What kind of experience is the speed of deterioration between Sino -US relations?U.S. media described it with Free Fall, and it has been used for some days.But even when the free fall is also bottomed out, this is what the world is most concerned about.What is the bottom?Several consulates again?Broken diplomatic relations?Bing Rong meets the South China Sea?Or according to the beautiful wish of Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi's refusal to decompose, the free fall to open the parachute at the moment when he was at the beginning to achieve soft landing?

Analysis of the remarks of Ambassador Cui Tiankai recently at the Aspen Security Forum (Aspen) and foreign minister Wang Yi accepted the interview with Xinhua News Agency. China has put down its body.Courage.However, the United States is cheap and sells well. Small movements are constantly, and big movements are also undergoing conspiracy planning.The latest recruitment is US Secretary of State Pompeo announced a series of Clean Network, which is almost announced by the Decoupling of the China and the United States in the field of online world and technology.

Discussing that Sino -US relations are difficult to please. Anyone who can become a brick family who talks about it, but when it comes to the rare, Sino -US relations will not be so unbearable.A friend of the author of the author of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said that, as the most important bilateral relations in the world, Sino -US research is like Wang Yang Dahai. Each researcher is just a swimmer in the sea.It's foreseeable that the foreign flow is going.

But the trend of Sino -US relations is not irregular.In recent months, the author has heard a series of speeches on the US government's ministers on China. The speakers include Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, national security adviser Robert Organic, Brient, William Barr, and Federal FederationInvestigation Director Christopher Middot; Christofer Wray, National Defense Minister Mark Esper, etc., combined with the ban from John Bolton, a former national security adviser to Trump, is not difficultThe mainstream view.

The United States is awakening, or wake up.Unfortunately, the interpretation of this Guan Jian's words at home and abroad is obviously negligent.Pompeo and Balta used the term awakening in their respective speeches. In fact, many American politicians are saying that awakening is happy, and completely denies the contact with China in the past decades.Strategy, a regret of waking up in a dream.

In the room of his new book, Bolton believes that the United States has made a mistake in dealing with China in the past decades.That is, there must be enough American people to see the nature of Chinese challenges and take action.In order to explain the theory of awakening, he quoted the worries of Yamamoto's 56th attack Pearl Harbor to achieve great success.Yamamoto, who once studied in Harvard University, has a deeper understanding of the United States.He said that he was worried about everything we did, awakened a sleeping giant, and formed his terrible will (I fear all we have done is to awaken a Sleeping giant and file him with a terrible resolve).

China has its own awakening.Napoleon, a great conqueror and a historical status comparable to Caesar, Alexander Great Emperor. A word that more than 200 years ago was still often cited. China is a sleeping lion. Once awakened, it will shock the world.China's reform and opening up for decades, all the way, the national economy has become the second largest economy in the world from the edge of collapse to become the center of the international stage from the verge of collapse. From the end, it has achieved amazing global achievements.

But this situation has greatly reversed in 2020.The author believes that in a long time in the future, many of our familiar statements, what economic and trade cooperation is the cockpit stone of Sino -US relations, and we have 1,000 reasons to make Sino -US relations well. There is no reason to damage Sino -US relations.It will be deformation away. What is misjudgment, the gunfire, and the cold war may also become an outdated term.The U.S. aircraft carrier battle group now regards the southern China Hai Ruyin, and it is clear that the car and horse are provocative fighting.Trump has made a high -profile statement that he has lost interest in the second stage of trade negotiations.In order to get re -election, there seems to be no tricks he dare not produce.I believe Beijing has enough alertness and sober understanding.

The most impressive scene of Deng Xiaoping's visit to the United States in 1979 was that he put on the western denim hat on Houston to enjoy the denim show.Perhaps it was the amazing coincidence of history. The United States recently ordered that it was closed in Houston that it was the first consulate established after the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States.When Deng Xiaoping visited the United States, he also said a word. Looking back at the past few decades, all countries that have a good relationship with the United States have become rich.According to the logic of Deng Gong, is it poor to damage the relationship with the United States?Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Venezuela are poor, but China may be exceptions in the future.Mainland netizens have a popular expression. I just have this head, squatting is taller than you. How can I hide my little?

As the so -called tree moves, at the Aspen Security Summit a few days ago, US Secretary of Defense Esber (Chinese ambassador Cui Tiankai in the United States on the same occasion) declared that it must win if it is to fight.Russia with a total GDP and Russia of the Pearl River Delta is a measure, but China, which is a monitor.

Investigating its essence, China and the United States are a dispute between ideology and values.The ideological world view is immersed in Pompeo's recent speech related to China.He accused China of seeking global dominance and describing Sino -US competition as a survival struggle between freedom and oppression.

Next year is the 50th anniversary of Kissinger's secret visit to China, and in the next year, it will be Nixon for half a century. This is a historical node that China and the United States are very cherished.As early as 1967, Nixon published an article in the famous Foreign Affairs saying that in the long run, we cannot let China leave the world's family.China does not change, and the world cannot be safe.Our goal is to induce this change. unil China Changes. This, Our Aim NDash; to TheExtent we can, we must inclunder events. OUR GOALD ShULD Be to Indic Change).

As the recent series of Chinese speeches, the Fourth Set of Remarks in A Series of China Speeches), Pompeo's speech at the Nixon Library on the 23rd last month can be regarded as the finale.China and the Free Worldrsquo; S Future) can be described as open the door, and the speech emphasizes some of Nixon's induction changes that year.Obviously, the U.S. emperor's death and the evolution of peace are not the propaganda words of mainland official media, but a real existence.After 1949, whether it is bright or dark, the United States is curbing communism.Helping China to join the WTO (WTO) is to seduce or trigger the changes in the CCP power.The current Guoan consultant, Obrain, has recently accepted the media that he always reminds the audience that the CCP is the Marx Leninist regime.

It is worth mentioning that although the publication was banned by Trump, the former national security consultantBolton's new book actually highly agrees with the president's policy of China.Whether it is Bolton, Barnon, and the donkey and elephant party of the United States Congress, the anti -Communist Party is not anti -communist.

Recently, friends who are engaged in exchanges between China and the United States often sigh, and Sino -US relations can no longer go back.Americans think so too. The earliest thing I was impressed by was the old friend of the Chinese people Kissinger, and the Chinese officials pointed out that the human enemy Pompeo said the same.These methods there isrsquo; t be a return to the passt publicEs becape theyrsquo; re comfortable or beCAUSE theyrsquo; re convenient).There is an interesting question here. Both sides think that what paragraph does not go back?Can't go back to the period of the relatively sweet Clinton main administration of China and the United States?Or Obama's return to Asia Pacific?It is still the Trump period that is known as the most anti -Communist president in the history of the United States.From the perspective of China, which time is Deng, Jiang, and Hu?Or before the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States under the rule of Mao Zedong?

On the occasion of writing, the emblem of the US Embassy in China remained only two words in Beijing. Although it was not manifested, it attracted the attention of netizens at home and abroad.Perhaps it was to calm the hot discussion. The White House quickly came out to explain that it was part of the brand design of the US envoy in the world.

When it comes to Sino -US relations, the most commonly heard mantra in the past is that it is not good, and the bad is not bad.This assertion was right before this year, because Sino -US relations have always had buffers, that is, assuming that the two parties aim to conflict downgrade and solve problems, but this buffer has failed.Negotiations and friendly negotiations are not spiritual. Pompeo said, tired of what Beijing said, just look at Beijing how to do it.

Assuming that the contradictions of China and the United States are unspeakable, they lose their meaning every day. Fighting a controllable local war may be the only way to solve the dead knot. The two sides then find a new way to get along according to the results of the war.

(The author is a senior media person in Hong Kong)