Author: Chen Guozhen, Zhuang Diwen

Source: Ming Pao

In the article on July 10 last year (Note 1), we pointed out that the amendment to the fugitive regulations set off a great uproar. The Hong Kong Executive Council (referred to as the Xinghui) should be responsible and analyzed the collective misunderstanding of the bank.Caused thinking (Group Stops Thinking; Note 2).

One year later, with the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the land of this projectile in Hong Kong involuntarily involuntarily entered the wrestling of two superpowers of China and the United States.A short -term political turmoil has caused the governance class to forget the shortcomings in the repair incident, let alone reform.

However, we believe that no matter how difficult the future is, it is not the end now. Without the National Security Law, Hong Kong people buried their opponents and waited for 2047.The higher the level of governors in Hong Kong, the smoother the governance, and the lower the necessity of the central government's intervention in Hong Kong affairs.The Chief Executive, or the next Chief Executive, if you have the heart to be self -reliant, you can start with members of the new type of guild.

Answer: Why not reform the system?The guild is the product of the special political system and social background of Hong Kong (Note 3). It is difficult to obtain the reform of the guild in isolation.Therefore, we advocate the formation of the members of the improvement guild, which can be done without changing the political system.

Status: Elite Missing

Article 55 of the Basic Law states that the members of the Executive Council shall be appointed by the Chief Executive from the main officials, members of the Legislative Council and the Society of the Society of the Administrative Organ.According to the provisions, the directors of each company are fixed members and do not need to discuss; the Legislative Council members are category, which is remarkable, and there is no clear text that its political factions and the number of seats occupied; in the end, the social personnel have more interpretation space.In addition, the appointment and removal of the members of the guild is determined by the Chief Executive. It can be seen that the Chief Executive still has quite freedom to form its ideal decision -making agency.But this degree of freedom is not fully used.

Among the 16 non -official members of this guideline, 15 are traditional political and business elites.These elites play Musical Chair between officials, politics, and business, monopolizing the primary positions of all walks of life and forming a dense and windy power club.There are 7 councilors of the Legislative Council members alone, and the rest are the rest of the personnel.As far as individuals are concerned, they may really know their talents, but in terms of a group, they are ponds.The occlusion of the Circulation of Elite (Note 4), which creates a high -risk family for group thinking.

The main source of the group thinking is high homogeneity. Therefore, reverse operations, penetration into heresy, and reduce the homogeneity of groups are the most straightforward.Although the Chief Executive may not be reserved for some of the certainty, it is still possible to choose a certain number of social personnel to dilute the guild.Below we propose the ideal structural characteristics of the members of the meeting at 3 points to discuss:

Future: ideal and practice

(1) Diversity

As much as possible to diversify the background of members, borrow the classification commonly used by the statistics office or sociologists, such as gender, age, marriage status, language, ethnic group, religion, professional, class, place of birth, political position, etc.The epitome of Hong Kong is full.Of course, it is not to say that even those with children, criminals, and mental abnormalities are set up, but someone must speak for them, so that even the interests and feelings of extreme opponents and the most vulnerable people have obtained appropriate considerations and considerations in the decision -making process.Their Voices Are Heard, Their Rights Are Protected.

(2) Independence and equality

Chief Executives and Guild members should try to avoid their subordinates and ensure independent thinking with their independent status.The members of the qualified guild must dare to strive for the reason and do not hesitate, only to serve morality and truth, and return to the overall interests of Hong Kong.The narrow leaders will feel that such people are difficult to control, and their hearts and lungs, and those who have a sense of atmosphere can tolerate them and then use them.

(3) Deconstrump and Innovation

The repair of Waterloo was just eliminating the superstition of traditional elites.Old saying cloud: Covering very well, it must be treated with very people. It is necessary to lead Hong Kong out of the predicament and decline. It is impossible to rely on the old faces that have been wronged by the wrong judgment.thinking.Although the Chief Executive and senior officials should not be too far from the routine, but the unbroken non -traditional non -precisely entered the guild, the officials are conservatively heavy, and heresy innovation is bold, just like the righteousness of the warfare, which can repeatedly stimulate everyone.Internalization into personal habits.When the decision makers have heard of it, they are happy, and they are discussing with the opponents.

Dare to speak straight and very good taxis should welcome the meeting

In short, the Chief Executive can dare to speak straight background, can be a very person with knowledge, kinship, pro-science, and intimateness (Pro-Knowledge, Pro-Science, Pro-RATIONALITY).On the contrary, the murmur to meet the meeting, prompting the members of the guild to repeatedly review, question, correct, supplement, and improve the decision -making from the beginning to the end. If so, the disaster will be free of charge.

Note 1: In the Ming Pao's opinion version, entitled to fugitives Disaster misunderstanding, group thinking elites

Note 2: Group thinking is the terminology of social psychology (Social Psychology). Simply put, this is a thinking mode that is easy to appear in small groups with homogeneousness.Decision

Note 3: Discussion of the administrative conference system, there are many issues, including the way of the government and the parliament, the principles of administrative dominance, and whether the chief executive can have the background of the political party, etc., and it is wrong with the various aspects of the basic political system in Hong Kong.Can be solved

Note 4: Pareto's elite cycle theory is designed to be the ruling class of the elite, and there must be a rotation of new and old elites to maintain the effectiveness of the rule., Correcting over time leads to the failure of rule