Source: Knight Island

The ridiculous, greasy, interpretable history, not understanding China, endless hell; hellip; this is not a word of Chinese media, but the Western media's evaluation of US Secretary of State Pompeo's latest speech related to China.

On July 23, Pompeo delivered a speeches violently in the hometown of Nixon, California. Because of his imitation of the traces of the Churchill iron curtain speeches more than 70 years ago, some people were called new iron curtain speeches.

Pompeo claims that the policy of contact with China that Nixon has failed. The main contradiction in the world today is the ideological difference between the free world and the communist China, and requires the West to form the International Anti -China Alliance.

However, in addition to the applause of several right -right media, the mainstream Western media criticized this.

The New York Times published an analysis article on July 27. Taking Pompeo's speech as an example, it analyzed the strategic goal of the Huaying people in the current US government.

This article entitled those officials who promoted Sino -US relations to the way to go backwards that they did so many things to the Hua Eagle School in order to push Sino -US relations to a comprehensive step by step through the gradual upgraded language and actions.Fight and it is difficult to reverse.

The article clicked the name of the other three other hawks: US Minister of Justice William Middot; Balta, the Director of the Federal Investigation Bureau Christopher Middot; Thunder and White House National Security Consultant Robert Middot; Obrain (that is, the one who has just been diagnosed with new crown pneumonia)EssenceSince June, the three have delivered a speech on attacking China from different perspectives and paved Pompeo's speech.

William Middot; Balta had previously scolded Apple, Disney and other American business people to bow their knees, saying that China did not want to do business sincerely, but wanted to rans on the United States; Christopher Middot; Lei said that China is taking various means to surpass the United States in order to become the only world in the world to become the only world in the world to become the only world in the world.Hegemony; Obrain said that China's ultimate ambition is to reshape the entire world with totalitarian ideology.

Undoubtedly, the most perfect Sino -US relations in their minds are a comprehensive and fierce state of confrontation, and their keywords are intimidation, struggle, and hostility.

As for why they choose this time to launch a series of actions, the New York Times article quoted people familiar with the matter and explained that this is because the US election is approaching. They considers that they have the possibility of leaving politics, so they are anxious to leave a political heritage that can be continued.Try to make the deterioration of Sino -US relations difficult to reverse.

At the Washington Post, Richard Middot, President of the US Foreign Relations Committee; Has published a comment on July 26, stating that the problem of Pompeo's speech not only shows that there is no diplomatic style of the number one diplomat in the United States.The more serious problem is that Pompeo solves history and does not understand China. It is impossible to propose a way to deal with Sino -US relations.

In this article titled why Pompeo does not understand China, Nixon and US foreign policy, Has pointed out that Pompeo has completely denied the history of nearly 50 years since China and the United States have been in contact.What you want.He said that this was a distortion of history, because whether it was Nixon or Kissinger, the main purpose of contacting China was to check and balance the Soviet Union, not to change China.

Has believes that Pompeo's proposed plan is destined to fail, because the United States does not have the power to determine the future of China, and the future of China can only be determined by the Chinese people and its leaders; what the United States can do and should do is to influence China's choice.Promote China to cooperate with the United States to solve North Korean issues, Middle East issues and other global challenges.

If the United States wants to make it more convincing to foreign declarations, it should be done well in China first, after all, diplomacy is the continuation of internal affairs.Has said.

European media observed that Pompeo's speech has a unique perspective. Although they have a third -party attitude of Sino -US relations, they are very mindful to Pompeo's orders to European countries in the speech.

At the beginning of the British Financial Times article, the reporter wrote: US Secretary of State Pompeo announced the end of the end with Chinese lsquo; blindly exposed to RSQUO;

The article quotes Pompeo's words: For some small countries, they are not capable or courageous to stand with us now.But we have a NATO allies who have not stood up on the issue of Hong Kong because they are worried that Beijing will restrict its admission to the Chinese market.It is this timidity that has led to the current historic failure and this kind of thing cannot be repeated.

The article speculates that this NATO allies who have not been named should be Germany.The article also said that Pompeo requires other countries not to surrender to the dramatic discourse of Communist China, reminiscent of the game of TV drama power.Some experts told reporters that American governors do not care about human rights, democracy or foreign freedom. Although the speech claims to represent the freedom world, it can be said to be ridiculous.

A few weeks ago, the U.S. government also refused to cooperate with Europe's requirements for China. Now, it is blame allies for not doing enough. Pompeo said this slightly lsquo; greasy rsquo;.The expert from a western think tank said.

The attitude of German public opinion can be seen from the title of German Voice of Germany's report on July 24 that Mdash; mdash; endless US -China confrontation.

After quoting Pompeo's several words, this report did not make further comments.Taiwan issue.This objective statement and no emotional reporting method is rare for the Voice of Germany that must be opposite in the past.

In an interview with Uncle Island, Professor Zheng Yongnian, the National University of Singapore commented on Pompeo's speech: Pompeo did not understand China. Behind him was some people of the Communist Party of China.It is very irrational to build the diplomatic interests of a country on the personal hatred of some people and cannot make practical foreign policies that are beneficial to the United States.

According to Wang Hao, an associate professor of the American Research Center of Fudan University, the fundamental reason for Pompeo's speech to attract western public opinion is that the basic logic of this speech is wrong.Above the dual logic fallacy, people with common sense cannot agree.

Pompeo distort history and reality with outdated cold war thinking, distorting the contact with Nixon's opening to China as the help of the United States to China and even alms.

The speech attempts to achieve the party's private interest through stigma, the brains such as the loss of the US manufacturing industry, the unemployment of the blue -collar class, the increase in the gap between the rich and the poor, the intensification of social contradictions, and the new crown epidemic are shaken to China.

Kissinger said such a sentence mdash; mdash; if history only repeatedly repeated the past, any change in the past cannot happen.Each great achievement is born with courage, not listening to the destiny.

For Pompeo and other American politicians, such a great country's wisdom is undoubtedly playing piano on cow.