Liu Jincai

Li Denghui, a pioneer in Taiwan's democracy in the international community, and former president of Taiwan, died on July 30 and enjoyed 98 years old.Taiwan President Tsai Ing -wen gave him democratic Taiwan, and has a high reputation that you eternal.

The US Secretary of State Feng Peio issued a formal statement. Previously, the president of Taiwan respected Lee Teng -hui, praising its political reform to turn Taiwan into a democratic lighthouse, and emphasized that it will continue to strengthen the US -Taiwan relations and remember Lee Tenghui's political assets.As an important leader of democratic reform, supporters respected Lee Teng -hui as the father of Taiwan; the opponents called it the godfather of Taiwan independence.

Looking at Lee Teng -hui for 12 years, he continued to re -interpret the No. 1 Middle School, which has changed its concept.From the proposal to adhere to the principle of one country, one country, one country, one China, two peer political entities, and throwing a phased two Chinese policies pointed by China, and explaining the status quo on both sides of the strait is a division of China.The special and state relations of the international community gradually abandon the principles of the traditional prototype of traditional prototypes.

First of all, in the early days of ruling, he proposed that the Republic of China was the Republic of China, and the inclusive positioning of cross -strait relations was one country and two districts.In February 1988, the National Policy of the Republic of China was declared: there was only one China without two Chinese policies.There is only one China, we must unify.

In August 1990, he announced the formulation of regulations on cross -strait people's relations, and was included in the positioning of one country, two districts, and the legalization.In the unified national program passed in March 1991, it is clear that cross -strait positioning is positioned as a non -denying political entity.The National Unification Commission has adopted a Chinese meaning of China: a China should say that the Republic of China in 1912 should be established so far, and its sovereignty is as a whole in China.In the early days of ruling, he clearly located cross -strait relations with one China, two districts, and two peer political entities.

Secondly, the positioning of cross -strait relations in the early days of ruling belongs to one country, not the relationship between the country and the country.It advocates that China is temporarily split into two regions, and there are the Republic of China that ruled Taiwan in the two regions, and the People's Republic of China that ruled the mainland. The two are completely equal political entities.These two non -denied peer political entities enjoys their right to rule. In the area under their jurisdiction, they have his jurisdiction. The relationship is the two districts of the Chinese principle.The meaning of the two countries.

Repeated, advocate a future in China.In 1997, the Journalism Bureau of the Taiwan Executive Yuan published a perspective of a Chinese story, indicating that a Chinese statement has hinted that China is not unified at present.If it has been unified, there will be no problems in China; emphasizing that China is not one now.The connotation of the first China should be a division of China under their respective expressions, and the future is a new China that is democratic, freedom, and all unified.

A dividing China shows that there is no ruling between the two sides of the strait, and no one can represent each other, or even the entire China, which can only represent their own effective rule.Since a division of governance China is a factual expression of the current situation on both sides of the strait, of course, a China points to the future.

Furthermore, it was converted from a break from the principles of the first China to two special countries.In July 1999, Li Denghui proposed that since the constitutional amendment in 1991, cross -strait relations have been positioned in the country and the country.The government's lsquo; an internal relationship in China rsquo;.

In August of the same year, the second meeting of the 15th Kuomintang was approved to locate cross -strait relations with a special relationship between state and state.A China is no longer the same, but the future will be one of the future.The special positioning of the relationship between the country and the country is different from the national unified program of Taiwan Straits Cross -Strait Relations Manual, and positions cross -strait as a peer political entity within one country.

Finally, the one -middle discussion still has cross -strait unified political thinking.Looking back at Lee Teng -hui in an exclusive interview before the step -down in 2000, what kind of evaluation was when asked?Li Denghui replied: I hope to be evaluated as those who love Taiwanese and Chinese people. It can be seen that the closing ceremony of his political career still has a uniform shell. In his publishing for the rest of his life, I have never advocated Taiwan independence.

Looking at one of the discussion, even if the relationship between special countries and the country is finally proposed, it still advocates that one China is a past and the future, and the current formula is a division of China, not completely united political thinking on both sides of the strait.A China is composed of the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China, and this is the complete China.

The change of Li Denghui's discussion has had a huge impact on cross -strait relations. The past presidents of Taiwan have taken a certain stage of discussion. As the principle of guiding the cross -strait route, it has different effects and effects.For example, former DPP President Chen Shui -bian has advocated that a cross -strait co -structure in the future is that a China is the future. This is the first time that the DPP is in charge of the Kuomintang government on the cross -strait route.Affected by Lee Teng -hui's political reform, the Democratic Progressive Party abandoned Taiwan's independence, unremitting status, and the demands of the Republic of China as a foreign regime.

Ma Ying -jeou, a former President of the Kuomintang, believes that Lee Teng -hui presided over the National Council and adhered to the principles of the first middle school through both sides of the strait, but the awareness of the first middle school was different.In the era, the new century was developed in peace and stability of cross -strait relations.

The current DPP president Tsai Ing -wen proposed that in accordance with the Cross -Strait affairs in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of China and the Regulations on Cross -Strait People's Relations, the mainland authorities are deemed to be an unfinished answer sheet.Is the relationship between the country and the country?Or is it clear that the two -strait positioning is one country, two districts in accordance with the relationship regulations?Obviously, whether it is to choose the two countries or one country and two districts, the reason is very clear, which will have different political effects on the development of cross -strait relations.

The author is Taiwan Foguang University

Assistant professor of the Department of Public Affairs