that before the new crown epidemic exploded in the United States, President Trump knew that the virus was more fatal than the flu, but he said he wanted to fade downThreat, because you don't want to create panic.In less than two months before the election, he was deliberately concealed. Trump said that Woodward's new book was a political murder. His campaign was shocked, and the White House was also urgent.action.Democratic presidential candidate Bynden criticized Trump's negligence, which was a betrayal of American human life.

The RAGE (temporary translation of anger), which will be published on September 15, is written by Bob Woodward based on the contents of Trump's content in January to July last year and recording the interview process.The US media took the lead in reporting part of the new book on Wednesday and recording. Among them, in the confidential information briefing of the White House on January 28, national security adviser Robert Obrien informed Trump that the new crown epidemic would become the new crown epidemic that it would become the new crown epidemic.He faced the largest national security threat during his tenure, and Matthew Pottinger, the deputy national security consultant, also agreed with this view and told Trump to face the same sanitary crisis as the Spanish influenza in 1918.The United States had the first diagnosis on January 20, and announced on February 29 that the first death case was announced. At present, it has accumulated more than 6.3 million confirmation and more than 190,000 deaths.

The White House insisted that Trump did not lie about the epidemic

According to the content of the new book, Trump acknowledged to Woodword on February 7 that the new crown virus was a fatal thing. You just breathe. This is the (virus) transmission method.So this is tricky, and it is even more fatal than the serious flu.However, after the same month, Trump said that the virus was largely controlled, and the case would soon be close to zero, which also said that the flu is dangerous than the new coronal virus.A few days after the United States entered an emergency in response to the epidemic, Trump told Woodward again: I still want to fade it (the epidemic) because I don't want to create panic.He also said that the new crown virus is not only an elder, and young people will (infected).However, in August 5, Trump said that children were almost immune to new crown pneumonia.

Trump responded to the incident on Wednesday (9th) to describe the captain of the cheerleading team of the country. I don't want people to be afraid and do not want to create panic. I will definitely not cause this country or the world to be mad.We have to show confidence and strength.He also known as Woodward's new book is a political murder.

However, when the election was less than two months on November 3, and the public began to receive mail votes, the negative news broke out, causing the White House and the Trump campaign camp to be urgently needed.CNN quoted sources as saying that many people in the Trump campaign team were shocked by Trump ’s early knowledge of the new crown virus. A campaign consultant said: What he said is recording and it is difficult to call fake news.The White House press secretary, McKinney, insisted that Trump never lied to the public on the epidemic, showing confidence and calmness.The president showed calmness and reflected in action.Republican senator Lindsey Graham also defended the president. I don't think he need to shout that we are about to die on TV. He has suspended economic activities the right action.

Boon Boom Boom Boom Bombing

The opponent Biden attacked Trump through the content of the new book. He bombarded him deliberately dilute the epidemic and lie to the people. When the fatal disease ravaged our country, (president) deliberately did not fulfill his duties.This is a betrayal to the Americans lsquo;

Whether this incident will drag Trump's election unknown, but according to the polls announced by the Pew Research Center at the end of June, 52%of voters have confidence in the handling of the new crown epidemic. On the contrary, only 41%of Trump has confidence.At least 20%of the three polls from Gallop in April, May, and May to early June, at least 20%of the respondents listed the new crown epidemic situation as the number of national topics.The CNN analysis pointed out that non -economic issues have continued to be as much as the most important. It is rare to be considered the most important. Because in the past elections, the president is performed well on the primary non -economic issues.In the election, Trump must persuade voters to deal with the epidemic better than Biden, or try to move the public's attention.However, Trump has an advantage in economic issues. 51%of voters claim that Trump can make good decisions in economic policy and is confident. About 48%of the confidence in Biden, of which only 13%are very confidentEssence