Hou Tai Ling

Political correctness is the value concept and words and deeds that should be paid to political issues when it involves political issues. It is not only because of political needs, and naturally it is hypocritical. Moreover, the political correctness of different countries may be very different.

However, whether within one country or in the international community with sovereignty, the role of political correctness in governance order and public morality cannot be underestimated.Especially in the era of the nation and countries, it is because of the correct consideration of politics that many superficial consensus has eventually become a binding rule, which makes differences in control and cooperation and win -win results.

However, when public topics such as warming the climate and the gap between the rich and the poor should be watched, the political correctness seems to suddenly lose its correctness, and it is stripped like a camouflage on the body.

The most accurate evidence is that the global political atmosphere returns to conservatives, racial discrimination, populism, extraordinary trend, etc. These things that have been labeled and sealed in history are reinstated again.When politicians or ordinary people will no longer cover up, they will no longer cover up, or even disregard the facts, publicly insult and squeeze others, and skin color, beliefs, viruses, etc. are used to carry out attacks and stigma.

Economic aspects are also full of short -sighted actions.Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) believes that the significance of the monetary system is to ensure that the government has incomparable funds to solve all problems. Therefore, as long as the government needs, currency can be printed casually.It is this kind of view that has recently received widespread praise, including many politicians.

All countries seem to be committed to building an economic utopian that rely on currency support. The government's use of currency tools is becoming more and more casual. On the surface, it is to maintain liquidity. In factbreak out.This has caused the global economy's increasing characteristics of virtualization and emptiness, and that wealth can only be transferred to the path of currency, and no longer decide by creativity and hard work, and improving the competitiveness of the physical industry is no longer market -oriented.The gap between the rich and the poor and the unprepared issues are deteriorating every day, but no one pays attention.

There are many reasons why politics is no longer correct, and one of them is probably related to the changes in media ecology in the mobile Internet era.Today, the guidance effects of various self -media on public thinking and behavior are rapidly improved, and it is difficult for mainstream media to continue public opinion orientation.This change is not only a change in information transfer, but also a reshaping of the social value system.

Traditionally, the information transmitted by mainstream media has been filtered, or for political motivation, or out of economic benefits, but no matter what, it is conducive to the public opinion mechanism that is conducive to the correct politics; self -media is completely spontaneous and blindly moved.It is emotional, and it also has a tendency to oppose political correctness.

These changes in the media ecology will inevitably affect the value orientation of voters. Under the political system of election, the value orientation of voters determines the behavior of politicians, which will affect the policy strategy and specific policies.The correctness of politics is basically synchronized with the growth of the media. In recent years, the election results in some countries and regions have fully proved that inciting and catering the people's emotions is a successful strategy of tried and uncomfortable.

Objectively speaking, the forms of regime and organization in most countries today are still the products of the industrial era. Elite governs the country, regular elections, political and social separation, and at the same time leading ideology and public cognition through mainstream media.system.

In the era of the rise of the media, the inherent mechanism of this governance system has failed, but the institutional changes that are needed in the time of the times have not occurred. At the same time, due to the reasons such as path dependence and civilization conflict, many Western countries have refused to face the system exposure at the system level exposure.In the problem, these factors have aggravated the functional alienation and direction of the election system.It can be predictable that if the political way is not improved, losing the political correctness will be the unified destination of all politicians, just like the original support of it.

Another important reason can be attributed to the lag effect of scientific and technological progress.The reason why politics has its hypocrisy is that under the slogan of universal value and ethnic equality, it does not prevent some countries or ethnic groups from taking more real interests with its technological strength and first -mover advantages, and maintains more abundancelife.

But in the past few decades, although the level of science and technology has been improved, substantial and epoch -making innovation is very rare. The so -called new technology is nothing more than local optimization within the industrialized knowledge framework.It is just the speed and method of industrial technology. In fact, the world is still enjoying the dividend of the industrial revolution. The expected era is far from arrival.

One of the consequences of the lag of scientific and technological development is that the scientific and technological capabilities of various countries have gradually flattened. The competitive strategy of winning by scientific and technological advantages has gradually lost its effect.At the same time, under the promotion of the global integration process, market mechanisms from identity to contracts, factor -driven and other market mechanisms quickly expand to the world, emerging countries have risen rapidly, and the profit distribution path has seriously deviated from the expectations of the construction of the trade order.out of hand.This situation has caused politics to correctly lose the foundation of survival. It has also become an active choice for Western countries.

As for the crown disease epidemic, what is played is the role of catalyst.This global disaster does not prove the various prejudices behind the correct political correctness. The virus is not limited to a specific region and race, but also overthrow many assumptions about the Eastern and Western systems and culture.It even made some politics correctly become incorrect.

The damage caused by the crown disease to the global economy may be made up, but the impact it brings to people will never be smooth.The medieval black death accelerates the establishment of the secular rationality, and the coronary virus will also promote people to reflect on the rationality of the system, including the first to reflect on the correct politics.

Of course, the so -called post -war order duration has been long enough, and historical memory and war creative wounds have disappeared. People are bored with various restraints under the correct political correctness, and they are willing to enable those more simple and intuitive judgment standards. Choose to chooseGo back to the historical mirror of identity and so on.These are also the reason why politics is no longer respected.

The reason why political correctness can become a set of value concepts and behavior taboos, and plays an important role in daily life and political systems, was originally due to the need to establish social identity.In the social process of establishing its own subjectivity and commitment to constructing a symbiosis and prosperity of different races, culture, and classes, it is essential for political correctness to achieve harmony and consistency.The advancement of global integration also needs to establish a basic moral paradigm in the atmosphere of politics and correctly shaping, and to restrain people's excessive behavior.

Because of this, it is extremely dangerous to lose its political correctness and return to identity or class identity.The practice of Trump's new conservativeism has been destroyed worldwide, and the tears and oppositions of American society have become increasingly aggravated. The consequences have been demonstrated, and it is time to brake.

Of course, the correct politics is so vulnerable, which fully shows that the reflection of modern civilization on human subjectivity is not thorough. The shadows of jungle laws and ethnic superiority are lingering.Therefore, we must always be vigilant.

The author is the director of the China Financial Legal Behavior Research Association

The reason why political correctness can become a set of value concepts and behavior taboos, and plays an important role in daily life and political systems, was originally due to the need to establish social identity.In the social process of establishing its own subjectivity and commitment to constructing a symbiosis and prosperity of different races, culture, and classes, it is essential for political correctness to achieve harmony and consistency.