Diplomacy is an extension of internal affairs.Factors such as populism, anti -globalization, racial conflict, and political differences have continued to deepen the internal recognition of political disputes in the United States.U.S. politicians have also rapidly extended the recognition of politics to Sino -US relations, making the United States' identity in China's identity to the degree of heat.

An important feature of identifying politics is that it is the normal state, and it is very different from those who are different. Therefore, while making itself highly morally moral, the other party is demonized.At the same time, as recognizing politics is highly differentiated within the United States in the United States, the United States also uses the internal ways of the United States to differentiate the internal internalization of China.

The United States is partially manifested in the three aspects of China, namely the relationship between the Han and the ethnic minorities (using the Tibetan issue of Xinjiang), the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people, and the relationship between the Chinese Communist Party and its leadership group.Recently, with the increasingly prominent issues of Hong Kong and Taiwan, the United States has also begun to differentiate between China and China, that is, regarding mainland China as China, and Taiwan and Hong Kong as China.

In the political war against China, the United States not only strengthened its ideological words, but did not satisfy only at the ideological level, but entered the specific level of policy operation.Furthermore, the goal of strengthening the political identity at the ideological level is to demonstrate the rationality of its specific policies.The reason is very simple. Once the Chinese demonization is demonized at the political level, the United States has a reasonable policy for China.This identity politics is not only aimed at the people and international communities in the United States, but also attempts to influence the Chinese people.

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo made a new cross -Grand Ocean dialogue at the Brussels Forum at the Marshall Foundation in Germany on June 25, reiterating his argument at the Copenhagen Democratic Summit on June 19, calling on Europe to EuropeAllies jointly respond to the challenges brought by the Chinese Communist power, saying that it is not the United States against China, but that the world needs to fight against China.

He said that although the United States and Europe were slow to realize the rise of China's authoritarian regime and its impact on the free society, a series of actions taken by the CCP regime awakened the United States and Europe.Pompeo said: The information I want to convey today is that in order to maintain our free society, our prosperity, and future, we must work together to continue the awakening of both sides of the Atlantic to cope with China's challenges.

He said: It is nonsense about the United States that ease the tension with China.We do not accept this argument.There is no compromise between freedom and authority.I don't want our future to be shaped by the CCP.The current problem is not that the United States forces Europe to make choices between the United States and China, but that China is forcing the EU to make choices between the EU in the free world and China.He said that he saw that the European continent had a more realistic view of China.

He proposed that the United States would unite Europe to deal with China, saying that the United States accepts the proposal to establish a dialogue mechanism for the United States and the European Union by Berrely, the head of the European Union's foreign affairs, and will establish this mechanism as soon as possible.

On June 24th, when visiting Arizona, the US White House Guoan adviser Obrain published a nearly 30 -minute speech to China by dialogue with more than 20 corporate executives, criticizing the CCP in China in ChinaThe totalitarianism and the expansion plan of the world output ideology.He said that in the past, it was naive to deal with it because of ignoring the CCP's ideology, but this era has ended.He predicted that the United States would sacrifice more sanctions and will completely expose the CCP's global expansion plan.

Obrain said that the biggest failure of the United States since 1930 is to misjudge the CCP, and naively thinking that exchanges with the Communist Party of China will promote it to become more free.The reason why the United States misjudges is because the United States ignores the CCP's ideology.Obrain condemned the Chinese government to theft of intellectual property, cracking down on human rights, aggressive expansion, covering the origin of coronal viruses in Wuhan, using social media to promote and spread false information, and driving all this ideology.

He said: The Trump administration will expose the CCP's ideas and conspiracy, not only for Hong Kong or Taiwan, but for the world.He vowed: President Trump understands permanent peace, from his own strength.The United States is the most powerful country in the world, and we will not bow to the CCP.

In his speeches, Obrain, the Trump administration has taken the seven major counterattack measures on China, including the ban on Huawei, the State Council listed nine Chinese official media as foreign envoys, and on the issue of Xinjiang issues related to the Xinjiang issue.The 21 Chinese government entities and 16 Chinese companies offer export bans, end their relationship with the WHO due to the control of the WHO, restrict the PLA's background, suspend the US Federal Retirement Fund's investment plan for Chinese stocks, and the United StatesThe Ministry of National Defense listed a number of companies controlled by the PLA.

And this series of measures is just the beginning, aiming to correct unilateral unfair relationships in the past 40 years, (these errors) have seriously affected the US economy and recent political security.As President Trump's tariffs added to China's unfair trade, more sanctions will be introduced.

The United States recognizes the same political purpose

When the implementation of China's identification with China, removing the so -called Chinese influence into the United States has become a top priority in the United States.The core of identifying the political war is the influence, and the United States regards China's media in the United States as a direct penetration of the United States.Not long ago, the five Chinese media institutions of Xinhua News Agency, China Global Television Network (CGTN), China International Radio (CRI), China Daily Publishing Corporation and People's Daily, the United States Haitian Development Corporation, were identified as a foreign envoy after the foreign envoysOn June 22, the U.S. State Department also included the China Central Television (CCTV), China News Agency, People's Daily and Global Times on the list.The State Council says that these media are controlled by the Communist Party of China and are not independent news agencies.

Indeed, as the US foreign policy shows, the purpose of the United States to recognize the same politics is to shape a political international alliance and deal with China together.Over the years, the United States has become internationally inconsistent with its internal social and political conflicts.

After Trump came to power, the United States accelerated its retreat from the international stage.Although the United States allies want the United States to continue to play an international leader, this has not slowed down the speed of the United States from retreat from international groups.Not only that, the Trump administration has repeatedly put pressure on the alliance and demands that they will bear more costs in maintaining the alliance with the United States.

All these allies in the United States have seen each other in the United States.In this crown disease, no American allies seeking help from the United States.This has never happened since the United States has entered the world system for more than a century.In the past, the United States was always the primary consideration of its allies for help, and most of the United States was for their generosity.The changes in the characters on the international stage have made American allies began to change their views on the United States and bluntly.German Chancellor Merkel said in a joint visit to the Six European newspapers such as the Guardian on June 26 that do not think that the United States still wants to be the world leader; if the United States voluntarily abandon the role of the world, Germany must reflect on.

The United States does not have a deep understanding of its international status.At least after Obama's politics, the United States began to reduce its commitment to international affairs.These must affect their international status.At the same time, the United States has greatly underestimated the speed of China's rise and the trend of China's rise.American politicians hope that China will become another Western country, which is understandable, because no Western -style democratic country can challenge the United States; once it becomes a democratic system, the United States can always find an effective way to interfere with this country's internal affairs.

Therefore, in this case, recognition of politics has become an effective way to become a US policy in the United States.From the perspective of the United States, the reason is effective because of two reasons.First, at the international level, despite the recognition of political expression in the ideological field, it is far widespread than ideology, because identifying politics not only includes traditional races, ethnicity, religion and other factors, but also society such as democracy, freedom, and human rightsSmaller values can be extended to the dispute of civilization.

If this happens,The United States can form a wide range of political identity international united front.Indeed, as discussed earlier, senior American officials and members of parliament have recently been selling such a concept from their allies and the world, that is, whether they stand with the United States to deal with China, not the choice between China and the United States, but the autocracy and democracyOptional choice.Earlier, US officials also bluntly regarded the conflict between China and the United States as a civilized conflict.Second, as discussed earlier, identifying politics can promote changes within China by differentiation of China.

Mode of function and reaction

Where will the United States' political war on China guide Sino -US relations?

To a large extent, the relationship between China and the United States has evolved into the relationship between the role and reaction of the physical world. No matter what kind of movement on the other side, the other side must mechanically rebound mechanically, thus entering the free landing mode.Since the crown disease epidemic, any move in the United States will inevitably lead to a strong rebound in China.

Although this mode and reaction model can be understood, it is actually very unfavorable to China, that is, China is likely to fall into the political agenda set by the United States.The resistance of the two countries is obviously within the two countries. Because of whether the resistance is successful, the most affected is the life of the people in the country, not the people of another country.Because of various factors, the United States tried to blame China and associates the epidemic dissemination with the Chinese political system without any reason.Even in the United States, it is not small to oppose the voices of blaming China, because pushing China cannot solve the problem of the spread of the U.S. epidemic, and cannot save the lives of the American people.

But unfortunately, it is regarded as a strong backbone of China, and soon staged institutional disputes, values and lifestyle disputes between Sino -US relations.The United States believes that its political system, values, and lifestyles have been threatened by China, and the defense war against China must be conducted from all aspects.At least at the folk level, China also has similar cognition, which has led to the rise in folk nationalism and populism.

People compare this situation with the Cold War of the two countries during the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.Indeed, in addition to the deterrent of nuclear weapons, the most intense battlefields of the United States and the Soviet Union are the confrontation between the ideological field, that is, the United States calling free capitalism and the Soviet communism.However, as far as the United States has recognized China in the same political war, the situation of China and the United States in this field may be worse than the situation during the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union.After all, if Americans believe in civilized conflicts, this conflict does not exist in the middle of the US -Soviet relations, but exists in the middle of Sino -US relations.

In fact, as far as the category of agreed politics, the United States can expand and spread this conflict to any field.The core here is that once the United States recognizes politics, the policy of the United States has a moral high ground.

How can China find other more effective ways to deal with the recognition of the United States?If the United States recognizes the same politics and China is also engaged in the same identification of politics, the two countries will inevitably fall into a vicious cycle model that identify with politics.This is the case today.

According to experience, China can actually have more effective ways, that is, tolerance.Tolerant is also the main characteristic of Chinese secular civilization. This characteristics also make Chinese civilization absorb foreign cultures including Buddhism.But even if people do not discuss the long past, the experience since 1949 is enough to explain the effectiveness of the tolerance.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, China has implemented a policy of falling on the Soviet Union.After the break with the Soviet Union, China also experienced a high wave of anti -American nationalism.However, the proposal of Mao Zedong's three world theories shows that his pragmatic policy, that is, the national policy is not restricted by the existing ideology.Although the United States and the Soviet Union were on the opposite of two ideological forms at the time, Mao Zedong's pragmatic policy prompted him to regard the United States and the Soviet Union as hegemonism at the same time.

Although the countries in the second world are capitalist countries, and their ideology with China itself, all the countries in the second world are the objects of Chinese communication and cooperation.After Dr. Kissinger visited China secretly, China has formed a quasi -alliance with its own ideology opposite the United States to deal with Soviet imperialism.

Deng Xiaoping's unsuccessful way is to include the tolerance method.In response to the capitalist and socialist disputes in the ideological field at the time, Deng Xiaoping proposed unsuccessful, thinking that the market economy was just an institutional means and tools, and capitalism and socialism were available.Later, China organized the integration of market economy and socialism, proposed the theory of socialist market economy, and guided China's high -speed economic growth for decades.

For a long time after Deng Xiaoping, despite China's efforts to resist Westernization, he never stopped talking to the West.Even on issues such as democracy, freedom, human rights, etc., China has always held a conversation with the West with an attitude of seeking common differences.Experience shows that as long as the dialogue is passed, many areas can reach a certain consensus.After all, the actual China is not China in the Western identity, not to mention that there is huge common interests between China and the West.

In a word, when the United States began to introduce Sino -US relations into the political war, China had to think about how to avoid the problem of letting Americans walk with their noses.

(The author is a professor at the East Asia Research Institute of the former Singapore National University)