Ming Pao News Agency

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo announced last week that the Secretary of Criminal Court (ICC) Prosecutor Ben Suda and the head of ICC's department Mo Joeco, because the ICC launched an investigation of the US military's crimes committed by Afghanistan.As early as two years ago, ICC was brewing to investigate the crimes related to the U.S. military, and the United States threatened it. Now the United States is interested in doing sanctions to the end, clearly exposed the Trump administration's U.S. priority policy.In today's global power, no strength can balance the United States to do whatever they want. Washington is like a gangster, and the world seems to be trapped in the jungle law of weak meat and strong food.

The International Criminal Court was an independent investigation and prosecution of the Roman Roman Statue adopted in 1998. It was formally established in July 2002 in Hague, Hague, the Netherlands.Component of judicial system.Before the end of 2000, the US President Clinton signed a Roman Statistory before leaving at the end of 2000. However, after the small Bush government came to power, the United Nations immediately notified the United Nations that the signing of the United States was invalid.

The United States issued a threat two years ago

ICC is not afraid to insist on investigating crimes

The prosecutor Ben Suda, who was sanctioned this time, came from Gambia, Mochojoko came from Lesso, all of which belonged to small African countries.In the second half of 2017 they discovered that there were reason to believe that the United States had committed war and anti -human crimes in Afghanistan, and was ready to conduct investigations. At the same time, Palestine also asked ICC to investigate Israel's war crimes.Bolton, a Trump National Security Consultant in September 2018, threatened. If ICC launched any investigation against the United States and Israel, the United States would impose sanctions on its specific officials and the court itself.In March of this year, ICC ignored intimidation and authorized to investigate the allegations of the Afghanistan war crimes, including the crimes of US and American intelligence officials.Trump signed an administrative order in June to approve the ICC personnel who participated in the investigation.

Pompeo wanted to win the NATO allies who participated in the Afghanistan in June to stand on the same front, threatening that your people may be the next (victim). However, US sanctions are widely condemned.After Trump signed an administrative order, ICC's 123 parties to the contract, 67 National Alliances have jointly stated by Costa Rica and Switzerland, saying that they have a firm support for the international criminal judicial system under ICC and Rome Rome.The existence of the International Criminal Court as an independent and fair judicial institution.Borrell, a senior representative of EU diplomacy and security policy, also condemned the United States' decision at the time, saying that it was unacceptable in scope and content, and it was unprecedented.

After Pompeo announced the implementation of sanctions, Quan Aoku, chairman of the ICC Contracting National Assembly, pointed out that the behavior of the United States was unacceptable; ICC criticized the US government's sanctions to decide to be a serious attack on the rule of law;Hua Chunying, a spokesman for the ministry, questioned, where is the same responsible country in the United States?Venezuela Foreign Minister Areaza pointed out that the US sanctions were tantamount to acknowledging that he was responsible for the crime of ICC's investigation; the UN Secretary -General spokesman also said that the Secretary -General's concerns about the US sanctions.

The US sanctions on Benda and Mochoko include a refusal entry visa, frozen in US assets, and sanctions are also applicable to any other individuals who assist the two.In an interview with the US media as early as June, Ben Suda stated that the attack on the International Criminal Court was also an attack on the interests of the victims of the criminal atrocities. For many of them, the International Criminal Court represented the last hope of justice.

Since its establishment for 18 years, ICC has been attacked by various. In the early years, the court's crimes were concentrated in African countries, causing the outside world to dare to question the selective law enforcement of backward countries.After the Philippine President Duterte came to power in 2016, it was also investigated by ICC for the Pharoms of France in the anti -drug war. The Philippines announced the withdrawal from ICC in March 2018.It was the prosecutor of the Suda at the time investigating Duterte.

The United States opposed the ICC investigation of the US military's crime of war in Afghanistan. In addition to the United States is not an ICC signing abroad, it also claims that Afghanistan and any government that have signed Rome Rome have not made investigation requirements to ICC.As everyone knows, the crime of ICC investigation and punishment is exactly when some national authorities cannot or fail to prosecute.Otherwise, some superpowers can sign more bilateral agreements with their strength to prevent other countries from sending citizens of the country to ICC trial, so that the country's criminals will always be out of the law.

International rules choose to obey

U.S. priority hegemony hypocrisy

Ironically, the United States will always hang the international order based on the rules of the rules, and as a world police officer, even if it is the UN Marine Law Convention or the withdrawal of the World Health Organization, it must beInsert intervention, but there is a choice of compliance with international rules.In particular, since Trump came to power, it has often led to more than a dozen international treaties with the presence of the United States priority, and the number of retreats exceeded any previous US government.This time, ICC officials have made the world clearly see how the United States survives international law with its own national strength, and it perfectly shows what is domineering, what is hypocrisy, and what is dual standards.