Author: Wenshan

Source: Voice of Germany

In an exclusive interview, Trump said that China has more plunder to the United States than any other country. The United States can only obtain some products that we can produce ourselves from China, and the scale we lose is as high as hundreds of billions of dollars.

Trump also mentioned the first -stage trade agreement that allowed the US -China trade war to ease.However, after the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the agreement was indifferent to me.He even said that he might completely cut off the relations between the United States and the Communist Party.If they can't treat us correctly, I will choose to do that.

In mid -June this year, Trump also publicly stated that decoupling with China has always been one of the options for US policies.Under a series of premise, it can be completely decoupled with China.The US President's statement at that time was to refute the decoustification of US -China relations on US trade negotiated representatives of US trade negotiations.

U.S. Treasury Secretary Mnuxin said in late June that if the U.S. companies cannot have a fair competition in the Chinese market, the US -China economy will be decoupled.If the United States cannot participate in competition on the basis of fair competition, then you will see that the decoustal process will continue.

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo also mentioned the discounted problem of the United States and China in his speech on July 23 this year.However, he acknowledged that compared with the opponent's opponent Soviet Union during the Cold War period, China today is more closely composed of many countries including the United States, which constitutes a huge challenge.

At present, the decoupling between the United States and China is mainly concentrated in the field of technology.The United States has launched a state of emergency security in the field of telecommunications, thereby prohibiting business exchanges between American companies or third -country companies using American products and many Chinese companies such as Huawei.Affected by this ban, the supply of Huawei to American customers will be interrupted; on the other hand, Huawei can no longer obtain American chips, and even TSMC in Taiwan's company will have to have Huawei QUOT after September this year.Quot; chip-TSMC's chip processing technology uses a large number of American technology, which is also controlled by the US ban.

In recent weeks, the United States has also waved its sticks to Chinese software developers.Trump has signed an administrative order asking American companies and individuals to stop making any form of transactions with the parent company of Tiktok and WeChat.In this context, many American companies such as Microsoft, Twitter, Oracle, etc. are seeking to acquire Tiktok's US business.TIKTOK's parent company's byte beating has officially prosecuted the US government in this administration.

Just last week, the U.S. government also announced that Chinese drone manufacturer DJI (DJI) has been banned from participating in government procurement projects in the United States.However, as the industry leaders, DJI's small drone products have rarely substitutes in the market, and the market share is as high as 70%.DJI has not been affected much in the face of ordinary US customers.On August 21, the US International Trade Commission also made a final ruling on whether DJI products infringed patent rights, stating that they would not issue a ban on DJI.

On the other hand, China is also brewing to decompose with the United States, reduce its dependence on the US technology and US markets, and strive to start internal circulation.China has recently expressed frequently, encouraging Chinese consumers and Chinese enterprises to give priority to choosing domestic products rather than imported products; the main goal of the Chinese manufacturing 2025 strategy, which has been launched for many years, is also the dependence of science and technology and eliminating foreign technology led by the United States.

Just recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China announced the bidding of the open source custody platform project in 2020, and announced that it will rely on China's local Gitee to build China's independent open source code custody platform.IT industry insiders pointed out that this is obviously creating a substitute for github.At present, Github is the first choice of open source code custody platform for global programmers, which is operated by Microsoft.In 2019, GitHub cut off services in Iran, Syria, Crimea and other regions, causing anger and panic in the open source community.At that time, Wang Chengzu, a Huawei executive, said that if China does not have its own open source community to maintain and manage the source code, then our domestic software industry will be very vulnerable to unprepared factors.

The political sensitivity content on GitHub also has a headache for China.In 2013, GitHub briefly shielded GitHub, which severely interfered the daily work of a large number of programmers in China, and triggered a strong rebound of many industry leaders, including Li Kaifu.Under the pressure, Github was unsealed in just a few days.If there can be alternatives in China, China can no longer worry about mouse taboos when blocking GitHub.