United Daily News Agency

Just as the Liberal Democratic Party requested the cancellation of Xi Jinping's visit to Japan, the Japanese government decided to provide 77 billion yen subsidies to 87 Japanese companies to withdraw from mainland China and transfer the production line to Japan or Southeast Asian countries.After passing the Diaoyu Islands for the Diaoyu Islands, the Sino -Japanese Diaoyu Islands' sovereign disputes have also begun to rise: Mainland China ’s official ships have entered the Diaoyu Island and the sea, and the Japanese government asked China to stop harassing Japanese fishing vessels.This year is the key year of reconciliation of Sino -Japanese relations. From the recent development, it seems that it has gradually changed.

Since Abe in 2012, due to the extreme fear of China's military rise, coupled with Japan's high dependence on the Chinese market, and the shadow of the US -China trade war, Japan -China relations are not a monotonous straight line, but a swinging in the United States.The curve between the middle.This curve, with the pull of the US -China confrontation and the pull of the Japanese national interests, swing up from time to time.Japan's economic interests are its upper limit. Defending Japanese territory and sovereignty is its lower limit, and Japan's domestic public opinion direction is the driving force for driving curves.Continuous swing adjustments allow Japan to walk between the two major powers of the United States and China, avoid standing at the forefront that comes to compete in China, and let Abe's flexibility for China policies.

Observing for economic face, this time the Japanese government encouraged Japanese companies to evacuate from mainland China with funding subsidies. On the surface, this is a national policy that Japan has cooperated with the Trump administration to cooperate with the Trump administration.However, the structure and nature of these 87 Japanese companies are concentrated in biochemical, medical and medical industries, including electronic manufacturer Sharp, but excluding large factories such as Toyota Motor.It can be seen that this move is a coordination of Japan's own economic considerations than the US policy, mainly based on the needs of Japanese decentralized market risks.

This year's new crown pneumonia has raged, mainland China has become the hardest hit area, and Japan has also been affected. The shortage of medical equipment and the interruption of the industrial supply chain.As a result, the Japanese government has begun to start the reconstruction of the industrial supply chain plan, subsidizing Japanese companies to evacuate the mainland to Southeast Asian countries to prevent manufacturers from excessive concentration of China's risks to impact the integrity of the Japanese industrial chain while avoiding excessive dependence on the Chinese market.It can be seen that Abe's economic interests to Japan's own economic interests are higher than the category of strategic interests of the United States.

Regarding political observations, after Beijing passed the Hong Kong version of the National Security Law, the US government immediately canceled Hong Kong's special trade status. The U.S. Congress also passed the Hong Kong Autonomous Law to further sanction in mainland China.However, Japan did not dance with Western countries, except for refusing to participate in the joint statement of countries such as the United States, Canada, Australia and Britain, and expressed only in the atmosphere of Sino -Japanese relations.Essence

In contrast, in the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands sovereignty, the Japanese government is not allowed.The Chinese government demands that Japanese fishing vessels are not allowed to enter the waters of the fishing island, and the Japanese government has refused; but for the eighty consecutive days of Chinese official ships entering the fishing island waters, and Chinese military aircraft entering the Diaoyu Islands many times, the Japanese government has expressed strong protests.Not only that, the Japanese government also sets 27 degrees north latitude as a warning defense line to modify the emergency lifting standards of the Air Self -Defense Force, stipulating that it can be sent to the Chinese military aircraft that can be sent off and intercept the Chinese military aircraft into the Diaoyu Island waters if necessary.The Japanese government's attitude of defending sovereignty is quite tough.

Turn the perspective back to Taiwan.After the Tsai government came to power, under the strategic thinking of Lianhe and the United States, it also followed and cooperated with the US anti -China policy.Since last year, the Tsai government has regarded the issue of Hong Kong as a voter withdrawal machine, and regardless of public opinion, and regards the epidemic as a barrier to the cross -strait, so that the Taiwanese compatriots and Xiaoming on the other side cannot be returned to Taiwan.These actions make cross -strait relations look like a rigid falling line, becoming no flexible, and not even reserved their circuitous space.On the issue of the South China Sea, the US government announced that it would not recognize the nine -segment line sovereignty and dwarf Taiping Island into reefs; the Taiwan Foreign Ministry not only did not protest, but also welcomed it.In order to cater to the United States, even sovereignty can be abandoned. This mentality is incredible.

In the South China Sea issue, the United States and Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Anti -Rights sovereigntyment was lost.