Industrial and Commercial Times Society

In the field of politics, the most difficult thing is to establish the trust of the hostile parties.

In American society, because in Wisconsin, there are no black people in Wisconsin. In front of their wife and children, they were paralyzed by the white police officer to firing 7 shots in a row. The image clips taken by mobile phones quickly spread in the Internet world, causing public opinion.The NBA NBA, which is currently rematching and currently entered the playoffs, and many African -American stars, and was criticized by Trump that the NBA was kneeling on one knee before playing the national anthem before the national anthem, which was insulting the country's country.Behavior, causing the emotions of the people to be provoked again.Unexpectedly, Portland, O'RERON, western United States, the fate of the black people for three months is also the streets of the black (BLM). In the fierce conflict between the people who oppose Trump and the fierce conflict of Trump's teams, there are.The people were killed.

In this time, instead of accusing each other, it is the Radical Left or Far-Right, which will only intensify political confrontation and make a shot on the wind and waves of ethnic conflicts.Due to the federal government and the state government, the Mayor of Portland and the former Chicago Mayor have held a press conference due to the black equal rights movement in the past three months to criticize the speech of President Trump to create hatred, encouraging, encouragingViolence makes it difficult for the cracks of society to sew, and it will not help calm down the people's grievances.

During the outbreak of the epidemic in April and May, the Governor of New York and President Trump spoke to each other every day, and the drama of scolding each other was vivid.The policy of more positive and effectively resolving the people's grievances must rely on the president with political height to play the ability of leadership to dominate at the moment of crisis.In this regard, there are previous examples to follow and can be viewed.

In the Human Nature in Politics, the 1978 Nobel Prize winner Herbert A. Simon used to compare, focusing on the limited rationality of programs and cognitive psychology, as wellSubstantive Rationality; his conclusion is: the principle of rationality, it is difficult to make effective response and predictions on the political situation and its impact.As early as 1981, the 2005 Nobel Prize winner Schelling was also viewing the policy value of fairness and efficiency; he pointed out that economic efficiency should not be the only criterion for judging public decision -making.

In short, the full and rational decision -making is not available at this moment; in the face of diverse policy value, it is important to seek the largest convention that the two sides have disagrees through democratic procedures.For fair social reforms and racial equal rights campaigns, and seeking re -election President Trump, what you should do before the election should understand: the attitude towards policy will affect the height of the president.

Two months before the election, it was required to solve the social movement of black rights.The consideration of the policy value, especially the implementation of fair policy value, involves the level, is deep and wide. For the split of the Pingping ethnic group, President Trump must clearly express his position.White police culture.

With the street struggle on the past three months, it has evolved into a scene of violent crime. How can the black community residents, local enterprises and ethnic groups in Metropolitan cities in the United States, and community organization groups.The cooperative relationship between the public and private sector and different ethnic groups.

In response to the current oppositional situation, the two presidential candidates need to propose the claims and discussions of police political reform and police budget at the political opinion debate.As for the matter, the white policeman's law enforcement is too important. The problem of shooting black people has a long accumulation. The racial factors mixed with historical and culture can not be clear.However, politicians from the federal government, state governments to local governments will not be happy, nor can it allow such things to happen every year; however, the actual situation is year after year.Political reforms and police officers should just start.

Looking back at the Black Rights Movement in Portland, it has been pursuing for a hundred consecutive days. Although the goal is correct, it ends because the demonstrations are at night and often attack the federal government and public institutions.Although President Trump has been criticized from all walks of July because he dispatched federal forces with no identification documents to enter Portland, it has been evacuated at the end of July.Today, Patriotic Prayer, who supports Republican groups, and major conflicts against the masses, have disaster. The mayor of Portland and President Trump of different party members held a press conference and scolded at the air.

A few days ago, a policeman fired 20 shots in Los Angeles. The people who killed African descent were unimaginable incidents.As for the fact that the same thing happened in the eyes of the world, it puts forward completely different discussions; on the surface, it should be just a political statement during the election.But the deeper reason is that President Trump's campaign strategy in the last two months is to highlight the black rights movement with the right and fierce means, and declare to the middle class in major cities across the United States that he can achieve it to achieve the can be achieved.Those who maintain the law and order are themselves!Although this is the leadership of the time -trial, it is regrettable that this is not for the long -term public interest, and it has not solved the ethnic tearing of the American society, and the increasingly hostile situation of political parties.