01 Viewpoint

The United States sent money again!After the US Congress passed the first phase of the first phase of the total value of 2.2 trillion stimulating economic solutions in early March, after sending a 1,200 US dollars to each adult American citizen, recently a President Trump and the Senate Republican leader MaiCornell and the House Democratic Party President Pelosi, all agreed to launch a new round of stimulating economic measures after the Congress resumed in August, including nearly $ 3,000 billion in funding, and then distributed to each adult American citizen to another another.Zhang 1,200 US dollars.Originally, McConnell announced the plan on Thursday (23rd), but it changed to hexagram to next week.The White House and the Senate Houses still saw the plan content, and the final negotiation results were still unknown.

Due to the repeated U.S. epidemic, the progress of unlocking the resumption of work and re -production has caused the US economy to fail to completely restart.In the first phase of stimulating economic plans, unemployed people can withdraw an additional 600 US $ 600 federal epidemic unemployment insurance every week, but it will soon expire at the end of this month. Another round of emergency plan is really imminent.Recently, the unemployment figures have shown that 30 million people receive unemployment aid, and the average five American workers have one to ask for help.Although the Treasury Secretary Mu Qin said that he would extend unemployment aid, he had reduced to 70 % of the salary of employees, and Republicans repeated a set of fiscal conservative tone, saying that without cutting unemployment funds, they would help long -term lazy people.

Republican party election is severe

McConal, which was originally known as McConal, was used to stimulate economic solutions, which included a subsidy of US $ 1 billion to assist all schools to re -open and register the salary guarantee plan for small and medium -sized enterprises.Enterprises, support local governments to restart the economy and host the elections at the end of the year, and reduce corporate taxes, etc., but they will announce the announcement of the prosecution plan for temporary meeting with Mark Meadows, Mark Meadows, who will be temporarily in Mark Meadows.Because Midos is a member of the former House of Representatives Tea, it has always been a typical Republican new liberalism such as small markets, balanced revenue and expenditure, and tax reduction, and the outside world estimates whether the final sugar scheme will be reduced.

However, the Democrats insisted that they did not give up, and the young and strong factions in the party also strived for blue -collar grass -roots support, asking the party to open the water throat, even though they kept stretching the key to the state treasury, they also rebuked the Democratic party in a long time ago.Take a free lunch and refuse to promise whether to launch another round of stimulating economic solutions, McConnell, I am afraid that they must not bow their heads.In particular, Trump's election has become increasingly severe, and the election situation in the middle and lower roads of the Republican Party is also very bad.Not only is the House of Representatives hopeless, but the Republican advantage in the Senate is also at stake.No wonder Susan Collins, a member of the Republican gentleman of Maine, who has fallen off, also called on McConal to generously solve the case.

If you want to keep the major leader of the Senate, McConal also seems to have to accept the torrent of the times. The most severe economic crisis since the Great Depression in 1929 can no longer be able to hold the disability.The new liberalism in the market is threatened by national security that is more fierce than the plague.On the contrary, as a leader, you should plan for the loss of rice bowls and losses due to the epidemic, and to make a new national plan to support the New Year, to assist the grassroots with bold and aggressive thinking and revitalize the economy.When Trump set up stimulating economic measures, he said he would boldly aggressive (Big and Bold), and so far, he was still in his ears, but don't be disappointed by Americans.