Lus: Some people say that Trump hijacked the Republican Party.Then the Republican Party suffered from Stockholm syndrome.But this is not the whole thing.

The United States is bright and beautiful tomorrow mdash; mdash; always shouting.

Such a future picture consisting of the current eldest son of the United States may be different from the future Mdash; MDASH; Big Brothers, which is different from the details of the details.But the message conveyed by the Republican National Congress this week is Owa.Donald Bull; Trump's political parties have no obvious programs, and even have no shadow of the second term agenda.Therefore, there is no possibility of objection.Trump's main agent is his own family member.The message conveyed was Trump and the entire Trump, and there was nothing except Trump.

Those who questioned the future of the United States have been out of place.Half of American democracy has stopped.It is a political party to give democratic vitality.The Republican Party has become a personal worship, and there is no other thing.It is neither conservative nor any other ideological ideology.Trump said at any particular moment, what it is, what it is.On this day, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may be the most fatal enemy in the United States.The audience applauded.On the other hand, Kim Jong -un became the soul brother of Trump.The audience is still standing.

Some people can't help but say that Trump hijacked the Grand Old Party.Then it suffered from Stockholm syndrome.This is not the whole thing.Trump is the natural product of political parties that have been closer to this result for many years.Trump's biggest promoter Mdash; mdash; Senate's major party leader Mickey Bull; Mitch McConnell (Mitch McConnell) helped the seeds during the Presidential period in Barack Obama.He changed the essence of American politics and made it a mdash; mdash; victory was the only goal of this struggle, no matter what the result was.

It is not surprising that this strategy will pave the way for such a president to flatten MDASH; mdash; the only purpose of the president believes that conservativeism is to win.Power is no longer a means to achieve a conservative goal.It is the result.

Trump's previous Republican nominated presidential candidate Mdash; mdash; Bull;mdash; none of them were invited to participate in the Republican Conference this week. If John McCain is still alive, he will not be invited.A large number of conservative think tanks, which have gradually established in the previous generation, have not been consulted.As long as Trump bend his finger, these think tanks can propose a large number of private sector solutions to solve various problems such as the future of science and technology to education.However, they no longer need their services.

The Republican Party danced with any melody in Trump's mind.What is lacking is the connection with any coherent plan for his second term.This year, the Republican Party has not been announced for the first time in history.It just mentioned Trump's 2016 campaign.The Republican Party said at the conference that the Republican Party has continued to strongly support the US Priority Aired by President.The list of resolutions on a page of paper consists of a series of vague points, which makes Trump's room for determining what they are.Just as George Orwell's statement, Trump decided what the truth was and what the truth was.

This means that there is no new idea in how to cope with the epidemic, and the epidemic is a huge challenge facing the United States.It has been five months since Trump's predictive virus will disappear, and 180,000 Americans have died.On the eve of the conference, Trump indeed announced that the relevant U.S. departments approved plasma therapy urgently. He claimed that this would change the treatment of new coronary virus pneumonia (COVID-19).Scientists almost refuted his data.

There is no idea about climate change.Many conservatives have expressed their support for the green tax MDASH; mdash; this is a market -based remedial measure that the Republican president will seize it before.There is no idea about how to deal with China in terms of trade, technology and human rights.The cabinet was empty again.Trump also caminated with infrastructure construction in 2016.Today, he no longer pretends to have a plan.

Trump's political party is a post -idea.This Republican plan is Trump.According to the first lady Marania Bull; Mlania Trump, her husband is a completely honest person.Conservative student activist Charlie Bull; Charlie Kirk said Trump is the guardian of Western civilization.Another person said that Trump has done more for African Americans than any American president in history.There are many such things.

If Trump obediently obeyed his political adviser, he would focus on Joe Biden's weakness and his own US rejuvenation policy at this conference.What Trump should not do is to make November this November a referendum to him.

It's too late now.Republicans have created conditions for their abduction, and now Republicans must show that they have always known.Those who escaped, such as the former presidential candidate John Bull; John Kasich, escaped into the camp of Biden.This is probably the first time in American history. The real conservatives who spoke at the Democratic Party this year are more than speaking at the Republican Conference.There are still two ideological parties in the United States.Just the two mdash; mdash; conservatives and socialists mdash; mdash; they were all rushed to the Democratic Party's boat.

Next is Trump's Owel -style carnival.The show is wonderful.He understands TV reality shows.Each episode itself is a play, and there is no connection between this episode and the next episode.There is a series of African Americans in the Republican Conference.However, Trump warned that white suburbs would be destroyed by low -income housing.His political parties do not care about any contradictions between the message and reality.

Whether Trump won or lost in November, he now holds the Republican Party in his palm.They are now the prisoners of Frankenstein, which they helped create.

Translator/Pei Pan