Zhu Ying

The United States started the Sino -US trade war and also fought the Sino -US New Cold War.The Sino -US trade war did not transition to the New Cold War between China and the United States. China and the United States reached a trade agreement to temporarily slow down the trade war.When China and the United States reached a trade agreement, the Coronatte Virus epidemic was outbreak and then the epidemic spread to the United States and the world.

The crown disease epidemic is the fuse of the Sino -US New Cold War. The Hong Kong National Security Law became the last straw that crushed the camel.On August 4th, Trump said in an interview with Fox News that the epidemic had severely damaged relations between the United States and China.According to the logic of Secretary of State Pompeo, the Hong Kong National Security Law is a case of China in violation of multiple international agreements.The crown disease and the Hong Kong National Security Law have become two incidents that the US government has completely changed China's cognition.

The crown disease is rampant in the United States, the United States 'anger for China, and Trump's campaign prospects reversed. The fusion of these three factors and fermentation with a series of events has become increasingly highlighting the confrontation between China and the United States' ideology and political system.The United States is extremely disappointed with the Chinese ruling party, and the US Congress and administrative agencies have continuously implemented measures to sanction Chinese sanctions, which eventually led to the formation of the Cold War in China and the United States.

First of all, the crown disease has brought unprecedented damage to the United States.The crown disease has ended the longest economic expansion of the United States for 10 years and 8 months.The actual domestic GDP (GDP) in the second quarter of the United States, with an annualized growth rate of 32.9%, hit the largest decline since 1947.Although the unemployment rate in the United States fell from 13.3%in May to 11.1%in June, economists believe that the actual unemployment rate may be at least a few percentage points.

Secondly, the crown disease has led to the anger of the United States to China.As of August 20, the cumulative cases of crown diseases in the United States exceeded 5.5 million, and the cumulative death cases exceeded 170,000.With the spread and spread of the epidemic in the United States, Trump did not take effective measures to control the epidemic, and more and more Americans expressed their dissatisfaction with Trump.But at the same time, the United States took anger at China. Wuhan, China, was the first outbound point for the epidemic of the crown disease. The United States determined that China had an unswerving responsibility for the spread of the epidemic.

The US House of Representatives' Foreign Affairs Committee issued a medium -term report of the crown disease and determined that there was no doubt that the CCP took the initiative to cover up the behavior to confuse data, hide relevant public health information, and suppress doctors and journalists trying to send warning to the world.The Chinese Communist Party may have responded in a transparent and responsible way to support the global public health response and share information about how to cope with the virus with the world.If they do this, the current epidemic disease may be avoided, so as to save the lives of hundreds of thousands of people and make the world economy from collapse.

The report has become the consensus of the United States for the description of China.On July 30th, Pew released the latest survey showing that 73%of the American adults interviewed said that they had a negative view of China; 78%of the respondents believed that the Chinese government's initial treatment of the Wuhan epidemic was largely to a large extentThe virus was spread globally; 64%of the respondents believed that China had poor crown disease.The negative views of Americans on China are related to the treatment of the crown disease epidemic in China.

The consensus of blue -collar voters and business communities in the United States and national security elites has become the social foundation of the Trump administration's new cold war against China.The consensus of the United States two parties to China provides a legal basis for the Trump administration to play a new cold war in China. As a result, the US Congress has continuously introduced a bill sanctioning China.

Finally, the US government's measures for China, with the expansion of the epidemic and the continued increase in vicious interaction between China and the United States, led to the Cold War in Sino -US relations, and even showed signs of hot war.The Trump and Trump team are undoubtedly the first pusher in the New Cold War between China and the United States. The interaction between China and the United States during the epidemic is just deepening the deterioration of Sino -US relations.With the help of a series of incidents, the US government has deepened their mood to the Chinese ruling party's hatred.

First, Trump has worsen with the epidemic.On February 20th, Trump said in the media as asked about the Chinese epidemic: What I know is that President Xi loves the Chinese people. He loves his country.situation.

On April 27, Trump said: We are very dissatisfied with China, and there are many ways to hold them accountable.On May 29, Trump expressed the possibility of giving up contact with Chinese leaders.On June 30, Trump said that I was getting angry with China.

Second, Zhao Lijian's patriotic behavior is objectively irritating the United States.On March 12, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Zhao Lijian said on Twitter that the U.S. military may bring the epidemic to Wuhan.Trump and the American members immediately called Chinese viruses.The Washington Post columnist even linked the name of the Chinese ruling party with the virus.The U.S. government will point the virus to the new crown virus research institute.Global public opinion immediately focused on the new crown virus research institute.At the same time, there was a wave of liability and claims in the United States and other Western countries.Due to the unwavering position of the Chinese government, the U.S. government did not get any gains in the waves of accountability and claims.

Third, the introduction of retaliation or sanctions has become the only option for the US government to deal with China.The measures issued by the U.S. government involve Chinese official media, Xinjiang issues, Xinjiang, Huawei, Chinese citizens enter the United States, South China Sea, close the consulate, and restrict the business of Douyin's overseas version in the United States.

Fourth, the crown disease has reversed the prospect of Trump's re -election, and the Trump team used anti -communist to help the Trump.Whether Trump can be re -elected does not have to declare his achievements in the past four years, nor does it have to declare his political platform for governing the country in the next four years. As long as voters can see if he can successfully fight the coronary virus, and the economy that will successfully recovery will collapse the economy.EssenceThe crown disease is connected to Trump's support rate, and Trump's support rate is now lower than Biden.

The Trump administration has a Chinese card selection, aiming to reverse his disadvantaged election.After the Trump administration became the tough government of China, it met the fact that the United States was angry with China and formed the favorable facts of the Sino -US New Cold War.The Trump administration's policy on China has pushed relations between the two countries to the incompetent path that is difficult to restore the old appearance.It is difficult for Biden to be elected to reverse US -China relations towards a dark age.

The Trump administration's policy on China will become a political heritage of Trump. The characteristics of this heritage are anti -Communist, and anti -communist can be recognized by US values.The Trump team is telling American voters: Only by letting Trump continue to govern can the United States lead the threat to China.The Trump team made the last fight for Trump's re -election.

Fifth, the Hong Kong National Security Law became the last straw of the New Cold War in China and the United States.The introduction of the Hong Kong National Security Law is in the epidemic situation of crown disease.From the perspective of Western countries, the Hong Kong National Security Law departed from the Sino -British statement, depriving Hong Kong's democracy and freedom.The U.S. government uses the Hong Kong National Security Law to highlight the conflict with Western values to make articles, transform the opposition with China into the opposition between the Communist China and the free world, and call on European countries to choose between freedom and tyranny.The Hong Kong National Security Law objectively catalyzes the international foundation for the formation of the Sino -US New Cold War.

The crown disease epidemic catalyzes the new Cold War in China and the United States. After the epidemic, the Sino -US New Cold War will continue, and no one can judge the result of the evolution of Sino -US relations.

The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai Normal University Business School

The crown disease is rampant in the United States, the United States is angry with China, and the Trump campaign prospects reverse. These three factors are fused and with the help of a series of events fermentation, which is increasingly highlighting the opposition of China and the United States' ideology and political system.To be extremely disappointed, the US Congress and administrative agencies have continuously implemented measures on Chinese sanctions, which eventually led to the formation of the Cold War in China and the United States.