Baber: Is the period between the two World War that is similar to today?Is the Weimar Republic destined to perish?The two fascinating works on that period have deepened our understanding.

There are two uncomfortable traps between European history between the two world war.The first is the instinct of history from the rearview mirror.Because we knew that during that period, we ended with the most destructive war in history, so the temptation was to conclude that the incident 10 years or 20 years ago has destined this ending.This decision theory is often accompanied by the following assumptions that the collapse of Weimar Republic, Germany, which implements the democratic system. It is inevitable.The Broken Republic of Weimar collapsed in 1933 and was replaced by the Nazi Party's dictatorship.

The second trap is that people tend to over -compare with the troubles of our current era during the period when they are two times.That's right, the authoritarian rulers and the confusing nationalists have the momentum between the two world wars, just like in our time.The economic crisis is one after another, and the internationalist reputation sweeps the ground.But there are not two times the same.Just as Paul Bull; Paul Jankowski pointed out: an aggressive dictatorship, as well as ideological challenges brought by communism and fascism, gave a unique face (in the 1930s); andEnvironmental crisis, nuclear diffusion, and network space lsquo; jungle rsquo; ghost, gives us an unpopular characteristic of our (1920s).

All Against All in Yangkovsky and Robert Bull; November 1918, November 1918 (November 1918), which is published in recent years.Fascinating historical works.Yangkovsky's eyes surpassed Europe and followed the development of China, Japan and the United States.He gave a detailed description of some unknown events, such as the Geneva disarmament negotiations and the failure of the London World Economic Conference in 1933.

At the same time, Gavos's book tries to correct what he calls Weimar as a very one -sided impression of the Republic in the dead.In his opinion, this interpretation covered the fact that the Revolution in 1918 was born in the country where Germany history was unified to the most progressive country.As a professor of modern history of the University of Dublin (UNIVERSITY College Dublin, in the first four years of its establishment, the Republic of Weimar defeated countless challenges to its stable. By 1923, the chance of entering democracy seemed to be far less than its.Consolidate the state.

The revolution that overthrowing Kaiser Wilhelm II was catching up with the German Empire defeated in the First World War, which prompted the conservatives of the old regime and the new generation of right -wing nationalists to make full false claims.That is, socialists, Jews, and other traitors who do not patriot have lost Germany to war.The reactionaries pushed the responsibility of the 1919 Treaty of Versailles to Weimar's gentle politicians; for many years, in the minds of many Germans, the harsh terms of that treaty and revolution and subsequent democratic experimentsconnect together.

This revolution in Germany is a very German revolutionary MDash; MDash; even if it is a real revolution.There is no brutal behavior of French people, no overgraduate behavior of the Russian Communists.On November 10, 1918, the novelist Thomas Mann wrote in his diary.Unfortunately, this judgment was too early.

In January 1919, an attempt of the extreme left to let Germany's democratic politicians relied on the Freikorps militia to suppress the potential revolutionaries.For the future of Weimar, the problem is that the Liberty Legion is not only anti -Communist, but also hates this Republic of summoning them to rescue each other.Not only that, the various institutions of this new republic, such as armed forces, bureaucratic agencies, judicial agencies, and police agencies, are full of dead hards with insufficient democracy. At this point, Gavos may have used a larger space.Discussion.

In the turbulence after the revolution, it is easy for people to forget the Friedrich bull; Friedrich Ebert and other Social Democrats who have in power in 1918 to promote Austria and enter Germany; this step will never be supported by the allies to supportEssenceFor Albert and his colleagues, the key is not the expansion of territorial expansion itself, but MDASH; mdash; as Gavos calls mdash; mdash; fulfills the efforts of the liberalist commitment of the German Revolution in 1848.

This incident eventually ended, and Germany became the obsession of the right -wing nationalist.However, the successful establishment of a welfare capitalism has successfully established a welfare capitalism, which is very advanced for Europe in the early 1920s.The leaders of business and trade unions reached an agreement on wage arbitration, eight -hour work system, and workers' representative rights at the company's board of directors.

The social and economic foundation required for a stable free democracy has begun to take shape.That's right, Weimar has been plagued from the beginning, because a few people on the left and very right have always refused to accept the legitimacy of the 1918 revolution and the new government.However, Gavos conducted a strong demonstration, indicating that Weimar was not a republic without a republic as many historians exaggerated.

For Brandeis University professor of historiography, Brandeis University, Yangkovski, in the early 1930s, mixed with isolationism, reverie of peace, the fanaticism of revolution, the imagination of race, nation or nation or the imagination.The threat of class life and death, as well as various collective delusions.His core argument is that from the autumn 1932 to early 1933, the world finally entered the pre -war period from the war.

He emphasized that this does not mean that the global war has been inevitable since mid -1933: Hellip; HELLIP; The disorderly state of continuous diffusion in the 1930s ended in the Second World War.This ending may not be developed.In other words, the choice of political leaders is very important, and it is true that the state of no government is caused by the country.

By focusing on a series of incidents, Yangkovsky explained his point of view. These incidents or crumbling international systems of the Houwan Selene were severely hit, or symbolized the decline of the system.For world peace, these incidents are not all ominous signs.In November 1932, Franklin Roosevelt won in the US presidential election, which brought people's hope to take strong measures to fight the Great Depression.In the German election in the same month, the Nazi party received 2 million votes less than July 1932.

However, as Jonkovsky said, Roosevelt and his new supporters have firmly believed that any international commitment should not hinder the domestic economic recovery.Shortly after entering the White House, Roosevelt decoupled the dollar with gold and destroyed the London Economic Conference.There are some good reasons for his actions, but the fact is still: just when Germany, Italy, Japan, and the Soviet Union took the road of self -sufficiency and preparation for war, the United States mdash; mdash;Give up the old economic order.

Similarly, Roosevelt took back his enthusiasm for the League of Nations for a long time before he was elected.In 1933, the administrative authorities he led could not see any benefits from being involved in the expansion of Japan's expansion in China.It wasn't until the 1930s that Roosevelt began to challenge domestic isolation.

As for Germany, because conservative elites are determined to abolish Weimar's democratic system once and for allMdash; mdash; This system has been greatly weakened by the economic crisis MDash; MDASH; Nazi Party's election setbacks are ultimately unrelated.Franz Bull; Feng Bull; Franz von Papen once had a famous prophecy: we will force Hitler to a corner and let him scream, but decided to let the Nazi leader in January 1933Being a German Prime Minister is a disaster misjudgment.

In all parts of the world, the country has become a fighting slogan of two political systems: freedom and authority.The Soviet Union was the power of capitalism, and Western suspected Stalin's foreign policy and misunderstood his domestic suppression.Yangkovsky made a bleak end of his book with the failure of the economic and disarmament: London and Geneva, two stages of the same failure, showing the world's destruction of interdependence.

November 1918: November 1918: The German Revolution, author: Robert Bull; Gewos, Oxford University Press, recommended for retail price: 20 pounds/25.95 US dollars, 329 pages

All people oppose everything: the long winter of 1933 and the origin of the Against All: The Long Winter of 1933 and the Origins of the Second World War), the author: Paul Bull;PROFILE BOOKS/Harpercollins (Harpercollins) published, recommended for retail price: 25 pounds/32.50 US dollars, 454 pages

Tony Bull; Tony Barber is the British Financial Times European commentator

Translator/He Li