The country is composed of people, and the country is also controlled by people.

The United States, a country that has a state and local regime in the United States, is currently abducted by capital abduction.What is the root of this phenomenon?The author believes that it is the private industry's privateization that directly spawns capital abduction politics.

The strategic industry is too important and the volume is too huge. The strategic industry is private, directly creating a national oligopoly, creating a large interest group that protects its own interests.They have a national strategic industry. They have huge capital and resources. In election politics, they have the most powerful forces to support those who can maintain their interests and they want to support.Politicians need them, and they also use politicians, which directly causes capital to abduct politics. Regular elections of the year after year, they continue to deepen and strengthen their cooperation and utilization between them again and again.

Strategic industries such as finance, defense, petrochemical, aerospace, etc. are specific industrial departments that are important to achieve the development of the industrial structure to achieve the advanced goal of the industrial structure.Strategic industry is related to national security.The 21st century is the century of the global integration of production factors, and the competition of various economies will also be concentrated from the fields of politics, military and pan -production to the strategic industry.The strategic industry reflects the national level of industrialization of the country, and is the basic force that determines the overall strength of the country.

Based on the capitalist countries system in the United States, all industries are private.After so many years of rapid development, its country's financial, defense and other strategic industries have formed a large -scale enterprise group Economic Group.These strategic industries that have the lifeblood of the national industry have controlled various large groups.

It can be said that the US economic group controls the entire United States.Look at the core of the capital, MDASH; mdash; financial industry.The United States is now a country with a very high financialization of the virtual industry.The capital field in the country is huge.It is often said that Wall Street control Washington is a clear portrayal.The American institutional system provides financial capital group with fertile growth soil. Few politicians who want to move forward dare to offend US financial capital groups. In this land in the United States, the interests of financial capital groups cannot challenge. Ordinary people are always just capital production.tool!

The Federal Reserve Committee referred to as the Federal Reserve for short, equivalent to the central bank of the United States. The functions are to formulate and implement monetary policy, provide financial services, and maintain the financial system.Although it is called Quot; Federal Quot; but it is an organization of a private banker and a large enterprise group.

A secret book called the Federal Reserve has completely unveiled the mystery of the Federal Reserve.After nearly half a century of investigation and research, the author of the book finally received the original business license of 12 Federal Reserve banks, which clearly recorded the Fed's shares composition.By 1983, the Fed's shareholding was: Citi Bank 15%, Chase Manhattan 14%, JP Morgan Trust 9%, Hanover manufacturing 7%, and Hanhua Bank 8%.Six banks have a total of 53%of the shares.

As long as I can control the currency issuance of a country, I don't care who to formulate laws.American banker Meyer Middot; Rocheser's words make people know the truth behind it.

The US dollar we call is from the Federal Reserve, not the US government. The US government does not have the right to issue currency, and only the right to issue government bonds.The circulation of the US dollar was due to the US government's quot; loan quot; all US dollars allowed him to circulate in the United States and the world as a mortgage.The largest number of taxes paid by the American people each year is personal income tax, and these money does not enter the government's pocket as a fiscal budget, but directly enter the Fed's account as the interest used by the US government quot; loan quot; USD.

29%of the Jews of the Federal Reserve Chairman, including the former chairman Green Pan, Bernanke and the current chairman Yellen.This played a decisive role in the Jewish consortium in the future.Many people say that the Jewish consortium controls the United States by controlling the Federal Reserve, while white WASP controls the Economic and U.S. governments in the other half of it. It makes sense.

What Marx predicts that the only purpose of the Economic Group is to gather wealth, and the means of capitalism are plundering, plundering, and continuous plundering.As a result, the United States, a behemoth, has become a huge chariot that plunder the world. It can block the wind and rain for them, and can block bullets. They can also use the national banner to do those who are unsatisfactory and naked armed aggression.

Quot; Money does not have the motherland, and the financial family does not know what is patriotic and noble. Their only purpose is to make profit; mdash; mdash; Bona Middot; Napoleon

Many politicians in the United States come from the large financial groups and large companies from the economic industry.Naturally, their policies are mostly linked to economic resumes, but the most common place they are that they are just chess pieces in the hands of the huge US economic group. For the interests of economic groups, they can do a lot of things involving the interests of all countries around the world.

In China, what we hate most is the collusion between government and business, but in the United States, officials and businessmen have been mixed. Many businessmen have previously been officials, and many officials are previous businessmen.Officials are business, business is the official, just a title is different.The president of these large consortiums can be in charge of CIA and even the entire country as soon as they change. Of course, they have never moved in their own company's shares.Endless money does it for them?

Look at the US defense industry.On May 17, 2018, the Ministry of Defense Manufacturing and Industrial Basic Policy Office (MIBP) released the 21st annual industrial capacity evaluation report to conduct a leaving industry in the health status of the top ten industries such as aircraft, ships, and materials.Evaluate.The assessment content mentioned: 1) the aircraft industry. At present, most domestic aircraft platforms are provided by Boeing, Loma, Nogg, Germany, Airbus and GM companies.2) The ground vehicle industry is currently divided by the corresponding markets, Oshkosh and Hummer's two companies.3) In the ammunition and missile industry, the two main contractors of Thor Company and Loma account for about 97 % of the procurement of the Ministry of Defense.4) Most of the Ministry of National Defense and the electronic warfare industry's mining, R & D and maintenance projects of the Ministry of National Defense and the electronic warfare industry have been monopolized by Thunder, Nogg, Loma, Harris, and BAE systems.5) The ship industry, the integration of the US ship industry is mainly concentrated in the seven shipyards of the four companies.

It can be seen that Boeing, Roma, Thor, Nogg, Germany, Airbus and GM, Harris and BAE systems and several major shipyards in the United States are the core pillar companies of US defense work.It should be clear that there are shareholders, bosses, and consortia behind these national defense industry giants.They are all kinds of weapons and equipment for national producers, and they are also to maximize their interests in various ways, including involving politics, involving elections, encouraging military procurement and weapons sales, and even looking forward to the war to get rich.

The terrible part of the national defense industry is completely controlled by private entrepreneurs and private capital forces. When they promote national policy, they are considered for their own interests, not the consideration of the people and national interests.There is always such a force to promote and control national defense and security policies and national decisions, which is the biggest disadvantage and biggest inferiority of the privateization of the national defense industry.

The operation of the country, the state's decision -making, and the national election.

And American -style capitalism, strategic industries, will inevitably cause various interest groups, and must cause capital abduction politics.

People are profit -seeking, interest groups are beneficial, and capital is profitable.Various large -scale industries, oligarchs, interest groups, and economic groups created by various strategic industries in the United States, can also be said that the private industries in the United States can directly create monopoly capital.

And these monopoly capitalists,Living in the United States in American politics is bound to maximize the interests of national political pursuit through the capital and resources that you have control.This is the nature of monopoly capital.

French scholar Piketi pointed out in the book of the 21st century capital theory that because the capital yield of capital is much higher than the growth rate of productivity, the polarization of capitalist society must be more serious; when the gap between the rich and the poor reaches a certain degree, it will inevitably cause society to societyStructural crisis.It is difficult for the capitalist society to come out of the quagmire of a systemic crisis, which is the logic of capital evolution.In addition, the individualism and scams, which are rely on and continuously strengthening the capitalist development institute, not only cannot let everyone go out of their predicament, but also further deteriorate the capitalist systematic crisis.

The monopoly capital created by strategic industries is gradually eroding the democracy and equality of the United States.Re -election and governance. In order to capture power, politicians often promise many benefits that exceed objective conditions. As a result, either the air cannon is released, it will cause huge losses and aggravate the financial burden.Democratic politics has been abducted by capital and has become a tool for capital to profit.Some Western scholars' investigations found that the US policy was not democracy, but a chaebol.Former US President Barack Barack, in the speech of the National Love Counseling, talked about it without avoiding it that the political system in the United States often seems to tend to be rich, rich and powerful, and some special interest groups.

In fact, many countries have actually considered the superiority of socialism.Such as China's characteristic socialism, strategic industries (such as finance, petrochemical, aerospace, national defense, transportation, etc.) are controlled by the state, and state -owned enterprises formed by the state are operated.Officials of these enterprises are passengers and are employees of the country.This situation allows these huge strategic industries, capital -intensive industries, and industries involving national security.Monopoly capital power, these national strategic industries cannot become their own strength.This allows anyone in the national strategic industry to have no strength and energy to control the operation of the country, thereby directly eliminating the emergence of oligopoly politics, and may not exist in politics around capital.This is essentially the great benefit of the national public ownership of the national strategic industry.

At the same time, the national enterprise model of the national strategic industry and the state -owned system, which is dominated by the state -owned system, can also allow the national strategic industries to obtain the most efficient, powerful, and comprehensive development. For exampleIt can be promoted by support for national power.

To this day, the human state system can actually be seen very clearly, so that all industries have taken great disadvantages of privateization.With the national strategy, the country's lifeblood, and the major industries that are closely related to the people's livelihood, if they are all handed over to private, there are very big disadvantages.

The industry of a country can actually be divided into three categories in the following three categories from the most favorable way for the country and the people, and the development of its most suitable development mode, which may be the ultimate development direction of the human state system:

First, the social and civil life industries, such as medical, education, social security, transportation, etc., require the national level to lead to planning and organizing and organizing industries. These industries can be seen from the results of the comparison of Chinese and Western operations in these years.Privateization into power supplement is the most suitable industrial operation model.Such industries can be carried out in the form of national socialism, allowing the country and the government to take the people as the center of society, and to carry out all work around the interests of all people, such as precision poverty alleviation villages to revitalize and support national medical education.Promotion of the total population base of the country.

The second is the national strategic industry, which is involved in the theme of this article.Such industries, such as state -owned enterprise models dominated by state -owned system, will allow national strategic industries to obtain the most efficient, most powerful, and comprehensive promotion.At the same time, it can also be extremely effective to prevent national politics by capital by economic groups and oligarchs.This allows anyone in the national strategic industry to have no strength and energy to control the country's operations, thereby directly eliminating the emergence of oligopoly politics, so that the possibility of capital politics may not exist.This is essentially the great benefit of the national public ownership of the national strategic industry.

Third, all industries except the above -mentioned one or two of the social civil and property industry and the national strategic industry. If these industries are mainly private enterprise models based on private ownership, they can fully release all national wisdom and promote the popularity of the whole people to create the maximum wealth.The maximum output, such as Huawei Alibaba Tencent DJI, is as good as European and American companies, can also succeed in China.

With the private capitalism of private ownership of the whole industry, the development disadvantages of the development of the social livelihood industry are that the development of this type of industry lacks socialist nature.At the same time, the current status of the current capital abduction politics in the Western world is also the complete privateization of the national strategic industry.

It can be said that the most important institutional tumor disadvantages of the current operation of the United States and Europe's capitalism are almost the root causes of the two fundamental issues: 1. The social and private industries are fully private, and the national strategic industry is completely private.

Author: Peng Shengyu

Special researcher at the Strategic Researcher of Petroleum Central Enterprise and IFF International Financial Forum Research Institute