01 Viewpoint

On Monday (20th), the Hang Seng Index, which is responsible for formulating the Hong Kong stock market index, announced that it will officially launch the Hang Seng Technology Index, known as the Hong Kong version of the Nasda Index next Monday (27th).The market seems to be encouraged by related news. The stock market will be hundreds of points the next day, and it will become the company's shares of the technology indexes of the technology index.In contrast to the United States' Naqi, the Hong Kong version of the Nasda refers to almost half a century in the evening, even later than the launch of the science and technology version of the Chinese Mainland.This late Hong Kong version refers to a lot of inspiration to the Hong Kong economy.

Hong Kong stock market is controlled by the old economy

In the past two decades, a global technology company headed by the United States has performed a unique show to surpass the old economy such as traditional industries and finance.Especially in the past few financial crisis, the performance of technology companies has played more strong toughness and rising, showing far more than other sections.In recent years, the outbreak of scientific and technological warfare between China and the United States shows how important it is that the mastering of leading technology in the world can affect the national movement.

The United States founded the Nastec Index (NASDAQ) as early as 1971. It was an exchange that provided electronic trading securities during Caochuang. The initial component stocks were mainly information technology companies.After entering this century, major US high -tech companies have successively risen and listed on NASDAQ, which has transformed it into a high -tech exchange.Even in Mainland China, which only started economic reform and opening up in the 1990s, it was proposed to set up a science and technology version to attract new technology companies to list and officially opened last year.

However, the Hong Kong stock market, which has a long history and economy, has not set up a specifically for science and technology companies or weighted indexes. It is a chance to waste money in vain.The main trading index of Hong Kong has always been a collection of old economy. Even if it is today, nearly half of its main composition is banks and insurance finance, 11%are real estate categories. Among themThere are only a few of the high -tech industry, such as Tencent and Shun Guang Ruisheng, known as the stock king.

Of course, there are many factors to consider index components. It is not set up by technology companies. Because of this, it is only that there are the appeared in the United States and the science and technology version of Mainland China.It is quite a night since Hong Kong has launched the Hang Seng Technology Index.To a certain extent, it is also because the Hong Kong stock market lacked the listing of technology companies except those technology stocks in the past.In the technology index, the five major kings ATMX (Alibaba, Tencent, Meituan, Xiaomi) and Shun Guang, which are more than 8%of the technology index, are listed in Hong Kong after 2018.The reason is that in addition to the company's priority in the past, it is also the opportunity to make mistakes in Hong Kong.Many technology companies have different rights to protect the founders.However, Hong Kong was unwilling to change the regulations in the past to adapt to new trends.When Alibaba wanted to come to Hong Kong to go public in 2013, it failed due to the success of the Hong Kong side. As a result, Hong Kong would give the opportunity to the United States in vain.It took six years to wait for six years to finally gain a fortune because of the China -US wrestling.The Hong Kong version of the Nasda refers to the lack of prospectiveness in financial vision of Hong Kong policy decision to financial aspects, and wasted a lot of opportunities and time.

Hang Seng Technology Index has only one Hong Kong company

Another problem reflected by the Hang Seng Technology Index is that Hong Kong lacks technology companies and lacks new impetus for economic development.Among the entire index component stocks, the first 30 enterprises, only one semiconductor -made ASM Pacific Ocean can be regarded as a Hong Kong enterprise.Its company.In terms of proportion, Hong Kong companies account for 3.03%, Taiwan accounts for 0.75%, and the Mainland accounts for 96.22%.

Although it is said that it is always a good thing for the financial industry regardless of whether its enterprise is based on Hong Kong as the base.However, this also reflects the lack of competitiveness in Hong Kong's local innovation enterprises. It is difficult to listen to it.As mentioned earlier, in the past few decades, technology companies have always been the pioneer of economic development and an important locomotive for economic transformation.The economic development of Hong Kong has always relied on the old economy such as real estate, finance, logistics, and tourism retail. It lacks new growth points and makes it difficult for Hong Kong to fight when facing the financial crisis.Hong Kong is an international financial center, with a fund -raising advantage, and funds are often not a problem.However, under the Hong Kong education system, it has always been lacking in the talents of the department, including the social environment such as living and high living expenses is not conducive to entrepreneurship, which is a problem that decision makers must face.The benefits of Chuangke enterprises in Hong Kong are not only investment in the stock market, but also employment opportunities and derived real economy benefits.If the economic development of Hong Kong must transform in the future and stimulate new development points, the soil must be improved to cultivate local venture enterprises.