Current affairs perspective

The dispute between China and the United States involves multiple fields. Among them, from China, it proposes to restore the recovery negotiation of the qualifications of the founding member of the GATT (Guan Trade General Agreement).Talking and valuations with the world's largest volume.

In the process of negotiating with the United States, what is inseparable from economic cooperation involves the transfer and protection of intellectual property rights, which has become the main focus of them.For this reason, in the last few rounds of negotiations, there is a true story about a Chinese iron lady in China and the representatives of the United States:

Wu Yi, former deputy prime minister of China and the former Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, said in the negotiations with the representatives of the United States.The thief it said is nothing more than the Chinese side; the stolen things are the intellectual property rights of the United States.The Chinese representative Wu Yilian said relatively: I was dealing with the robbers to see how many cultural relics that plundered from China in your museum.

What China did in the field of intellectual property that year was indeed an over -discussion. Otherwise, it was like the Nobel Prize winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature.After publishing the market, I said helplessly: It turns out that everyone is a pirated trafficker, and he has said ruthlessly: In the next 150 years, he will not be awarded Chinese copyright, especially the century -old loneliness book!

With all the time, after China ’s continuous cracking down on piracy and the efforts in the field of intellectual property rights, it is almost completely eliminated by pirated behavior; and in the setting of institutions that monitor intellectual property rightsEssenceThis is also based on the decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on deepening the reform of the party and state institutions based on the reform of the party and state institutions and the 13th National People's Congress approved by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.It is a deputy ministerial institution that comes from the National Patent Bureau's transformation function. It belongs to the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration. One of its main responsibilities is to protect intellectual property rights, but also responsible for patent compulsory license related work, and so on.

History of American intellectual property rights

Not long ago, when Trump faced several policy speeches involved in China in the White House Garden, he used such a word: the Chinese Communist Party's moves have emerged endlessly hellip; hellip;Tens of thousands of wealth, especially during the term of the previous government, helple; hellip; the Chinese Communist Party snatched our factory, plundered our employment opportunities, moved to our manufacturing industry, stole our intellectual property heliip;hellip;

If the United States is a country that relies on patent nations, it is not an exaggeration at all. One of the proof is that the early patent authorization certificate is to be accurately speaking from 1790 to 1836. All official patent certificates are president and Secretary of State of the United States and Secretary of StateJointly signed, a patent certificate in 1797 also signed the name of the judicial minister; the second of the evidence, on the gate of the US Department of Commerce, also engraved a sentence of President Lincoln: The patent system is to add the fuel of interests to the genius to geniusOn the fire.

When the United States established the country, it can be said that the poor and two whites. At the Constitutional Conference in 1787, in the watches of the founding father Washington, the constitutional representatives from the states passed the 8th paragraph 8 in the formulation of the constitution: to promote science to promote scienceThe popularity of practical skills will protect the works and inventions of writers and inventors in a certain period of time.On April 12, 1790, George Middot, the first president of the United States; Washington signed the first patent law in American history; the US Congress passed the 1793 version of the Patent Law.In the next 30 years, more than 10,000 inventions have been patented.

The drafting of the Declaration of Independence and the third president of the United States, Thomas Middot; Jefferson was the first State of the United States and became the first patent camper in the United States.It is reported that after the American Independence War, George Middot; Washington, Thomas Middot; Jefferson and Alexander Middot; Hamilton and other U.S. leaders believe that the United States needs a strong patent law to protect the rights of inventors. The patent system will stimulate the development of technology and the development of technology and the development of technology.Economic Growth.

In response, American writer Mark Middot; Tuwin explained in the Angels dynasty in Kangzhou: I know a country without a patent bureau and a good patent law, except that there is no other way.It was under the strong advocacy of the national leaders that from 1865 to 1900, the invention patent that was officially approved and registered reached more than 640,000. Relying on strong scientific and technological strength, the United States soon in the second industrial revolution.China is the top.In 1894, the total industrial output value of the United States ranked first in various countries and became the world's number one economic power.

Inventory not only makes the United States an emerging innovative country, but also brings rich economic benefits and sustainable development momentum.According to the statistics of the US Congress in 1922, only 1,000 patented kings Edison, which had only more than 1,000 patents, increased the US government's taxation within 50 years to $ 1.5 billion; a survey in 1928 showed that the capital of the world was used in accordance with the use of capital with and.Edison's invention related projects have an equivalent amount of $ 15.725 billion.

It was the beginning of the founding of intellectual property in the founding of the United States. It played a role of the foundation of the country. To this day, the most powerful country in the world still spare no effort in the use and protection of intellectual property rights.

How China holds the destiny of China and the United States

Different from the US Department of Commerce, the former State Patent Bureau after the reform of the Chinese institutions is now known as the State Intellectual Property Office to belong to the General Administration of Market Management and Supervision.Its VCD, DVD and other derivative products and books are indeed flooding in infringement.However, with the continuous publicity and the improvement of national quality, especially the intensity of the protection of intellectual property rights, and now in Zhongguancun to the poor, there is no infringement.

The granting patent and patent permits that year belonged to a specialized institutional China Patent Agency.On the other hand, under the Ministry of Commerce, Gayin, former US President Calvin Middot; Corida described the 19th -century Americans: The top priority of the American people is to do business.Just like the first interaction between the United States and China also started from doing business: the Queen of China had arrived in China as early as August 28, 1784, and returned from full load.

In 2019, the number of global patent applications in China surpassed the United States for the first time. According to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), China applied for 58,990 patents through the patent cooperation agreement (PCT) system in 2019, which has exceeded 57840 in the United States.Patent.Since 1993, China has submitted a patent application to WIPO. Until 1999, China had only submitted 276 applications to WIPO;Essence

In addition, as of the end of June 2020, the invention patent validity of invention patents in China (that is, excluding Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan) was 1.996 million (the number of patents simultaneously registered in the China Patent Office).14.3, it has already taken the lead.Huawei, who plays an important role in the dispute between China and the United States, is the number one company that has stabilized the number of global patent applications (PCT) for three consecutive years. The number of international patent applications in 2019 has reached 4,411.The top of the list is nearly doubled (2661).

In addition to Huawei, among the top 50 lists, China's OPPO ranks fifth, BOE ranks sixth, Ping An Technology ranks eighth, ZTE ranks 18th, DJI ranks 23rd, Alibaba ranks 25th, Tencent ranks 43rd in 43rdetc.

In addition to enterprises, higher education institutions are not willing to show weakness.The power of research institutions and universities is also indispensable: Tsinghua University in China ranks second, and Shenzhen University ranks third, even surpassed the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the United States. The fifth place is South China University of Technology in China.Among the top 50 universities, there are 20 American universities and 14 Chinese universities.

Its purpose is to encourage creative activities. The world intellectual property organization that promotes intellectual property protection globally in 1967 is one of the 15 specialized institutions of the United Nations. At present, there are 193 member states, including 190 members within the United Nations.The country, the Cook Islands, the Holy See and New Ely.

For the huge efforts and contributions to China's patent applications and protection in recent years, Francis Gurry, Director -General of Wipo, said: China ’s success is due to the strategic strategy of the leadership, continuously promoting innovation, making China an economyRunning at a higher level of countries.The annual report released by WIPO also pointed out that China has become the main driving force for the development of the world's intellectual property rights.

It is precisely because of China's rapid progress in patent invention and the effectiveness of patent protection, and the aforementioned Marsa said that it will not be awarded a century -old loneliness in 150 years, but China is constantly purifying the protection of intellectual property rights.Attention and recognition.Until 2010, he still grant a century -old copyright to a publishing house in China. Four years later, the master died.

Just like Mark Middot; Tuwin was full of expectations for the US patent system, and Middot; Marx awarded China ’s centennial copyright to publish its centennial loneliness.EssenceHowever, the latter's following famous sayings are warning and fighting for Trump's continued to fall in China ’s intellectual property and its protection system: Lies are more and more sincere, and in the end he was comforted by himself.There is also this sentence: Only people without principles can be satisfied from pain.This sentence is the most appropriate: Hot Est Simplicisimum (simple pole) he answered because I am crazy.

As you say!

The author is a senior media person in China