01 Viewpoint

Last Friday (17th), Josep Borrell, a senior representative of the European Union ’s diplomatic and security policy, issued a statement stating that the United States is increasingly trying to try to sanction European companies or entities, which is deeply concerned.He pointed out that the European Union opposed all third parties to sanctions on legal European companies, and pointed out that the differences should be resolved through dialogue, but the dialogue cannot be carried out under the threat of sanctions.In addition to the warnings from US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo earlier last week, the warnings from the US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo also repeated the old things such as Iran's unilateral sanctions on Iran.In fact, in recent years, the United States and its European allies have appeared in different fields.After the Trump administration came to power, the US government's diplomatic strategy became more and more favorable. Not only did they take strong means to the competitors of China, Russia, and other European allies, but also deepened the split brought by friction.From the current situation, the division of the United States and Europe has been divided like water. In the future, the order of multi -pole center in the three major sections of China, the United States, and Europe seems to have become a similarity.

The United States' threat to Europe is greater than interests

In recent years, the United States and Europe have developed strong interest in many fields.On the one hand, the United States actively intervene in Europe's energy autonomy, trying to choke Europe's strategic energy autonomy, and privatize Europe as its energy export place.In 2014, the United States intervened in Ukraine's political situation and instigated the revolution. Although it shows that it is a pro -European Union, the system has split the EU and Russia, and personally controls Ukraine's natural gas pipelines, which is equivalent to choking Russia to supply energy to Europe.The place of throat.Since then, the United States has withdrawn from the Iranian Agreement and restarts sanctions on Iran, further interrupting European energy supply.In 2015, Europe began to build Beixi No. 2 natural gas pipelines, transporting natural gas from Russia to Europe along the Baltic Sea. Once it is built, it can bypass Ukraine's natural gas pipes to achieve energy autonomy.Obviously, the United States is very jealous of Beixi 2, and why Trump and Pompeo finally decided to sanction it.The United States has only one purpose for these actions in Europe: the strategic energy supply of isolation in Europe, and makes it more dependent on the shale oil of the United States.

On the other hand, the United States and Europe are also disputed in trade.The United States accused Europe's trade surplus to the United States, and often threatened to impose tariffs.Although the US and European trade disputes have been cooled a bit after the comprehensive wrestling of China and the United States, the United States is still threatening to Europe everywhere.For example, the European Union has always believed that the world's science and technology companies have obtained huge benefits in Europe but have not paid taxes. They have been studying the vulnerabilities of digital tax supplements, and many countries have begun to implement.However, the United States is extremely dissatisfied with it. It is believed that the most important technology companies in the United States have even threatened to retaliate against the trade 301 investigation into Europe in June this year, and it is likely that the US -Europe trade controversy is caused.

In military, there are great differences in the issue of NATO.France has hoped that Europe can be self -autonomous since Da Gogho's time. The current President Macron even proposed the European Army.Germany also does not cooperate with the United States demanding military expenses.The United States is unwilling to cooperate with its own interests in Europe to retaliate in various ways.First withdrew from the US -Russian medium -range ballistic missile agreement, causing geographical continental European continent to a larger military threat.Since then, the United States has reduced the garrison in Germany, and it is obviously a military declaration of Europe.

In recent years, the United States has even abandoned the usual justice, and has not covered its actions. It has been completely led by self -interest.The United States does not consider the national interests of European allies at all, and blindly threatens them to serve the interests of the United States with various means.It can be said that the United States not only does not provide a little benefit, but its foreign policy only fights independence in Europe with isolation and threatening. It can be said that it has become the actual threat of Europe.

The era of ideology will be the past

The evils of the two major sections of the United States and Europe are likely to be difficult to ride a tiger. Even if Trump cannot be re -elected, it may not be able to stop the differences between the two.In particular, although the virtues and French powers of the European life pulse are still different, they also realize that they cannot abandon the future and interests of Europe, like a declining Britain, and become vassals in the United States.France relatively emphasizes European independence, while Germany actively improves the relationship with the two ideological old enemies, Russia and China as a checks and balance of the United States.Germany competes with the United States on many issues and hopes to maintain relations with China.The German Prime Minister Merkel Duoduo said that Germany, China, and European relations are the highlights of its future, and it has not prohibited Huawei from participating in its 5G infrastructure as much as the United States repeatedly requested.

Whether it is Germany or the law, it represents the relationship between the United States and Europe and gradually leaves the field of allies.The differences between the United States and Europe show that the unproving ideology cannot integrate the two major sections of the United States and Europe. It must have a strong and powerful co -interest relationship to be established. It confirms that the international situation has no eternal enemies and no forever friends. Only eternal interests have eternal interests.This simple principle.

About 400 years ago, the religious war between the new and old religions broke out in mainland Europe.In order to maintain its domestic unity, France eventually announced that it still served as the State religion in the Roman Turmese.However, under the leadership of Richelieu, the chief minister of the famous cardinal, French foreign policy is not affected by this ideology at all.The country that is associated with the same Sects such as Austria is hostile.This kind of breakthrough -in -ideological real diplomacy was later known as Li Xiliism.

Today's European situation is undoubtedly equivalent to the end of the era of ideology to divide the camp.Although often commented that China and Merido are new cold war, it can be seen from the trend of the United States and Europe that even if we call it a new Cold War, its connotation has existed greatly from the US -Soviet Cold War that divides the camp in an ideology to distinguish between the campus.Essence