Source: China Times Society

The Trump administration's comprehensive anti -China strategy has denied the results of 50 years of contact in the United States and China. The ultimate goal is to change the Communist regime of mainland China.Among them, there may be election factors, but more of the ideology, but with the warless remarks and the first thinking in the United States, the problem will not reach the goal, which will only make the problem more serious.Establishing new order in abilities and methods will bring unpredictable disasters.The DPP chose to stand on the front line of the United States to resist China. The mainland was forced to make military responses. The United States, China and Taiwan are approaching the Red Line and challenged the current situation of the Taiwan Strait. The risk of the Taiwan Strait has already exceeded 1996.

In the early 1970s, Nixon and Ji Xinji opened the door of mainland China. The United States and China moved to reconcile.Strengthening the bilateral relations of the United States and Taiwan has always been the largest consensus within Taiwan.Although cross -strait relations have not got rid of the hostile state, there are also ups and downs, and they are still stable.However, Trump popularized the 50th year of the United States and China that the Secretary of State Pompeo, the 50 -year lsquo; blindly associated RSQUO; completely failed, ignited the disruptive quotes, and the United States became the largest variable of the three sides of the United States, China, and Taiwan.

In order to stimulate and provoke the CCP's fierce response, the Trump administration will only resort to more radical policies and means in the next three months.The most worrying thing is that the United States is keen to play the Taiwanese card, but the DPP government is blindly attached, while the mainland not only will not give up on the issue of territorial sovereignty, but it is not possible to show weakness.It seems that the higher the theory of Trump's support for Taiwan, the stronger the CCP's response.The three parties have taken extreme marginal routes. Any incident can cause disasters. US Minister of Health Azal visited Taiwan a few days ago and created a ripple effect in crisis treatment.

The Minister of Health visited Taiwan's political sensitivity was relatively low, but Taiwan and the United States deliberately operated to give high political meanings. In just a few days, I saw that the American Liden aircraft carrier appeared in the East China Sea.The north and south ends of Taiwan flew over the Taiwan Strait. The Taiwan military confirmed the launch of missile monitoring for the first time; Azal left Taiwan.It is said that this is because individual powers have continuously sent an error signal to Taiwan independence forces on Taiwan -related issues. Related drills are necessary actions to maintain the needs of national security sovereignty.

Although the current military operations are mostly declaration and warning, they are too frequent, close, and there is an infinite rise. The chance of misjudgment and accidents has risen.The unfortunate disaster of many missiles to shoot down the civil aviation aircraft, any wind blowing will bring the fierce war, Taiwan will be the first.

Trump and Pompeo frequently visited a non -heavyweight official to visit a non -diplomatic country to warm up, which did not match political normal.Pompeo made a public speech on the Czech Senate on the 12th, mentioning Taiwan several times, and publicly supported the Czech Senate Speaker Witzi to lead a 90 -person visit to Taiwan.Under the arrangement of the Great Strategy, the United States's primary goal is to combat and stimulate the CCP. The so -called strengthening bilateral relations in the United States and Taiwan is a secondary.

In order to save the election, Trump is likely to continue to be off, and he may throw a shocking bomb at any time.Although the CCP has recently made public statements many times and firmly maintains Sino -US relations, it must not be out of control, but it will not be let go of any issue of Taiwan.Although Taiwan cannot affect the position of the US -China policy, the government must defend its own interests and refuse to become a bargaining chip for power.The military power of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait fell to the CCP. Taiwan insisted that the United States Anti -Middle Route was only obtained by the American oral and the commitment of the Congress.Essence

The United States has different policies, zero chaos, and lack of consistency. The United States attaches great importance to Taiwan's geopolitical status, but it has fallen into Taiwan's substantial economic and trade interests.When Azar visited Taipei, the US State Department and the National Security Council's US -Taiwan Free Trade Agreement was rejected by trade representatives.During the early U.S. -China trade war, Taiwan's economic and trade interests were damaged. Now the United States and Taiwan's unified fronts fight against the CCP. However, when they touch substantial interests, the United States still does not relax.

The United States is too far away from Taiwan, but the mainland is too close. Cross -strait relations are in an impasse. The unified pressure of the CCP will be greater and larger. Although the United States has increased support for Taiwan, it has not been separated from the consistent vagueness.The relationship between the relationship and the serious consequences of the Taiwan Strait.In fact, as long as the Democratic Progressive Party respects the opposition party, it is willing to jointly risk with the opposition party for the previous risk, and maintain the two sides of the Taiwan policy in accordance with the democratic freedom system. It can be escaped and surpassed the US -China chaos. This is the route adopted by most Asia -Pacific countries.