Source: WeChat public account depth research

China's manufacturing industry has achieved world -renowned achievements. From backwardness and beating to the current dragons, Chinese manufacturers have paid great efforts and efforts.However, it is undeniable that many products in China are still highly dependent on imports, and the research and development and production of Made in these fields still have difficulty in breaking technical difficulties.

Among them, the core products about China's industrial pulse, as well as industrial parts that are closely related to our lives. Today, I will take stock of 20 products that China depends on imports:

1. High -end CNC machine tool

Machine tools are the foundation of modern manufacturing. Without the support of machine tools, modern manufacturing will be difficult to move.With the development of the times and technology, the requirements for manufacturing for precision processing are getting higher and higher, and higher -precision products have to rely on high -end CNC machine tools.

At present, China's high -performance machine tools are basically imported from Germany, the United States, and Japan. The self -sufficiency rate of high -end CNC machine tools is less than 10%. Although China has continuously increased its investment in high -end machine tools, the accuracy and service life of Chinese domestic machine tools are far away.It is far from the same level of the world.

2. Chip

Smart mobile phone that is usually used, as large as the supercomputer for the moon, the chip can be said to be ubiquitous.In 2018, the Chinese chip market exceeded US $ 400 billion. However, it is regrettable that the domestic chip share of China's core integrated circuit is 0, and the trade deficit is as high as 165.7 billion US dollars.

Although China is increasing the efforts of chip technology, Chinese companies are still in the low -end field in the global chip industry pattern. At present, China can independently manufacture low -end chips such as analogy and separation.Self -sufficient.

3. Light engraving machine

The lithography machine is known as the mother of the chip, and the lack of Chinese domestic chips is derived from the weakness of the photocride machine to a certain extent.At present, the light carved machine manufacturing high -end chips is owned by the Dutch ASML and Nikon and Canon in the world. Among them, ASML in the Netherlands accounts for 87.4 % of the global share. Due to the influence of the United States, these fine -end equipment are prohibited from exporting to China.These core equipment cannot be bought with money, and can only rely on the Chinese's own wisdom and hands.

Today, the semiconductor industry is challenging the process process of 5nm and 7nm, which is less than one -ten thousand in diameter of the hair.Under this accuracy, any traditional processing method is useless. If you want to be good at work, you must first benefit your instrument. If you want to break through the technical blockade of the semiconductor industry, if you want to develop an advanced semiconductor system, you must have it.Advanced lithography machine.

4. Operating system

Although China's domestic smartphones have achieved a world -leading position, China is still blank on the operating system of smartphones.At present, Google's Android operating system market accounts for 81.5%, and Apple iOS accounts for 18.4%. The United States almost monopolizes the entire smartphone operating system market.

If China wants to truly realize the independent production of smartphones, the blank of the operating system is always an inevitable problem.The most important software ecosystem for building operating systems requires chip manufacturers, system manufacturers, and software manufacturers for several years.

5. Medical Device

Medical equipment refers to direct or indirectly used in the body's instruments, equipment, appliances, in vitro diagnostic reagents and calibrations, materials and other similar or related items, including the required software, which are mainly used for medical diagnosis, monitoring and treatment.Without medical equipment, it is difficult for hundreds of millions of doctors and patients in China to be treated in time.

Despite the increasingly perfect Chinese medical industry, many medical devices are mostly imported in Germany, Japan, and Switzerland. This high -end precision instrument is usually as high as one million or even 10 million.

At present, the gap between Chinese medical devices and developed countries is mainly reflected in high -end products.Domestic medical devices are seriously homogenized. For example, there are more than 200 companies that produce inflammatory and syringes in China, which lacks differentiated and innovative awareness.

6. Aviation engine

Chinese rockets can go to the moon. Four generations of fighters can develop independently, but aviation engines still highly depend on imports.At present, the world ’s aviation development is difficult to shake the dominance of the United Kingdom and British air engines.Sliddot; Royce, also known as Rolls -Royce) firmly occupied the position of the three -in -air development, the domestic engine market share of less than 1%.

The lack of aviation engines is not only about the development of China's civil aviation industry, but also an important factor restricting the combat power of the Chinese Air Force.Taking China's J-20 fighters as an example, the F-20 was far behind the F-22 equipment F119 in the early engine. Ultimate cruise cannot be performed. Ultimate cruise is an important standard for the four generations.An article is made in pneumatic layout.It can be said that without the breakthrough of domestic aviation engines, there is no future of the Chinese Air Force.

7. Car engine

At present, Chinese domestic engines still like to buy other people's technology and pick up the elimination of others. As a result, the quality of domestic car brands cannot keep up with joint venture companies and imported cars in the same period. Domestic engines have a large gap between the process and reliability and foreign countries.

Today, with the rapid development of independent brands, Chinese domestic cars have improved very much in appearance design and body workmanship. Some excellent products can even surpass joint ventures in these areas, but no matter how good the design and workmanship, it still cannot make up for the engine.An excellent engine will be an important foundation for domestic cars to win consumer trust.

8. Shipping diesel engine

China Shipbuilding Technology is at the forefront of the world, but it is highly dependent on imports in shipping diesel engines. Among the ship's power device, more than 95%of the power device is diesel engine power device.Company monopoly.

Not only is the ship's engine market firmly occupied by foreign countries, it is difficult to break through patent blockade.It has been reported that a state -owned enterprise in the central and western regions of China has created more than 300 ships for medium -speed machines, with a profit of hundreds of millions of yuan. However, when the company pays intellectual property fees, the surplus is left.If Chinese domestic engines want to accumulate, breaking through patent blockade has become the top priority.

9. High -end sensor

Whether it is smartphones, smart hardware or smart home, high -end sensors can be described as ubiquitous, and high -end sensors have become the basic accessories in the digital era.

At present, the most lack of high -end, sensitive sensors.As far as the overall level is concerned, China's domestic sensor products are still mainly low -end, and the technical level is relatively backward.The proportion of mid -to -high -end sensors in the Chinese market accounted for 80%, and digital, intelligent, and miniaturized products were seriously lacking.

10. Turning the rutor

The transfer machine is the execution agency of the Tao fork control system. It can ensure driving safety, improve transportation efficiency, and improve the labor intensity of driving personnel.At present, the precision of the ZD6 rotation machine independently produced in China is far less than that of Siemens S700K. It does not meet the requirements of the use and can only rely on imports.

11. High -end bearing

In our lives, the bearing is almost everywhere. The shared bicycles on the roadside, the household appliances at home, the spacecraft of the heaven, and the aircraft carrier of the water can not exist without bearings.

However, it is still technically blank in the main bearing of precision machine tools.The accuracy of rolling bearing is generally divided into five levels: P0, P6, P5, P4, and P2. The bearing accuracy on the main shaft of precision machine tools should be P5 and above.The main shaft support needs to be used in P4 and above super precision bearing.P4 and above -level ultra -precision bearing against technical performance and technical performance andThe reliability requirements are high, and more than half of China's domestic demand depends on imports.

12. Large machine

Large -scale machines are also called large -scale hosts, and some important industries that rely on their strong data storage capacity and security are irreplaceable.Large machines should take the core applications of enterprises and institutions, such as bank capital transactions, user data, and so on.If large banks such as the four major banks have a large failure, bank transfers and ATM machines will be paralyzed, and the mobile payment we use daily will not work normally.

Such an important corporate equipment in China is seriously dependent on imports. The main reason is that the security and reliability of large domestic machines in China lag far behind IBM.

13, transmit electron microscope

The transmitted electron microscope is a large micro -analysis equipment using high -energy electron beams to act as a lighting source.Compared with optical microscope, transmitted electron microscope can see the subtle structure of less than 0.2um, which is an important instrument in the field of scientific research in China.

At present, China cannot produce high -precision transmission electron microscope. Most of the electron microscopes used by universities and scientific research institutions are imported from the United States, Japan and the Netherlands.

14. CNC knives

CNC tools are the teeth of industrial production. There is no processing of the processing of the raw material of the tool.At present, there is still a large gap between Chinese domestic CNC knives in terms of process and layer process. The accuracy and durability are not as good as imported tools. In addition, the lack of high -end machine tool technology, Chinese CNC knives can only rely on imports.

15. High -precision robotic hand

Robotics are one of the most important components of industrial robots. As the manufacturing industry gradually moves towards digitalization and intelligence, the accuracy requirements for industrial robots have become higher and higher.At present, the world's most advanced KUKA industrial robot, with its flexible robotics, can play against the table tennis world championship, and China still cannot produce high -precision robotics, resulting in serious backward production of Chinese industrial robots.

16. Genetic detector

Some time ago, the gene editing baby incident on the Internet caused widespread attention. Many people think that China has mastered gene editing technology, but it is regrettable that China cannot even create a genetic tester.

The gene sequencer was born in 1986. It has now gone for more than 30 years. More than 99%of the devices are developed, designed and produced in the United States. Without the US advanced machines as technical support, China's genetic engineering will be difficult.

17. Vacuum steam plating machine

With the listing of Huawei Mate20 with the BOE OLED screen, China's domestic OLED screen will play an increasingly important role in the international market.However, as the heart of the OLED panel process: the vacuum steaming machine, its core technology is still firmly in the hands of Japanese Canon Tokki.

Canon Tokki's annual output is usually between a dozen or dozen units, and it is snapped up before the factory.It can control the error of the organic luminous material to the substrate to the substrate, and the steam plating function of no other company can achieve this accuracy.At present, there are no companies that produce steamed plating machines, and we have no say in this field.

18. A sensing dry film

The sensitivity dry film is a special product for manufacturing and printed circuit boards (PCB). It is usually composed of three parts: polyethylene film, optical resistant film film and polyester film.The main function of the light -sensing dry membrane is to isolate oxygen, layered, and avoid mechanical scratching. Without the life of its circuit board, it will decrease significantly.

In 2017, China ’s optical anti -corrosion dry membrane output was about 070 million square meters, accounting for only one -third of China's domestic consumption, and most of them rely on imports.

19. Anti -cancer drugs

I am not the first time that the medicine god has caused people to think about the price of imported drugs. The reason why imported drugs sell for such a high is that on the one hand, it is the high R & D investment of foreign pharmaceutical companies, and on the other hand, it also originated from the lack of domestic domestic innovative drugs.In 2017, the scale of tumor drugs in China exceeded 140 billion, but 95%rely on imports.

A new drug is a life-saving straw for patients with cancer, but for pharmaceutical companies, it is 10 billion yuan in R & D investment in 6-10 years.Let Chinese cancer patients take cheap domestic drugs as soon as possible, and Chinese manufacturing companies still have a long way to go.

20. Digital camera

Chinese rockets are all in space, but they can't create a small digital camera. Is the digital camera manufacturing process higher than the Rockets?

In fact, it is really that the technical threshold of SLR digital camera is very high, and the most cutting -edge optics, electronics, and mechanical technology need to be combined.The speed of the SLR camera today can reach 1/4000 seconds, and some high -end models even reach 1/8000 seconds. Such high -speed shutter has extremely harsh requirements for processing accuracy and reliability.s level.