Written article: Mao Yuelin

For the Modi authorities, who have recently won an overwhelming victory in polls, the spread of the crown disease epidemic is already a major heart disease.As of August 14, there were 2.46 million people in India infected with new crowns, 48,000 people died of illness, and new patients daily were around 60,000.Even today's India, who boasted that he was the king of Indian politics, emphasized that the Indian people were the most dissatisfied with him than the prevention and control of crown disease.

On August 13, Shripad Naik, Minister of Traditional Medicine (Ayush) of the Modi government, has been diagnosed with crown diseases and is currently being isolated at home.On the previous day, the chief Hindu chief who had close contact with Modi on August 5th, was also the champion of Nritya Gopal Das, the Temple of the Romo Temple, who was about to be completed.Symptoms of the disease are currently being sent to hospital for emergency treatment.

In addition, the Indian People's Party (BJP) Party Chairman, the current Modern Modern Government's Ministry of the Interior, Amit Shah (Amit Shah), Petroleum Minister Dharmendra Pradhan, the Minister of Heavy Industry and the Ministry of Public Enterprise ARJUN Meghwal, and the Minister of AgricultureSenior officials and other senior officials such as Kailash Chaudhary were also sent to the doctor for crown disease.

At this point, at the Modi government alone, at least five ministerial senior officials were infected at the same time.The scorching head on the side of New Delhi can be expected.However, since the outbreak of the Indian authorities, it has encouraged and promoted the treatment, alternative therapy, traditional therapy, and regardless of the practice of the civil temple to build the Hindu Temple in the people. This ending is also reasonable.

According to the data, the epidemic has just begun to spread in China and other places, and the Indian Ministry of Medicine under the leadership of Nailk launched a series of incredible treatment measures for the treatment of epidemic prevention.

On January 28, the Expert Committee of the Hammering therapy of the Department of Traditional Medicine of India issued a treatment plan, saying that the diluted tritenurtide arsenic solution, that is, a low -concentration frost solution can be used as a drug to prevent new coronary virus infections.For a month, it can even respond to the community of coronary virus.

By January 30, the Department of Traditional Medicine of India changed the prevention plan for drinking frost into a plan based on Ayuraya Medicine (to treat physical and mental illness through yoga or massage).Most of the sesame oil, etc., also require the Ayush product identified by the department.

Of course, the essence products of the traditional Indian Ministry of Medicine are Panchagavya drugs based on cow dung, cattle urine, milk, butter, and milk.This is an important area of Indian Medicine, which has been pushing with Naifeli since 2014, and an important part of the Hindu country pushed by BJP.When the outside world thought it was limited to the treatment of diabetes, cancer and other symptoms that had been advocated in the past few years, soon, crown diseases became one of its response.

Although the Indian medical community has a micro -word about this, there are authoritative magazines such as epidemiology and infection of doctors, and pointed out that cattle urine is a spiral disease in India's hook end (a kind of acute human and animal infectious disease, the mortality rate of about 10%) is about 10%).The main source of infection, but this does not prevent organizations such as the BJP Party and its peripheral friends Hindu (Hindu Mahasabha) and other organizations held a large -scale drinking cow -resistant crown conference in North India and other places in March.

On April 2nd, Naik also held a press conference, saying that Prince Charles, the British Crown Prince Charles, who had previously infected with the new crowns, also received Indian alternative therapy before healed.This move also triggered a wave of anti -new crown drugs based on Ayidsa Medicine Medicine.Although the British had denied the intervention of Indian Fang after receiving media inquiries such as Hindustan Times on April 6, this rumor was not effective after all.

Soon, the Giloy Gomutra capsule developed by Modi's Big Camp, Gujarat Bang,, a mixture of quinoa and beef urine, which launched human experiments on new crown patients in advance.By early July, the Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) and the Indian Clinical Test Registration Center (CTRI) also allowed 19 categories to conduct clinical trials.In addition, Modi has also advocated the effects of Himalayan BlackBerry and beef urine in the latest episode of the national radio show on July 26th.On the occasion, the significance of this propaganda can be imagined.

In a sense, the Modi authorities have been looking forward to its Hinduism since the outbreak of the epidemic.Unfortunately, cow dung urine, traditional herbs and frost not only save patients, but may even bring new diseases.For the Modi authorities, which operates its national machines according to Indian countries, the inertia brought by this tradition is also continuing.

So, on August 5th, local time, Modi led a group to the religious sacred place in northern India as the Prime Minister, Ayoyitia. In a history of 400 years, the original site of the Babri Mosque, which was demolished by BJP mob, was later demolished by BJP mobs.Burning the incense on his head, and held a foundation ceremony with Master Nitia and others.As Ayjeria was overwhelmed by the saffron of the BJP party flag, the local people had forgotten the spread of crown disease. After a week, the death and depression caused by the epidemic were still spreading. In additionAnd almost returning to heaven, this reality may make some Indians realize: whether it is a god of God's temple or drinking cattle, swallowing cream, it may not be the right way. This means not only cannot prevent crown disease, but also cannot save India.