01 Viewpoint

Without the U.S. presidential election, it was less than 70 days. The Democratic Republican Party held the National Party Congress for more than a row, officially nominated the former Vice President Biden, Senator He Jinli, and the current Vice President Tron and President Ton of Pengers against the election.Every four years of the National Party Conference is an important event of American politics. The party in the party has a new star in the party, bargaining of various factions, and supporters of supporters and cheering to cheer, which is the cold time for major politicians.This year, due to the failure of the new coronary virus epidemic, most of the speakers broadcast speeches at remotely, which made the original lively atmosphere lost a lot.

In the past, the nominated presidential procedure of the two parties was not recommended in the party in the past. Although occasionally held the preliminary selection in the designated state, the final decision was still held by the influential veteran within the party.), The secret room politics symbolizing the big guys of each faction.Until 1968, the wind of the anti -Vietnam war movement in 1968, then the then president Jonson lost his heart and announced that he would not be re -elected after the early selection was frustrated.The leader of the black people's power Martin Lutherin was assassinated and caused the riots in the country to be less than a few months later, and the Democratic President's primary candidate Luo Bang Gandi was stabbed and made the party in the party.EssenceAt that time, a large number of anti -war members demonstrated outside the venue of the Chicago Democratic Party conference, which caused a conflict between police and civilians, and eventually forced the Democratic Party to carry out intra -party reforms and establish a preliminary system that has been running to this day.

On the occasion of this two -party party conference, the United States is being raged by the new crown virus epidemic, and a African man Freud is suspected of being killed by the police. It has triggered the riots in the country.It is the peak since 1968, but the two parties that have been holding the state politics have not responded appropriately to society.In the last two parties, there were anti -building populist Sanders and Trump, respectively, and the great injury to the unity within the party.Although the Democratic Party followed the requirements of the opponent, the super party representative votes composed of veterans and people in the party downgraded. Only when the candidates obtained more than half of the candidates in the first round, they joined the voting. HoweverThe backdoor politics still has not completely eradicated.During the primaries, Obama changed a neutral attitude, and for the backward situation of Bayeng's needle, persuading many opponents in the party, united the party's establishment, and the situation of Sanders, which had a good situation.

Progressive of the Democratic Party has a false name

Obama has been more active since then, and has repeatedly supported Bayon and attacked Trump. The degree of activity is just like the twice campaign in 2008 and 2012.The speakers of the Democratic Party Conference also invited a number of Republican heads of the former Secretary of State Powell, former Ohio Governor John Kasich, to create the situation of cross -party anti -Trump Alliances in the union and middle and right.However, in the preliminary election, the progressive clubs that have been repeatedly received in the primaries have been treated coldly, and even the party's New York Star member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez nominated Sanders' speech is less than a minute.When the country is at the crossroads, when the Chinese are eager to change, the Democratic Party launched the old politician in Washington for more than 40 years. The former President Obama and his wife cheered and continued to move to the right.Some netizens satirically said that they were watching the Republican Congress of 1996.

In response to the domestic discrimination of racial discrimination, the Democratic Party also invited a large number of ethnic minorities to serve as speakers. Even Bayidon's process of choosing Vice President was designated, and a African -American woman was specified.After He Jinli became the vice presidential candidate, Liberal Media has speculated that her Jamaica and Indian identities were known as the first first.However, in fact, He Jinli served as the California Procuratorate for his own style. He was well -known for his work style. He had controversially detained African -American men because of minor criminal criminals into the prisoner.As for Biden's early years, she supported racial isolation policies, and he was not speechless in person in the preliminary debate by He Jinli during the preliminary debate.It was aimed at the reform of the criminal regulations in the 1990s and was pointed to the ethnic minorities.Congratulations to the identity politics of the two, but the scores of civil rights are not glory, and they also have to degenerate the main demands of demonstrations to reduce the police.

Although the Democratic Party claims that Biden will be the most progressive president since the little Roosevelt, it has never proposed a major major policy such as the new policy of Roosevelt.How much support can be attracted.The poll shows that 56%of the respondents supported Biden because it was not Trump, and it can be seen that its support is extremely unrealistic, and those who support Trump's leadership and policies are more than Biden.In the face of demonstrations that sweeping the whole country, Trump also tried to join the colorful race as the party conference speaker. Among them, Tim Scott, the only non -exterior senator in the party, pointed out that he had the illiterate grandfather of cotton workers.As a change of as a member of Congress, it is enough to see that the United States is still full of hope in the future and the information is positive.However, Nikki Haley, another Indian ambassador to the United Nations, said that the United States is a non -racist country, which is ridiculous.

Both parties only manipulate identity politics

On Tuesday (25th), the most chilling person in the party conference on the first night, Kimberly Guilfoyle, the eldest son of Trustch's eldest son Donald and former Ho Shi News, almost growled that the Democratic Party was destroying the United States.She was madly circulated by the Internet and was ridiculed like North Korean broadcasters.Many speakers of the Republican Conference have continuously reiterated that Once Biden was elected, it would take away the freedom of Americans, subverts the lifestyle of Americans, bring the United States into a socialist country similar to Cuba or Venezuela, and also implies that Bayeng will be SandersSocialists such as Cordus manipulated like a puppet master, whether the Americans were implemented in doubt.Biden is a character that is passed on to the United States. The mild image is long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is necessary to shape it into a dangerous radical left -wing.In terms of, it is likely that it will only make a smile.

In fact, the Trump camp's strategy of wiping red Biden is really puzzling.The reason why the last Trump could defeat Hillary later was due to Trump's information on Hillary's trade and foreign policy, and the message of anti -corruption and elite with Wall Street, which successfully made the anti -globalization and anti -new liberalism.White workers class.However, Trump has completely abandoned this economic national election strategy this year.Instead, it has a relationship with unrelated socialism.Compared to Byendon's cross -party stars, most of the Republican Conference is actually a member of the Trump family. Even Senator Josh Hawley, who has inherited Trump's anti -building route in recent years, or even LabioWithout invitation, the efforts of expanding their own camps were obviously compared by the Democratic Party.

The US presidential election has entered the last straight way, and both camps have continued to reiterate this as the most important election in the history of the United States.The opponent, even intentionally or unintentionally created conspiracy theories, and never carefully sorted out the most acute problems in social contradictions and oppositions for nearly half a century and raised solutions.In the end, between Biden and Trump, how the Americans make good use of a vote that determines the future direction of the country must listen to the wisdom of Americans.