Sing Tao Daily News

The conflict of the China -India border has intensified, and the first time the two sides broke out on Monday for the first time in the first 45 years.Originally, China and India should cool down and avoid war., To transfer national goals to relieve internal contradictions, this is the biggest concern of the situation in China and India.

China and India broke the border conflict frequently this year, and it was severe than one at a time.In May, a physical conflict of limb conflict at the Ladui Yamaguchi in May; large -scale fights broke out in Kashmir Radak in June, causing at least 20 people to die.Died in the conflict; this Monday's Sino -Indian army was near the border Bangong Lake, and the first firing incident in 45 years appeared.

The border between China and India is more than 3,400 kilometers. The army of the two sides has a confrontation between the army in many sovereign disputes. In order to avoid the fire of the gun, the soldiers such as the use of firearms are strictly restricted.The conflict between the two parties is high, which is easy to cause the situation to get out of control.

It is worrying to borrow the firing of foreign enemies

Regarding the shooting incident this week, the two sides held their own words. The Chinese side refers to the illegal cross line of the Indian army and shot a Chinese border guards who came to negotiate.EssenceThe conflict between China and India had occurred as early as the end of August. India once said that it was a pioneer in China.

Since the death of the Sino -Indian soldiers in June, China has tried to cool through the military and diplomacy to cool down the situation. The Minister of Defense of China and India also met in Moscow last week, but unfortunately it has not narrowed the differences.

The situation in China and India is worrying, because although China has adopted the attitude of interest, Indian Prime Minister Modi is facing a great dilemma due to the internal affairs, intending to use anti -China emotions to save the economy and relieve the resentment caused by the epidemic to consolidate national support.

The Indian new crown epidemic is outbreak, and the number of diagnostic people is more than 4.3 million. This Monday has surpassed Brazil to become the second highest country in the world, and the new cases have been added from more than 50,000 per day earlier last month, which has increased to 90,000 per day.Zong shows that the domestic epidemic is a comprehensive outbreak, and it is facing an out of control.

India has implemented a national blockade at the end of March, but did not launch cooperation measures at the same time to find out patients and early diagnosis and treatment. Therefore, it was impossible to control the epidemic.The sealed, but the economy did not improve, and the epidemic rebounded, which was worse than before unblocking.

India's rescue is because the economy has indeed shrinks rapidly. The second quarter has a shrinkage of 23.9 %. It is the worst country in the world. Due to the out of control of the epidemic, the economy in the third quarter was unable to rebound.

Save the economy and be unable to operate with Chinese enterprises

The Modi government has disappeared from the epidemic and saving the economy, which has aroused folk complaints, but some polls reflect that his public opinion support is still more than 70 %. This is because he has always advocated Hindu ethnicism and used Hindus to account for 80 % of the population.Consolidate power.In addition to this year, Indians have also set off anti -China emotions in addition to Pakistan, neighbors of Islam. Indian polls show that 670 % of the people believe that the new crown epidemic is responsible for China.

After the border conflict in China and India in May, the folk had excluded Chinese goods. After the death of the border soldiers in the middle and India in June, Modi turned the people to squeeze the Chinese goods into government behavior in order to reduce the internal pressure.Fifty -nine Chinese mobile apps (APPs), which are popular in India, such as Weibo, TIKTOK, WeChat, etc.; Chinese companies are banned from bidding local construction in July;Including Baidu, Alipay, etc.

Modi constantly crowded Chinese goods and Chinese capital, which is to use nationalist emotions to transfer the people's dissatisfaction with the failure of the government's internal affairs, but nationalism is a dangerous monster.Tough action may eventually cause the unfortunate ending of war and other people.

At present, there is another danger of the situation in China and India, which is the US President Trump who is good at provoking nationalism to deliberately start a conflict between China and India.He continued to extend an olive branch to India, saying that the dispute between China and India can be medium, but when the United States crazy against China, his mediation essentially helped India, provoking its confrontation with China to help the United States' strategy of curbing China.

Under the common strategy of using foreign enemies to relieve internal contradictions, the Chinese officials and people must be calmly right, maintain their strategic determination, and prevent each other's intentions.