Author: Lu Zhixiang

Taiwan -US relations are the most important cornerstone in Taiwan's foreign relations. The DPP government fully supports and cooperates with the Trump administration, but it cannot get peer responses. Even if the political and trade issues with low political sensitivity are very low, the United States has extensively avoided the abilityThings, just because the US -Taiwan relations are basically inequality!

The new coronary pneumonia's epidemic was again out of control in the United States, and the influence was as possible. The economic growth plummeted by 32%in the second quarter. President Trump could only be guilty to China with Chinese plague and kung fu pneumonia.Virus echo.The military confrontation between the United States and China in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait has risen, and the people of the Green Camps stated that the CCP will commit force with military force and even make no noise in the US -China military conflict. The United States will win.

The latest case is that the recent epoch -making speech of the Secretary of State Pompeo: The future of the Communist China and the free world symbolizes the end of the US -China diplomatic model in the past 50 years, but the international community and the United States and academia are extremely evaluated by this speech.Low, in addition to surreal, there are many facts and logic errors.The President of the US Foreign Relations Commission, Has, published a special article at the Washington Post to mockery as the chief diplomat of the United States. Pompeo lacks diplomatic literacy and even questioned that he did not understand China, Nixon and US foreign policy.In a negative comment, Taiwan still expressed his gratitude and support as soon as possible.

The Democratic Progressive Party's talks or comments on US officials must have a high -profile response to Taiwan's conversation or comments, and the world and the people of Taiwan have only exposed Taiwan's independence of self -confidence, excessive dependence on the United States, and even the loss of diplomacy and national defense.Pompeo attempts to imitate President Reagan, shape China into a new evil empire, and change the CCP regime, but the timing and motivation of the speech are obviously closely related to the presidential election.

Pompeo's New China policy completely denied Nixon's contact contact policy, but it was unable to propose a pragmatic and feasible alternative. Has described that Pompeo chose a road destined to fail.Seeing Pompeo's speech in his speech, democratic politics was booming in Taiwan. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs saw his joy and immediately expressed his gratitude.Whether or not the endorsement of the Chinese policy in the United States is only a secondary issue in accordance with the overall interests of Taiwan. Perhaps the DPP government has no other options.

Inventory of Taiwan -US bilateral relations in the first term of Tsai Ing -wen's government. In addition to many unreasonable friendly and Taiwan legislation, how many substantial results did Taiwan have achieved in the words and gestures of Taiwanese and American officials to warm each other?Due to the deterioration of Sino -US relations, the two sides were tense in the Western Pacific sword, and the situation of the Taiwan Strait was unprecedented. The United States still maintained a strategic vagueness and refused to promise to have a war end of the Taiwan Strait.The method of using Taiwan's military sales projects, quantities, prices, and even military purchase cases must be ordered to the United States; even at the economic and trade level, the Taiwan -American Free Trade Agreement is only a mirage.

Pompeo wants to flip the United States and China for 50 years of blind contact, but replace it with blind conflicts, and Taiwan seems to only follow it blindly.The DPP has been in power for 4 years. What is the truth about the US -Taiwan relations?Definitely not equivalent.

(The author is senior media person)