After a spokesman for the western Chinese theater accusing India, India accused India shot to the Chinese border guards, the Global Times of the Chinese Official Media People's Daily, the Global Times of the Global Times of the Indian Army, threatened to the Chinese soldiers, whether they would not shoot in the border area.The rules are invalidated?If the answer is yes, then China and India will prepare to usher in a new period of blood and rain in the border area.

The article warned that the rules were first destroyed by India, India should weigh well, and the consequences of conflict were on the side of India.If the Indian troops continue to use guns recklessly, they must be prepared to face the danger of being eliminated on the spot under the outbreak of military conflict.

The following is the original text:

The front line of the Indian army fired, not far from being eliminated

A spokesman for the western Chinese theater said in the early morning of Tuesday, Beijing time that the Indian troops of the illegal cross -line entering the south bank of the Banong Lake were threatened by patrol staff in the Chinese border defense forces.The spokesman pointed out that the nature of the Indian army's behavior was very bad, and the Chinese side proposed that the Indian side immediately withdrew the crosses of cross -line personnel and seriously investigated and dealt with the provocatives.

As we all know, the reason why the Sino -Indian border area has maintained a general calm of more than 40 years. Although the two armies have occurred during this time, they did not cause serious battles because both sides followed the rules that did not shoot in the conflict.The soldiers of the two countries had a fight in June this year and caused the casualties, but until then, the two sides still did not shoot.

The Indian army threatened the Chinese soldiers on Monday. Is this a regulation that not fired in the border area?If so, then China and India will prepare to usher in a new period of blood and rain in the border area.

Recently, India has some arrogant performance around the border, and the entire Indian public opinion is not calm.For example, Indian Fang Gong showed off the two heights on the south bank of Ban Gonghu, and claimed that the Chinese army was placed in the range of the Indian army rifle.In addition, the Indian side has repeatedly used the overall diplomatic relationship between China and India. Its psychology obviously believes that India has active active in China -India's diplomatic relations, and Beijing is seeking New Delhi.

After the China -India Army had a fatal fighting in the Galwan Valley in June, the Modi government had stated under the pressure of public opinion that it would be placed under the power of using guns to the front -line troops.Modi and Minister of Defense Singh then went to the border to inspect.It is necessary to say that India is at least at the level of public opinion, and is wrapped in nationalist tragedy and strategic self -esteem, and is in a state of eagerness to further provoke China.

We must severely warn the Indian side: You are getting line!Your front -line troops are getting out of line, your nationalist public opinion is getting over, and your foreign policy to China is getting over.You are provoking the Chinese army and all the Chinese people, and you are standing clumsyly on the cliff.

India's nationalist forces need to think about it. If the China -India army changes the logic of processing differences in the border areas and puts the gun at the forefront, what can they have the two systems they seized on the south bank of Ban Gonghu?How much is there in modern military conflicts?In addition, there are many guns in India, there are more guns in China, how much military expenses in India, and how much military expenses in China are.

Adhering to the principle of not using guns in the border area. This is a goodwill of the People's Liberation Army and Chinese countries. The powerful party is only rational and will not be weak. As the frogs who have not seen the world, Indian national ethnic elements need to be surrounded by surroundings.This lesson of ABC.

China does not want the China -India border area to start war. If the Indian side misunderstand the goodwill of the Chinese side and attempts to use shooting to deter the PLA forces, they will be burned out, and China will never compromise with them to avoid war.If the Indian troops continue to use guns recklessly, they must be prepared to face the danger of being eliminated on the spot under the outbreak of military conflict.The rules were first destroyed by India. India should weigh well. The consequences of conflict are on the side of India.China is doing the efforts of peaceful resolution of border disputes, but the army of this country obviously has all prepared. The people who love peace will support the PLA to take any actions to maintain the integrity of national territory.We have done our best to the Indian Fang Ren, and we will use action to correct the misunderstandings of the Chinese national will with some forces.