Some scholars in mainland China should realize the unified expressions on both sides of the strait in force or peaceful ways, which has aroused refutation and response from other mainland scholars.

Zhang Nianchi, director of the Shanghai East Asia Research Institute, mentioned in an article that found a new way for cross -strait relations in the China Times on the 14th.Under the premise of creating a better future and maintaining relative unification.

Zhang Nianchi wrote: Like Hong Kong and Macau, each has its own systems and get along different, and co -maintains lsquo; a Chinese RSQUO; and not allowing Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Australia to become an excuse for Western extortion.

He believes that this unity and absolute unity, that is, the unity of force is different, not to conquer and eliminate the other party, and say: Let us stop confrontation, stop hatred, stop stigma, stop de -Sinicization, and restore comprehensive exchanges!Create a new concept of China that can be accepted on both sides of the strait!

Li Yi, a socialist in the United States, wrote an article on WeChat, expressing disagreement with Zhang Nianchi's article, and believed that the article conveyed wrong information to Taiwan and Taiwan society, which hindered China.

Li Yi wrote: If it is a unified force, there is no understanding of understanding, just unification.How to be peaceful and unified, it really needs to be understood, but it is not that the unified party must understand the division, but the division to understand the unified party.

Li Yi believes that Zhang Nianchi's resumption of comprehensive exchanges is extremely harsh, pointing out that Zhang Nianchi proposed to create a new concept of China that can be accepted by the two sides of the strait is particularly bold.

The author claims that a considerable number of mainland Taiwan Strait research team personnel, like Zhang Nianchi, have never studied how the mainland can unify Taiwan for decades, which is incredible. It is also incredible., Unify Taiwan as soon as possible.

Chen Kongli, director of the Academic Committee of the Taiwan Research Center of Xiamen University and a professor at the Taiwan Institute of Research, later published in an article published today (21st), criticizing Li Yi's article to attack Zhang Nianchi and Taiwan -related researchers in the mainland, and even clamored LSquo; Clean upThe Taiwan Strait Research Team RSQUO;.As one of the oldest members of this team, I can't help but respond.

Chen Kongli said: Li Yi does not understand the history of Taiwan and does not know from the period from Japan to the present. The experience of Taiwan compatriots is completely different from that of mainland compatriots. Now the social system, political system, economic system, ideology, etc. on both sides of the strait are completely different.Like the compatriots of the mainland, we can understand that China must be unified. To do this, we need to do long -term, meticulous and hard work.

He believes that Zhang Nianchi's cross -strait saying that the relative unified statement is completely in line with peace and unity. The basic policy of one country, two systems, and say that the mainland advocates peace and unity, of course, does not want to adopt a non -peaceful way.

Chen Kongli also said: He calls on the two sides of LSquo; restore comprehensive exchanges!Create a new concept of China that can be accepted on both sides of the strait!RSQUO; This is fully in line with the spirit of General Secretary Xi ’s important speech at the 40th anniversary of the publication of Taiwan’ s compatriots.

Chen Kongli also wrote: However, Li Yi took lsquo; equal negotiation and co -discussion unified rsquo; said that it was lsquo; the mainland signed a traitorous treaty;He also blatantly asked: lsquo; Zhang Nianchi actually called mainland to live against Taiwan lsquo; restore comprehensive exchanges!rsquo; What do Zhang Nianchi want to do?Who gave Zhang Nianchi so bold?rsquo; I want to tell Li Yi that it is the courage to give Zhang Nianchi for the Communist Party!Do you know?

The author accuses Li Yi of lack of in -depth research on Taiwan's issue, but always likes to point out Jiangshan with his own will.He said: It is not allowed to let this kind of fallacy of the basic principles opposing the basic principles of peace reducing the central government's space for Taiwan's policy, let alone misleading Li Yizhi's flow of people and the long -term strategy of disturbing the development of the country.