The Sino -US New Cold War is the result of a series of ways to act in the ideology of Sino -US ideology and political system.The Sino -US New Cold War highlighted ideological conflict and returned to the international stage with ideology.After the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union, ideology is not an obstacle to develop Sino -US relations.

Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up dilutes the conflict of ideology in China and the West, but the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics cannot eventually avoid conflict with the United States.This is the inevitable logic of historical development.

The United States uses free and democratic values to fight against China and occupy Western values.Ideological forms have become a weapon for strategic competition between the United States and China.

First, the United States is pointing at the Chinese ruling party, which is essentially fighting communism.The U.S. government distinguishes the CCP and China in China on October 4, 2018 to China.The US government replaces China with the title of CCP. Trump's title replaces the President of the President, deliberately showing that the United States is fighting against the Chinese ruling party.

The U.S. government then painted the Chinese ruling party as an enemy of Western values.Secretary of State Pompeo said in his speech on October 30, 2019 that the United States has sacrificed the value of the United States for decades, the democracy, security and correct judgment of the West, tolerated and encouraged the rise of China.But the Chinese ruling party challenges the United States and the world to win the dominant position in the world.The United States is now aware that the Chinese ruling party is hostile to the values of the United States and the United States.

Since then, the U.S. government has distinguished the CCP and China's thinking set.On June 24, 2020, the White House national security adviser to Robert Middot; Obrain said that the biggest mistake made by the United States since the 1930s was misjudgment, because the United States ignored the Communist ideology of the Communist Party of China.In the past, the United States did not understand the CCP because they did not pay attention to the CCP's ideology.Obrain believes that the CCP's ideology is the product of the combination of Marxism -Leninism and Chinese nationalism. In the past, the US policy errors were the interpretation of the CCP ideology.

It is worth mentioning that distinguishing the CCP and China is a suggestion from a Chinese think tank Yu Maochun.On July 15th, the Washington Rose reported that Yu Maochun, a Chinese consultant around Pompeo, attracted public opinion.Pompeo praised Yu Maochun as the core of my team.This team suggested how to ensure that we protect the American people and protect our freedom when facing the challenges of the CCP.White House Security Deputy Advisory Bo Ming believes that Yu Maochun is a valuable resource for the Trump administration's foreign policy team.

Yu Maochun mentioned in an interview that since the US government's establishment of diplomatic relations with Beijing in the 1970s, the US authorities have become too confident in the ability to influence the direction of the two countries.There are two errors in the United States: the first is that the Chinese people and the CCP regime failed.The second is that the major flaws of the United States' policy on China are political and policy elites, failed to correctly measure Beijing's weaknesses and vulnerability, and adopted corresponding reasonable countermeasures.In fact, Beijing paranoid the confrontation from the West, especially the United States.

Second, ideology condenses the consensus of the United States two parties to China.The two parties in the United States are extremely opposed to the political, but the orientation of the China policy is highly consistently consensus.The basis of this consensus is the values of the United States believed in the United States, and defending freedom and democratic values can condense the consensus between the two parties to China than anti -China.

Dabo, director of the Kissinger Institute of Wilson Center in the United States, told the media that on the Chinese issue, US government officials did not lie, and what really worried the US government was the CCP's rule.Dabo said that the CCP has become more and more internationally fighting internationally, which not only makes the United States worry, but also worry about other countries.They even change international cognition, use their own ideas to impose influence internationally, and let the world surrender to the CCP.The CCP wants to use the communism that it pursues to capture the world.We should not tolerate, and we should resist.

Based on resistance, we can see the following facts: criticizing Trump's most active American Council Speaker and Democratic President Pelosi, who has never criticized Trump on the Chinese issue.Scholars' minority leader (Democratic Party) Shu Mo firmly supports Trump.He told Trump that if you want to list China as a currency manipulator, I support you.

Democratic presidential candidate Biden and Trump opposed.On July 9th, Biden announced its own economic plan. The plan accused China of adopting unfair trade behaviors, including manipulating exchange rates, anti -competitive dumping, abuse of state -owned enterprises, unfair subsidies, overcapacity, stealing knowledge, knowledge of theftProperty rights, government -supported cyber spy activities, etc.Trade policy experts pointed out that Biden and Trump, the two presidential competitors, made the same diagnosis of the problems existing in the US -China trade.

Third, the United States uses ideology to call on Western countries to form alliances with the United States to fight against the Chinese ruling party.On June 25, US Secretary of State Pompeo gave a speech in Germany, calling on European allies to deal with the challenges brought by the Chinese ruling party.He also announced that the United States accepted the European Union's proposal to establish a dialogue mechanism for the European Union with the European Union, and reiterated that it was China rather than the United States, forcing the EU to make a choice between the Vigorous Vision of the Free World and China.

Britain's policies for China have quickly reversed due to the Hong Kong National Security Law.On July 14th, Britain decided to exclude Huawei's participation in 5G construction; on July 14, the media revealed that the British plans to deploy Queen Elizabeth aircraft carriers in the Pacific region;The policy was adopted; on July 20, the United Kingdom decided to suspend the extradition treaties with Hong Kong immediately and endlessly.

On July 20, Pompeo arrived in London while the hot was hot, and discussed how to deal with China with British Prime Minister Johnson and other government officials.Pompeo spoke at a subsequent press conference: All countries committed to freedom and democracy should be aware of the CCP's threat.We hope to establish an alliance that understands this threat.

Britain has become the United States of the New Cold War in China and the United States. Australia, Canada, Sweden and the Czech Republic have also occurred with Chinese values.The ideology created by Christian civilization is the basis for Western countries to fight communism.

History is definitely not simply repeated. In the past, the ideological opposition between the Cold War of the United States and the Soviet Union would not simply reproduce the Sino -US New Cold War.As a result of economic globalization, the deepening of economic dependence between China and Western countries, France and Germany, and even Japan, which is dissatisfied with China, will not simply choose the edge of ideology.The entanglement of values and ideology has become a knot that France and Germany's policies for China, and they have also become a knot that Wall Street and Silicon Valley.The Sino -US New Cold War is much more complicated than the Cold War in the United States and the Soviet Union.

(The author is a professor of economics at Shanghai Normal University Business School)