Author: Sun Lan

Source: Hong Kong 01

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Sunday (16th) that Deputy Minister Zheng Zeguang and the US Congress of the United States Parliament had a video dialogue on Thursday (13th).In the dialogue, Zheng Zeguang pointed out that some American politicians have deliberately distorted and fully deny the history of Sino -US relations in the past 50 years out of their own political interests and vicious attacks.

The deputy minister of the diplomatic part of the affairs of the United States, Canada, and Latin America said: Resolutely prevent a small number of politicians in the United States from continuing to destroy Sino -US relations in the self -interest, and unswervingly maintain the foundation of the relationship between the two countries and the people of China and the United States.Common interests.

Observing the latest statements of Chinese heavyweight diplomats in recently, it can be found that the cutting of a small number of American politicians such as Pompeo and other American people who are hostile to China are their targeted strategies to counterattack the Trump administration.

Zheng Zeguang's above statement stems from August 7th, Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Working Committee, made the latest statement on Sino -US relations.The article published in Xinhua News Agency that Yang Jiezheng could not allow a small number of politicians in the United States to push Sino -US relations to a very dangerous situation and the friendship between the people of China and the United States.Can be partition.

For a period of time, the US government has increasingly carried out political cutting on the issue of China, which has distinguished the CCP and the Chinese people.Represented by Pompeo, some politicians in the United States attacked the CCP in concentrated firepower, emphasizing that conflict between the United States and China is only a conflict between the United States and the CCP.China's official and public opinion field believes that this is the conspiracy of the Trump administration's departure of the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people.

On July 23, Pompeo delivered a speech on the China Policy of Communist China and the FREE Worlds Future in the future entitled by Pompeo's future.The behavior, its speech was regarded by the outside world as a new iron curtain lecture on a new Cold War.

In this regard, Wang Yi, a Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Foreign Affairs, responded on August 5 that there is always a force in the United States in the United States to try to deny the leadership of the Communist Party of China and deny the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Their purpose is to curb China to curb ChinaIn chaos, China today is not the Soviet Union of that year. We are even more unintentional to be the second United States. China has no intention of competing with any country and unintentionally confrontation with any country.

Wang Yi's shouting to Mei did not change Pompeo's pace of attacking the CCP. When delivered a speech on the Senate of the Czech Republic on August 12, Pompeo said that it is not the Cold War 2.0. China ’s threat to the West in some aspects is compared to some aspects.The Soviet Union during the Cold War was more serious.

When talking about China's threats, Pompeo said that China did not use tanks and guns. Instead, through economic power, the Communist Party of China has integrated our economy, politics and society. This is what the Soviet Union has never been involved in.So it is more difficult to deal with.

Analysts pointed out that the Chinese government cuts a small number of politicians in the United States and the American people. With its own way, it also treats their people and has clear targetedness. Since American politicians can leave the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people, why is it?Beijing cannot cut them with the American people. At least before the US election, this is likely to be the main theme of the Chinese government's counterattack in the next period of time.