Source: Reuters

As the largest wheat buyer in Asia has a trade conflict with the major supply of countries in Australia, it has changed the global supply trend. Argentina has begun to export barley to China and ended its stagnation in the past three years.Barley is mainly used for livestock feed and beer.

According to the export license that Reuters and private enterprises, Argentina may export at least 250,000 tons of barley this year. In 2021, it reached a record of 380,000 tons, and the exports in 2019 are basically zero.

We loaded 65,000 tons of ships on Sunday and shipped to China.It is planned to issue three or four batches of ships in January, and a trader of an international grain company in Argentina said anonymous.

Due to a conflict with Australia, China turned to us this year. The trader stated that it refers to political disputes between China and Australia, and prompted China to levy high anti -dumping and anti -subsidy tariffs on barley imported from Australia in May.

Eugenia Rul, an analyst at the BAHIA Blanca Grain Exchange, said that before the ship's ships on Sunday, Argentina exported 160,000 tons of barley to China in the past two months.

According to the Argentine statistics agency INDEC, a small number of non -announced feed was transported to China last year. Last time, Argentina exported beer for China in 2016, when it was exported to 31,500 tons.