Source: Hong Kong Ming Pao Agency Review

The Hong Kong Government announced that the Legislative Council was elected for one year on the grounds of the epidemic. The democratic opposition strongly opposed that the government's decision was actually helping the institutional faction.It is not recognized as a recognition of the treatment standards at all.Hong Kong's political opposition is serious, and many people oppose the aftermath elections. The authorities decide this time, which will inevitably bring political impact.The vacuum period brought by the year after the election of the Legislative Council is equally noticeable. The Hong Kong government seeks the central government for this reason, and it is not clear how to deal with the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the time being.There are a large number of people's livelihood economic affairs in Hong Kong. The Legislative Council cannot be paralyzed. A stable and reasonable solution allows the government to operate effectively and can also avoid more political shocks.

The government claims that the epidemic is fair and the ancestors question the political motivation

The SAR Government has listed a series of reasons for the aftermath elections, including the severe epidemic in Hong Kong, and the social restriction measures have now been exhausted.Hong Kong does not allow radio TVs to play campaign advertisements like Singapore, nor does it have no overseas voting arrangements. Under severe social restrictions and border control, not only the campaign will be affected, but it will also make it difficult for tens of thousands of Hong Kong people; If the epidemic is seriously, millions of people in Hong Kong vote for hundreds of ticket stations. The huge flow will increase the risk of cross -infection.Operating, it takes two months before and after, and then the winter is coming. The epidemic may come again. If the election is required, the first year of Qi can avoid hindering the cycle of the normal legislature, watching the epidemic and the development of vaccines, and so on.

Looking at the world, no matter after the end or the example of the election, it also abounds.Theoretically, to measure whether to vote after the aftermath, it should be based on the severity of the epidemic.In Hong Kong, more than 100 new sects are confirmed every day. Everyone regards it as a major crisis, and the city enters a half -seal state. However, there are some places that this level can still operate or reopen as usual.Whether an end of the epidemic should be a judgment, rather than the answers calculated by non -prescriptions.The Hong Kong Government stated that the one -year -old election was out of the age of the epidemic and ensured that the election was fair and public, but the current high political confrontation of Hong Kong and the government's emotions were filled.If you do not believe it, you don't believe it.

From a political point of view, the deployment of the democratic 35+ deployment of the aftermath of the aftermath is more beneficial to the establishment of the institutionalists. Democrats and their supporters must have strong dissatisfaction. At presentIt was only that US President Trump recently questioned the fraud in mail voting and asked if he should be a post -presidential election. If the White House is now sanctioned and threatened by the Hong Kong government's post -election election, the confidence will inevitably weaken.

The Hong Kong Government decided this time, it is worth noting.First of all, the Hong Kong government's post -election election was cited for emergency law. The Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue emphasized that this is the most quickly and effectively cope with the emergency public safety crisis.Last year, the Hong Kong Government quoted an emergency law and promulgated the ban on the masters, which caused great controversy. Some people of the legal community paid attention to the reference to the emergency law and after the election, which may cause judicial lawsuit.The emergency law has been ruled by the constitution itself, reflecting the authorities' confidence in the decision of this time and not afraid of lawsuits.

Secondly, the government said that due to the year after the election, all elections this year are no longer valid, and the next election will be re -registered for voters.Everything starts, it means that the previous 12 candidates were used to be DQ (eligibility to cancel the qualifications).After the authorities started DQ, they announced the post -escort elections, so that everyone knew that the new red line was run under the National Security Law of the Port District.Politics is suspected for a day, not to mention a year, after the after -end election brings new variables. Before the election in September next year, whether some political parties and the Confederations will adjust their stances.Different attitudes need to pay close attention in the future.

The operation of the Legislative Council cannot stop all parties in the overall situation

The Hong Kong Government's post -Legislative Council election for one year, how to deal with vacuum periods is the most important issue.Lin Zheng said that the current laws of Hong Kong cannot deal with this issue, and it is necessary to ask the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress to deal with it. At present, it is not clear what the central government has.In the past two years, the Legislative Council has accumulated a large amount of work and has not been processed, and it cannot be stopped for one year.Regarding how to deal with the vacuum period of the Legislative Council, some people have proposed that in accordance with the Regulations of the Legislative Council, the current chairman of the Legislative Council convened the former member to hold a temporary meeting to handle some emergency affairs, such as the fiscal budget and the policy report. HoweverMany, there are a lot of issues of economic people's livelihood issues that need to be dealt with under the epidemic. Temporary meetings are held. The things that can be handled are limited and the practice is not enough.Some people advocate the initial reference of the reference, and the National People's Congress set up a temporary legislative council; Lin Zheng said that her personal tendency to be authorized by the People's Congress to be extended for one year, including several members who have been qualified for DQ a few days ago.

According to the constitutional arrangement, the National People's Congress has the highest power, and its decision has absolute binding power on the SAR.Following the National Security Law of Lili District, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress once again handled Hong Kong issues. The unknown arrangements for Hong Kong people would inevitably have anxiety.Compared to another group of new members who are not appointed by the election, authorized the current Legislative Council Councilor to be extended for one year, and the recognition will always be better, which can reduce the political shock.Of course, for some current democratic members of the democratic faction, this will be a dilemma in politics. It does not rule out that someone has a cup. However, this is the case., Always stop than comprehensively.