When the Indian -China border broke out again, when the relationship between the two countries was tense, Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng rarely criticized the United States, saying that the Trump team changed the United States' consistent view of multilateralism and attempted to profit from the disturbing world bureau.The United States has strived to implement the Indian Pacific policy in many parties. Why did the Indian Foreign Minister criticize the United States?

Su Jesheng said that the United States plays a key role in the world and is a fulcrum in many aspects. Many international events around the United States. Once the United States changes its position and way of acting, it will cause a huge response to the world.The United States' alliance relations cover many places in the world. Now in many ways, the ally -ally relations have been changed, and the attitudes and benefits of alliances and international organizations have been changed. For example, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization.treatment.

Su Jiesheng represented India, why did he say this?Mainly India feels that the Trump authorities' commitments are not as good as expected.Straight, the Indo -Pacific policy must use India to take anti -China leverage, but they are unwilling to make benefits from India.

The lines that Su Jiesheng did not say was that when Beijing helped Washington fight against the Soviet Union, the United States opened the market to open the market to the mainland, but now the United States only pursues policies that are good for itself.Benefits.

It is worth noting that in the interview, Su Jiesheng talked about the Chinese policy. His frank China -India relations were very difficult in many aspects, but the most difficult part was recently available.He asked India to interview his reporters not to misunderstand that he did not dilute the seriousness of the current situation. It is a priority to reach a settlement between the two countries and it is very important.Not only does it affect the two countries on the world, he completely believes that he can solve the current situation through diplomacy.

The evaluation of the Indian Foreign Minister is obviously that some domestic scholars believe that the Sino -Indian border will be very different from the outbreak of war.