The Japanese Liberal Democratic Party held the General Affairs Council (similar to the Taiwanese political party) on the first day.The elected party leader will be the next Prime Minister of Japan.

Forty years ago, the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party was directly elected by the members of the party membership, and the qualifiers were often the result of the vertical and horizontal between factions.Each factional valve promised to win members with official positions, party positions, political funds, and official subsidies, which became increasingly hypertrophy. The Tanaka faction led by the former Prime Minister Tanaka was healed by 140 members of parliament.

Tanaka Kok Rong, who had stepped down as Prime Minister's position in 1976, was arrested for Lockheed's bribery incident, and the critical voices of the party's leader in the party were rising.In 1978, the Liberal Democratic Party opened for the first time to vote, but in the first thirteen years after opening, the number of implementation was not large. The candidates were still clearly a faction leader or their successor.

Obviously after 1994, the national election election was changed to a small constituency system. The influence of local members' mobilization weakened, and party members took the initiative to participate in the motivation of party leaders to vote.The Liberal Democratic Party leader began to appear candidates supported by non -sent valves, such as Koizumi Chunichiro in 1995.

The power of party members made the situation over in the 2001 election.In this year, local votes increased from an electoral voter in each Daofu County to three votes, and in some regions, according to the results of party members' votes, the winner three votes were obtained.Chunichiro is very beneficial.

At that time, Koizumi confronted Hashimoto Ryomoto, which was supported by most valves.Koizumi voted for an overwhelming victory in the local area, and the people blown into Congress and changed the wind direction.In the end, the members of Xiaoquan in the two houses will always break the control of the valve and get more members of the prime minister.

Shi Po Mao, the former director of the Democratic Party, is also a strong candidate for local strength, but there are too few allies in the party.In addition to the three basic votes of the local party department in 2012, there are also votes allocated according to the number of party members and party members.Although Shi Po was ahead of local votes, the number of votes with parliamentarians was less than half.The second round of Shi Po and Shinzo Shinzo, and the members of the parliament re -voting, Shi Po, who had no friends in the party, was defeated.Of course, the candidate cannot ignore the strength of the opponent in the local area. Shi Po won Abe after the election and served as the chairman of the party.

This time Shi Po announced that he would run again.However, the second -order Junbo of the Liberal Democratic Party stated before the General Affairs Council, and tended to adopt a simple voting method to give the local party department three basic votes. There were a total of one or four votes in the local party.There is a decision -making advantage, which is considered to be blocked.

Shi Po is dissatisfied with this arrangement, considering an insult to party members.

Young Members were also dissatisfied with the people's opinions that they could not reach them. They launched a protest and protest. The top ten young members headed by the Minister of the Environment Minister Koizumi, who were led by the Minister of the Environment, expressed dissatisfaction at the General Affairs Meeting, and argued for more than two hours in the front and back.In the end, the second order was still filming. Considering the epidemic factors and the establishment of a new regime system as soon as possible, there was no party member voting this time.Because of this, of the current three major candidates, the five schools supported by the seven major factions in the party, the official house chief of the official house, was the highest call.