Chen Hongbin

The Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced his resignation, which undoubtedly made Japanese political scenes enter the autumn of events again.

On the morning of August 28, Abe met his deputy Prime Minister Masako Taro.On the time of leaving the official residence of the Prime Minister, although the media repeatedly asked, he just said nothing. This was undoubtedly a guess that had been constantly appearing before, that is, Abe would resign again.Sure enough, the mainstream media such as the Kyoda Society and the Japan Broadcasting Association (NHK) immediately issued a preview that Abe will announce the resignation at a press conference on the afternoon of the day.

On the afternoon of the same day, Abe went to the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters to communicate with the second -step Junbo of the Director of the Director, and then held a meeting of the Liberal Democratic Party leaders to show this willingness.Then he met with the co -governing Gongming Party leader Yamaguchi Nakinan in Congress and passed the information in person.

In June of this year, Abe went to the Affiliated Hospital of Qingying University for a medical examination.In just two months, I went to the hospital for seven and a half hours on August 17 for a medical examination.Even if there are many medical examination items, there is no need for so long, and the Abe's physical examination does not need to wait in line at all.The Japanese media estimated that Abe had a related outpatient surgery. After the surgery, the hospital was observed. It was discharged from the hospital after confirming that the hospital was confirmed.

But immediately after a week, Abe actually went to the hospital to hear the medical examination report again and did some new inspection items, with a length of up to three hours and 40 minutes.Although Abe himself and the hospital are in the bottle, the Japanese politics and the media pay close attention to this, and analyzes the related impact on politics.

The reason why Abe's health attracted attention was because Abe first served as Prime Minister for the first time, and suddenly resigned because of his ulcerous colonitis, which made the Japanese government then trapped in a hurry.At the end of 2012, the Liberal Democratic Party recaptured the regime, and after Abe renewed as the Prime Minister, the Liberal Democratic Party had always worried about his health.This year, the domestic domestic epidemic spread, and the heavy resistance mission caused Abe's workload to increase. As of June 20, he had worked for 147 days in a row.State schedule (usually about 10 days).

Such a rotation of the axis obviously severely damaged Abe's health, so recently went to the hospital for medical treatment.Since the end of the Congress on June 18, Abe has not held a formal press conference once. Therefore, whether Abe can hold on the accumulation of Japanese politics and the media, it is obviously not worrying.

The Japanese Prime Minister fell in the post.At the beginning of this century, the former Prime Minister Xiaoyuanhui San suddenly died during his term, causing a panic in politics.In the early 1980s, the former Prime Minister Da Ping Zhengfang also suddenly drove to the west during his tenure, which also made the political circles at a loss.

While Abe went to the hospital for medical treatment one after another, his tenure time surpassed his uncle's grandfather Sato, and became the longest prime minister in modern Japanese history.This was originally a hot topic that allowed Japanese media to hype for a period of time, but the unexpectedly of Abe's health worries obviously diluted this topic.For Abe himself, the rewriting time record is obviously a great achievement, especially for a period of time that the Japanese Prime Minister had taken the lamp like a landlight. The significance of Abe's long governance record was even more common.

But for Abe, the length of the governance is second, and the key is whether it can leave any political heritage.As far as the post -war Japanese Prime Minister is concerned, the early Yoshida Mao established the path of peaceful development of light economic and light for Japan, laying the foundation for the high -speed growth of the Japanese economy. The subsequent Tanaka Kok RongJapan's sustainable development has achieved great achievements.In the future, Zhong Zeng Kanghong completed the private reform of the railway during his term, leaving an extraordinary record in the history of Japan.

In the early years of this century, Koizumi Koizuro also received unanimous recognition from Japan through postal reform.Although Abe has far beyond the above, there is nothing to exaggerate, and he can't get any decent transcripts.The Abe's economics launched on the occasion of returning to politics is lack of goodness. In recent years, the Japanese economy has been striving for almost in place.Affected by the epidemic this year, 27.8%declined in the second quarter, setting an unprecedented shrinking.

Abe's foreign policy

Since Abe's return, its biggest governance goal is to say goodbye to the post -war system. Specifically, it is to modify the most representative peace constitution.Although he has made a lot of solutions for many years, the matter is that the asshole has not been pushed, and there is no progress. Abe was deeply helpless.So he could only retreat, and put forward the slogan of the post -war diplomacy final accounts, and made every effort to try to build a solid in the diplomatic field.However, the main direction of Japanese diplomacy is nothing more than to Russia, to the DPRK, and Hanhe to China.

For Russian diplomacy, Abe and Russian President Putin have met or talks about 27 times, but the hope of solving the northern territorial issue has become increasingly slim, and Russia's attitude in this issue is becoming increasingly tough.As for diplomacy for North Korea, there is no dialogue channel between Japan and North Korea. North Korea is completely reluctant to hold any levels of talks with Japan.In the field of diplomacy in South Korea, due to the tough stance of South Korea on the issue of comfort women, Japan's embargo on three semiconductor materials for South Korea last year caused further deterioration of bilateral relations.

As for the relationship between China, the previous two years have improved significantly with the joint efforts of both parties. This spring of this year, the Japanese government originally intended to receive the Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to the day of the Chinese President, but it was postponed because of the epidemic.Since then, due to the poor anti -epidemic effects of the Japanese government, coupled with Japan's tough forces in China, the Hong Kong issue and the Diaoyu Islands (known as Jiangang Island) have a decline in bilateral relations. This is very regrettable.

The latest polls of the Kyodo News August show that the non -support rate of Abe's cabinet has climbed to 49.1%, setting a secondary high since its comeback.According to the polls of well -known global consulting companies, in the evaluation of the anti -epidemic performance of Japan, the United States, France, Germany, Sweden, and British leaders, German Chancellor Merkel scored 42 points to lead the lead; US President Trump as the US President Trump as the asks for the United States President Trump as the time.Lost 12 points, but Abe actually had a negative 34 point at the bottom, and Bitter Trump was a lot lower, which made Abe's feelings?

If there is no sudden epidemic, the Tokyo Olympics has ended successfully. For Abe, which personally strives to win the host right and announces the opening of the Olympic Games, this can be the only highlight in its ruling experience, but it has been postponed to next year.The global epidemic has not seen an inflection point so far. After the delayed Tokyo Olympics, there are still many uncertain factors at the moment. Abe can only sigh in the sky.

Love stack is meaningless to Abe, and whether it can leave a political heritage does not depend on personal wishes.Since you can't get the opportunity, you might as well return, so that you will not be tired of yourself, and become the second or second in Xiaoyuan.Abe has set the longest record of governing.At this point, how can a husband look for it?

The next priority of the Democratic Party is to launch a new president.Judging from the latest polls, it seems that Shi Po, the former director of the Liberal Democratic Party, tops the list.However, Shi Po Mao's faction is not the mainstream of the Liberal Party, and since Abe returned, he has not been able to enter the ruling team, and Abe has no good opinion of him, so it is estimated that this public has no drama.

After many years, Abe has been interested in leaving, and has given the regime Zen to Kishida Wenxiong to the President of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s Government Investigation. Kishida has also been very low -key, waiting patiently, and never challenged Abe.According to Abe's wishes, Kishida takes care of it for granted.It is reported that the eighty -year -old Masheng Taro also intends to come back to Liu Lang, but it is estimated that the intra -party resistance he encountered will be very large.In addition, Cabinet Secretary -General Tan Yiwei is also a strong competitor. Although he rarely shows this willingness, who does not want to inherit the big position?In addition, the Minister of Defense Kono Kono is eager to try it.

But no matter who replaced Abe, it is impossible to have prestige like Abe in the party, which is likely to lead to the severe challenges of the new Prime Minister's constant facing political opponents.Whether the Japanese political situation in the post -Abe era can maintain stability?The problem.After the news of Abe's resignation came out, the Japanese stock market plummeted by more than 600 points, which is enough to show that Japan has ushered in many autumn.

The author is a retired scholar in Shanghai, China

After many years, Abe has been interested in leaving, and has given the regime Zen to Kishida Wenxiong to the President of the Liberal Democratic Party ’s Government Investigation. Kishida has also been very low -key, waiting patiently, and never challenged Abe.According to Abe's wishes, Kishida takes care of it for granted.It is reported that the eighty -year -old Masheng Taro also intends to come back to Liu Lang, but it is estimated that the intra -party resistance he encountered will be very large.