
Scholars of interviewees pointed out that the academic circle is most likely to be subject to intelligence agencies in the academic circle, because most think tank scholars do hot issues and policy research, and they also have the opportunity to contact government officials.Compared to university professors studying academic theory, foreign intelligence institutions are more interested in think tank scholars.

Spy is one of the oldest occupations of human beings.

In the end of the Spring and Autumn Period of the Spring and Autumn Period, the use of the art of the grandson of the soldier Sun Wu discussed the importance of using spy in the war.To this day, it is not new to spy attacks between the country and the country, but perhaps because the beauty car beauty of the British series of spy films 007 is fascinating, the curiosity of the mysterious spy reporting work has never been reduced.

An open secret is that academic personnel are one of the targets of spy institutions in various countries.At the end of last month, a Singaporean academic personnel pleaded guilty in the United States and acknowledged that the relationship between the Chinese intelligence department in the United States was attracted again.

Dickson Yeo, a 39 -year -old, was a doctoral student of the School of Public Policy, Li Guangyao, Singapore.According to the court documents, after delivering a speech on Southeast Asian politics in Beijing in 2015, he was solicited by the person who claimed to be a Chinese think tank.The other party asked Yao Junwei to write reports in the political field and paid money.

Spy Academy: Intelligence agencies adopt academic seminars and anti -scholars

Intelligence personnel use academic activities to contact scholars. There are many precedents for this plot.

American senior reporter Daniel Middot; Daniel Golden published a spy school in 2017: the Central Intelligence Agency, the Federal Investigation Agency, and foreign intelligence agencies how to use the book of American universities in the United States, how the personnel of the Central Intelligence Agency of the United States pass throughAcademic seminars, successfully strategically anti -Iranian nuclear research professors.

According to descriptions, in order to lure scientists in Iran and North Korea, the United States often sent agents to participate in academic seminars, and even held fake forums. There were two purpose, one was to steal information, and the other was an infiltration policy.

The real events of the Iranian nuclear research professor were rebellious more than 10 years ago.In order to get close to this professor, the CIA has planned for several months; first, it was a meeting to hold a meeting through a business intermediary in a foreign scientific research center that is not doubtful, and even inserted agents among kitchen workers and other staff.

After the event, the participants returned to the hotel room to rest, and the agent of the CIA started.The audio and video surveillance of the room showed that the professor's followers had fallen asleep, but the professor was still awake.The agent knocked on the door and directly showed his identity. He invited the professor to take a flight to the United States together, and finally succeeded.

The book also tells that the best way to solicit foreign academic personnel in the CIA agent is: creating various inadvertent encounters at an academic seminar.

A former agent of the Central Love Bureau said he would first sort out a list of upcoming academic conferences, and then picked out the most valuable counterpart.This goal has frequently appeared at a certain meeting over the past few years, and it is likely to attend again.

The agent then created a false identity, deliberately created various encounters at the seminar, and left an impression on the target professor. After a few days, he asked him to eat, saying that his company was interested in his research and was willing to fund him.Once the Central Bureau paid the professor, he was controlled.

Studies must be open and transparent and not involved in national secrets

However, an unknown local scholar told the United Zard that normal academic exchanges rarely encountered suspicious people, and most of the academic personnel were sensitive.It should be said that 90%of researchers have the ability to judge each other's attempts.

The scholar said that there are three most basic points to pay attention to: whether the other party reports the ownership of the institution or not; if there is a person, if there is this person; if the other party questioned many questions when communicating, and hope to get some uninvited information, then then thenIt is doubtful.

He also said that in the academic circle, a think tank scholar is most likely to be subject to intelligence agencies, because most think tank scholars do hot issues and policy research, and they also have the opportunity to come into contact with government officials.Compared to university professors studying academic theory, foreign intelligence institutions are more interested in think tank scholars.

The scholar said that in order to prevent academic personnel from causing unnecessary trouble, mature think tanks generally have regulatory procedures, including requiring academic personnel to declare research report projects contracted outside the think tank, such as listing counterpart units, research contentAfter the application is approved, it can be carried out after the application is approved.

In short, we must be open and transparent, including when consulting the opinions of an expert abroad, you must also explain to the other party to study who is for research.The most important thing is that the national confidential information identified by a country cannot be obtained.

He revealed that many consulting companies on the market are doing research reports this business.He judged that the reason why Yao Junwei had an accident was because he did not explain the service target to the person who wrote the report, and even used money to obtain secrets.

Academic personnel are willing to hook regulatory regulations, no matter how good it is, it will not be prevented.

The scholars interviewed by this newspaper said that the personal values of academic personnel determine everything. If the parties are willing to hook, the think tanks will not be prevented by good regulatory regulations.

Li Liangfu, a senior researcher at the Easov Issa East South Asian Research Institute in Singapore, said: The best line of defense is that scholars themselves must hold the correct values and pay attention to their usual behavior ethics.He must know the risks faced at work and make correct judgments at any time.

According to court documents, Yao Junwei knew that the Chinese personnel who contacted him came from the intelligence unit and continued to cooperate with each other.

Li Liangfu said that once he feels that the other party is suspicious, he will stop contacting immediately.What are you pictures?What weaknesses do you have to be used?We see from many cases that some of the people who happened to be in debt needed money to turn around, and some were greedy for beauty.For example, in the 1980s, a Singaporean diplomat who sent Moscow fell into a beauty circle and fell.

The aforementioned unnamed scholars said that many crowded behaviors originated from the parties with a chance. At first, they thought that they only provided non -sensitive information, but they became deeper and deeper after the hook.

The court document of the Yao Junwei case pointed out that he was at first making a consultation about Southeast Asian countries, and then he did one step ahead of the thunder pool to find someone to write sensitive information involved in the United States.In the context of the deterioration of Sino -US relations, his behavior is more likely to be held legal.

Zhang Jiayu, an associate professor of the Nanyang University of Technology Rajerin South International Research Institute in Singapore, believes that in order to prevent foreign intelligence institutions from penetrating into the academic circle, strengthen the review of doctoral selection and the supervision of the domestic intelligence unit is a possible way.close.

The purpose of universities and think tanks is to encourage people to think, and it is necessary to communicate with people to stimulate thinking.Throw some ideas yourself and listen to the thoughts of others at the same time, and the two sides exchange some information.In an open economy, it is impossible for academic personnel to set up a protective cover when communicating with the outside world, otherwise it will strike the development of education.

With the popularization of social networks, the spy and offensive war has also been online in recent years, and the social media platform has become the main hunting ground.

The director of the National Anti -Spy and Security Center Evanna has such a statement: Instead of sitting in the United States to recruit the object, it is better to sit in front of his computer and send a friend's request to thousands of people with false personal files, which is more efficient.

According to the court documents, Yao Junwei was recruited through the establishment of a false consulting company at the leader.This trick was very effective. He received 400 jobs resumes, of which 90%came from the US military or government personnel with security permits.

Yao Junwei recruited some of them to write a report, providing rewards for up to $ 2,000 (about S $ 2765); one person wrote how Japan's purchase of F-35 fighters from the United States affects geopolitics, and anotherThe content of the first report involves a US State Department official.

Fake company social media recruits people like Nigeria scams

There are nearly 700 million users in Lingying, and many people are looking for a job.In order to highlight their value, some former US government employees emphasize that they have a security department for review permits in their resumes, which is more likely to be stared at by agents.

The US Central Intelligence Agency and former employees of the National Defense Intelligence Agency are one of them.The Federal Investigation Bureau said that Mallori and China began in February 2017. At that time, a Chinese special agent represented by a think tank sent him a message on the Lingying platform.Mallori was sentenced to 20 years in prison for labels for China in 2019.

Zhang Jiazhen believes that various information on the social media platform came from all directions, and it was indeed invincible. Personal common sense judgment was particularly important.He compared the spy reports of the hunter company to collect intelligence to compare the sophisticated means of the Nigerian scams.

Have you accepted the email of the scammer?If the other party wants you to provide information, you can pay for it and try his reaction.Similarly, some hunter head companies come to the door, you can go to the interview, see what the other person comes, and then do information to verify.

He reminded: When an incredible good thing has fallen, you have to judge whether it is a scam and how much price you have to pay.