Ming Pao News Agency

Anti -disease cannot be politicized, and must be given up and down.For a time, South Korea, which was considered a model of anti -epidemic, has recently turned straight to the epidemic, and a single -day confirmed case has repeatedly broke the new high, facing the national outbreak.Wen Zaiyin's government suppressed the epidemic, and did not explain the list of church members as soon as possible to the authorities. As a result, the Korean epidemic prevention department was unable to track invisible patients and close contacts. The virus spread everywhere.The role of anti -epidemic in the past six months may be destroyed.South Korea's anti -epidemic situation is in danger of Xiao Wall, and the lesson is worthy of everyone to remember.

South Korea's epidemic turns straight down

Reflection Political Tearing Confrontation

The global outbreak has exploded for half a year. Many countries and regions that have been regarded as a model of successful resistance have occurred. There have been problems with one after another. First, Singapore lost to the epidemic.In order to curb the epidemic, the government re -tighten the social distance restrictions. In addition to indoor outdoor restrictions, closure of public facilities, civil servants' work at home, and high risk offices, the authorities have ordered all schools to change all schools this week.In addition, the official number of Taiwan shows that the local zero infection in the last 20 days, but there are many output cases in the same period. Many countries have discovered that entryrs from Taiwan have been diagnosed.It's low, and the situation is worth paying attention.

So far, there are more than 50,000 cases in Singapore, and there are about 18,000 cumulative South Korea.In the past few weeks, the Korean epidemic has turned sharply, and the number of new cases has been recorded for 13 consecutive days. The diagnosis case in a single day has recently increased by 300. The authorities said that the virus is spreading to the country at a terrible rate.If the epidemic has no improvement, it is necessary to consider raising the response level to the highest level 3. At that time, all economic and social activities across the country will be stopped.

The virus does not talk about politics. Where there is a vulnerability in the Great Wall of Epidemic, the virus will take advantage of it.Many people put the focus of epidemic prevention in external prevention input. However, today the world is closely connected, and the economies of various places are dependent on each other. It is difficult to completely close the country in order to prevent epidemic prevention. If you do not consider individual data unreliable countries, there are about 10 countries in the world.Most of them are the southern Pacific island countries.It is difficult to drip the water from external prevention input. The real Great Wall of Epidemic Prevention must both be internal and external, so that the internal defense spread.In this epidemic, the long -term deep contradictions and weaknesses in society in various places have repeatedly become a breakthrough in the spread of virus, which has led to the failure of the Great Wall of the epidemic prevention.The outbreak of the outbreak of foreign labor dormitory in Singapore in April and May exposed the issue of foreign workers' rights and interests. The crisis in South Korea reflects local political tear and ideological opposition.

At the beginning of this year, the new world church was regarded as the source. As for the source of the new wave of epidemic, the focus fell in the first church of love (hereinafter referred to as love education).Although both are church groups, in the eyes of many Koreans, love teaching is more like a right -wing conservative political organization.The church is closely related to the right -wing people in South Korea. Many church members have determined that the left President Moon Jae -in is a communist, a puppet of China and North Korea, and will regularly hold a rally in Seoul to attack Wen Zaiyin.

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, love education has always adopted a non -cooperative attitude towards the authorities' epidemic prevention measures and appeals.In the middle of this month, the first diagnostic person in the love education was in just one week. In just one week, hundreds of taught people confirmed the diagnosis and caused multiple group infections in the community.In the Seoul rally against Wen Zaiyin, the epidemic spread further. In order to track close contact, the authorities asked the love education to provide a list of believers. However, the church did not actively cooperate.Many taught people believe that the virus is the deliberate spread of the Church of the Underworld of North Korea. The whole thing is the conspiracy of the Wen Zaiyin government, trying to use the epidemic to ban and eliminate the love of love. Quan Guangxun even claims that this is a virus for love education.Attack.

Officials and people's resistance to disease

Checking the tracking difficult

The South Korean government used large -scale virus testing and high -efficiency virus tracking capabilities to overcome the first wave of epidemics earlier this year and set a benchmark for controlling the epidemic situation for democratic countries.If the officials and the people lack mutual trust, everything is also in vain.In May this year, the South Korean epidemic appeared repeatedly. The epidemic outbreak of the nightclub of Litaiyuan District, Seoul, and some of the guests who patronized the local gay bar, worried that the sexual orientation was exposed, and did not cooperate with the authorities to trace the virus.It has always been unable to return to zero; this time the South Korean epidemic is resurrected, and the dead point is political opposition and distrust. According to the Korean authorities, the love education has not provided a true and complete list of members. In the endGet all the methods of contact with believers.

The form of anti -epidemic politics is always Linlin, and some countries have a heavy epidemic. The problem is that those who are in power ignore the epidemic and science. Personal political interests will be preceded, and the epidemic prevention work infiltrates a large number of political computing and operations. Some places are like South Korea this time.Trust, failed to resist.The epidemic is protracted. In order to avoid long -term loss, the officials and the people must let go of differences and cooperate with their strength.The trace of the virus must be fast and accurate. Now that the Korean authorities must turn the tide, the difficulty can be imagined.This time the South Korean epidemic was anxious, just reminding everyone that they should not be politicized.