Author: Wang Xin Source: Hong Kong 01

The trend of confrontation between China and the United States has intensified, and the relationship between the two armies, which is even known as the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between the two countries, has recently begun to be tense, with a strong smell of gunpowder.

After the US military's long -term, high -frequency, and diverse close -up reconnaissance and demonstrations around China, the Chinese army recently organized a number of military training or exercises in high -profile organizations around the surrounding seas of the surrounding area.At least 21 military operations have been arranged from the 26th to August 27th. During this period, the PLA launched the Dongfeng-26B (launched from Qinghai), Dongfeng-21D (from Zhejiang), and Giant wave-2A in the South China Sea on August 26.Several medium -range missiles inside particularly attracted the attention of the outside world and were considered to be very strong to the police signal.

If the above actions are also optimistic about the obvious action of American provocation, it is only for domestic elections, and China's response is only for the state's dignity of the muscles of national dignity.Then, recently, the senior management of the Chinese and American military has changed the previous restraint, and the behavior of each other is particularly vigilant.

On the evening of August 6, Minister of Defense Wei Feng and US Secretary of Defense Esper called.This is after March 3 this year, the Minister of Defense of China and the United States talked again after 5 months. Although both countries said that calling behaviors were beneficial and said that they would maintain the dialogue mechanism, but the news from the period showed thatThere are both confrontation and communication within an hour and a half.Judging from the recent movement of the two countries, calls on August 6 have not eased the current tension.

Esper first published an article preparing for China on August 24, entitled that the Pentagon has prepared for China, and proposed to take three major measures to deal with the threat of China's military power.Regarding the frequent behavior of the US military aircraft close to the Chinese border reconnaissance flight, China is deemed to be provocative and threatened, and the United States believes that it is maintaining the freedom of navigation of the South China Sea.Esper said on August 26 at Middot, Daniel, Hawaii; in his speech, the Asia -Pacific Security Issues Research Center stated that the United States was responsible for leading Pacific Affairs and would not give up one inch of land from other countries who thought they had a better political system.

The United States responded fiercely on the PLA's several medium -range missiles launched by the South China Sea on August 26.The U.S. Department of Defense issued publicly on August 27, saying that the Chinese army recently launched missiles in the South China Sea to destroy regional stability.Esper accused China of making unstable manufacturing in the Pacific in Pacific Palau on the 28th.Before he went to Palau, he also alerted in Hawaii that the worldwide free and open system established after World War II was attacked by what he called China in the Indo -Pacific region.

It can be seen that after China and the United States have conflicts between trade, technology, Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Hong Kong, the military relations have also developed from the symbolic mutual muscle of the previous fighter planes to the open voice of the military senior management.In addition, the US military's pressure on China also continued to sanction from the aircraft, military aircraft immersive to specific Chinese -funded enterprises.

Following the list of 20 Chinese companies including Huawei and Hikvision in June this year as the Chinese military owned or controlled, the US Department of Defense added 11 Chinese companies on August 28.The list does not come with any direct sanctions and restrictions, but some analysts point out that the move has laid the foundation for the US government's targeted sanctions.The Ministry of Defense announced in the statement that the Pentagon is determined to highlight and counter Chinese LSquo; Military -civilian integration development strategy RSQUO;Support the modern goal of the Chinese army.The statement is at the end that the US Department of Defense will continue to update the list under appropriate circumstances.

The provocative attitude is even more obvious that the PLA's South China Navy performed on August 29. The U.S. military was detected that at least four military planes flew into the South China Sea on the same day, specifically one EP-3E electronic reconnaissance aircraft, two two, twoThe P-8A anti-submarine patrol aircraft, as well as a KC-135R air refueling machine, set a recent record.Some commented that the activities of the U.S. military aircraft should be to collect the equipment during the PLA's drills and technical and tactical indicators to improve the battlefield database, and the purpose is to deal with the military conflict that may occur with the PLA in the future.

In response to the U.S. military's step -by -step, the most directional response of the Chinese military is that at the regular press conference of the Chinese Ministry of National Defense on August 27, a spokesman Wu Qian's speeches will not follow the Chinese side.Beautiful dance, won't be Mei Hu Lai.This shows that it is consistent with the opponent of the trade war and the conflict between China and the United States before, and China still adheres to the principle of maintaining communication but not conquering the core interests.

At the same time, the senior officials of the Communist Party of China are paying more and more attention to security issues. At a meeting in late July in late July, the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping said to the 25 members of the Politburo who controlled China.Big threat.In this context, the CCP's senior management has increasingly emphasized that promoting China's economic development by opening up internal circulation and innovation autonomy is not only internal affairs, but also another preparation and means to deal with the United States.In this way, if the US military's right to speak to the Huagong faction is getting stronger and stronger, the scene where the military of the two countries will not have appeared is not completely impossible.