Ge Hongliang

August 8th, it is an important anniversary for the Asian metropolitan country.It was established on August 8, 1967, and has been 53 years ago.To celebrate this important anniversary, the Foreign Minister of the Asianan National Foreign Minister specially issued a statement on maintaining the importance of peace and stability in Southeast Asia (hereinafter referred to as a statement).

Through a statement, in addition to remembers in the 1967 Bangkok Declaration, Ayanan State Foreign Minister shows the ambitions of promoting equal and friendly cooperation and dedicated to regional peace, progress and prosperity, and review the achievements of the construction of Yajian in the past 53 years.The land and ink were used in the analysis of the current regional and international situation, and it clearly stated that the Asianiman country maintains peace and security in Southeast Asia under the current century -long change.

It can be seen that the statement does not take the 53rd anniversary of the establishment of the Asianianan as the only or most important background, and through the statement, the Asian country country is more about to clarify the evolution of the regional and international geopolitical situations, express their positions, and point out the way.

Specifically, this statement of the Yaanan country has the dual background of the surface and deep background.On the surface, the words and deeds on the topic of the United States in the South China Sea in the near future, such as the systemic news statement issued by the US Secretary of State Pompeo on July 13, and the United States' increasingly frequent navigation and flying freedom in the South China SeaThe operation and other near -investigations directly prompted the militaryization of the South China Sea issue to be more strongly strong, and the situation in the South China Sea also showed a highly tense state.In the deep perspective, the strategic competition and game of great powers represented by China and the United States is a very high -end political display in the century -long change. The South China Sea now has obviously formed an important position and frontier of the Sino -US strategic competition and game.

In fact, it constitutes the most prominent embodiment of the evolution of the Geography and international political situation in Southeast Asia; MDASH; the South China Sea. In this context, the pressure of the Asiabekan country has the pressure of disturbances and side stations, but it has also since its establishment.There is always the way to get along.

From a historical perspective, Ya'an is no stranger to the competition and competition of the great powers. In fact, it was born during the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union. It is the time to respond to the confrontation between the two major camps of the United States and the Soviet Union and ensure that the peace and safety of Southeast Asia.The most important demands of the Asianan country.To this end, in the 1970s, the Aya'an State of Asia passed the Declaration of Peace, Freedom and Liberty (1971), and the Southeast Asian Friendship Cooperation Treaty (TAC, 1976).specification.

When the situation has moved, although the competition between the Sino -US country is difficult to compare with the game of the United States and the Soviet Union, the instability of the US regional policy and the severe and militaryization of the game of China and the United States in the South China National Maritime CountryGeopaly safety feels threats and anxiety.In the face of a century -old change, the Asianan country not only has a deep understanding of the urgency of regional and international situations, but also has its own method in maintaining peace and security in Southeast Asia.

According to the content of the statement, the way to maintain peace in Southeast Asia mainly includes four aspects.First of all, the construction of the Ayana community is the foundation.The community of Axian Security is one of the three major components of the construction of the Ayana community. To this end, the statement of the Asian Diandan state must be committed to maintaining peace, security, neutrality, and stability in Southeast Asia.Unity, consistency and toughness.

Secondly, the emphasis on the Asian Safe Standards is the key.The principles of the principles of peace, freedom and neutral region and the principles of mutual benefit relations between the Southeast Asian Friendship and Cooperation Treaty are important norms of regional affairs and national relations established under the leadership of Asia Fine Security.Follow these norms and international laws, maintain restraint and avoid use force, and solve differences and disputes through peaceful means. Through dialogue, mutually beneficial cooperation and establishment of trust measures, we will improve strategic mutual trust, and then create a peaceful environment that is conducive to sustainable development.

Furthermore, the enhancement of the Asian Framework is the main point.Yaxian has always been open to regional affairs, but hopes that the Aya'an country and related dialogue partners will carry out constructive contacts under the leadership of Asia's Division (such as the East Asian Summit, the Asia Simpage Forum and the Asian Simpan Defense Mission, etc.).Essence

In 2019, Ya'an explained the Asia Detaida outlook through the Pacific Outlook of Asia and India, and hoped that the Yajia'an State and the relevant dialogue partner country would be open, transparent, tolerant, and ruled -based cooperation in the Indo -Pacific region under the Asian Diagram structure.The centrality of strengthening Ayan in a series of multilateral frames is also considered the main point.

Finally, multilateralism is a distinct position in the Asianan country.In the statement, the Ya'an State clearly expressed its support for the support of the United Nations Charter and the principles of international law.For effective multilateral framework.

History was not the same, but it was similar. The Asianan country issued a declaration of peace, freedom, and neutrality in the face of the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.Regional peace and stability are eternal topics that these countries must consider and face.

However, the evolution of the region and the international situation in the Centennial Change Bureau involves wider, and the connotation it shows is more complicated.In this regard, although the Asian country country has a clear understanding, whether it can make effective and timely response to whether it can be effective and timely, it still needs time and practice.

The author is the Deputy Dean of the ASEAN College of Guangxi University for Nationalities

Researcher of the China Chahar Society

From a historical perspective, Ya'an is no stranger to the competition and competition of the great powers. In fact, it was born during the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union. It is the time to respond to the confrontation between the two major camps of the United States and the Soviet Union and ensure that the peace and safety of Southeast Asia.The most important demands of the Asianan country.