Trump said on Friday that it will block the Chinese company's bytellar jumping its Douyin international version of Tiktok in the United States.(Agence France -Presse)

Social Pioneer August 3, 2020

U.S. President Trump said on Friday that it will block the Chinese company's bytellar beating its Douyin International version of Tiktok in the United States.This loved mobile application that is loved by young people has been accused by the US government's allegations to collect personal information for the Chinese government.

This announcement of Trump means that the United States and China have taken another step in the game of technology decoupled.In addition, with the approaching of the US presidential election day, Trump's inducement of the Chinese project aid for the Chinese project will also increase.Before the voting day of the White House election in November, frequent recruits to Beijing should be expected to develop.

Byte beating originally wanted to get rid of the fate of being blocked in several ways, including appointing Americans as president of Tiktok, transferred the decision -making and scientific research departments to the United States, to create more than 10,000 employment opportunities.Equity to Microsoft, but these trials of survival cannot change their destiny.

After the White House insisted on a comprehensive blockade order, Microsoft has suspended negotiations to comprehensively acquire Tiktok.Analysts believe that Tiktok's tens of billions of dollars will not only return to zero, but may even become negative valuations because they want to close companies and layoffs in the United States.

This round of action in the United States is mainly based on the two major evidence.The first is national security.Although there is no clear evidence so far, the United States has accused Chinese technology companies, especially the previous communication technology companies such as Huawei and today's Douyin, secretly assisting the Chinese government monitoring and stealing personal information of users.

The United States has ordered civil servants to uninstall Tiktok.Due to the network security law entered into 2017 in 2017, Chinese enterprises are obliged to cooperate with the government to maintain national security, and bytellar jumping in theory cannot reject the Chinese government's request to obtain user data.

Another reason that Washington blocked TIKTOK was trade peers.Based on the national security reasons, the Chinese government has prohibited many foreign communication products, especially in the United States' facebooks, Google Search, Twitter, YouTube and other social media and mobile phones.However, similar products in China can be unobstructed in the United States.

For Trump, who advocates the United States priority, fair trade is one of his important campaign commitments. Therefore, TiKTOK is fully blocked based on the principle of peering, which is in line with his administrative concept and can also be accepted by relevant American industry operators.

From a more macro perspective, the tension of the US -China confrontation is gradually strengthening. The United States curbing China's rise has become the consensus between the two parties, and it cannot be simply visualized from the political needs of the presidential election.Such a game with a comprehensive confrontation of a great country, the competition of economic strength is the main battlefield, and the military scolding strength is supplemented by the strength, both of which are inseparable from the scientific and technological game.

As a result, the idea behind the tiktok is probably more comprehensive technology decoupling requirements, as well as economic decoustals related to this.From the perspective of the United States, China ’s dependence on the United States is a weapon for science and technology, which can effectively prevent China from catching up.

Although it is essentially a game of great powers, the United States also uses ideology to pack the US -China confrontation.From a series of public speeches of Trump senior officials such as Vice President Pence, Secretary of State Pompeo, National Security Consultant Obrain, and the Director of the Federal Investigation Bureau Christopher; Leihe Judge Barl Polk officials, the Chinese Communist Party and China were deliberately deliberately deliberate speeches in China.The ground is distinguished, and the US -China game is depicted as a universal value of free democracy represented by the United States and fights against the totalitarian autocratic expansion of the CCP.Therefore, the United States must not only hold up the banner of anti -Communist Party and China, but also claims to prevent the CCP from the offensive offensive.Like WeChat, mobile applications such as TIKTOK can be obtained through user daily information to have a subtle influence.From the perspective of heart war, this provides another potential reason for blocking Tiktok.

The Internet world created by the Internet was originally a beautiful new world of freedom and no borders, but it turns out that the virtual world is not separated from the independence of the real world.

With the acceleration of the United States and China Technology's decoupling, just like the geopolitical pattern of confrontation between the East and West camps during the Cold War period, it seems to be formed in the online world.What impact on this impact on global economic and trade and political relations in the future can only be seen.