Ming Pao News Agency

U.S. Secretary of State Pompeo deliberately issued a statement on the eve of the 4th anniversary of the South China Sea Arbitration in the Hague International Court, announcing that China ’s proposition of offshore resource rights in most sea areas of the South China Sea is completely illegal and stated that Beijing wants to establish marine empires in the South China Sea in the South China Sea.EssenceAmerican Asia -Pacific Affairs Assistant Secretary of State Stari claims that it does not rule out sanctions on relevant Chinese officials and enterprises on the South China Sea issue.Pompeo issued a statement the next day, the U.S. warships entered the Chinese control of the Huayang Reef and Yongshu Reef controlled by China.Last Friday (17th), the US Navy Nimitz and Liegen two aircraft carrier formations launched a double aircraft carrier exercise in the South China Sea. This is the second double aircraft carrier exercise in the South China Sea this month.The United States ’s statement of the South China Sea has changed significantly with the past positions, marking that the Sino -US military wrestling has opened up a new battlefield.Due to the complexity of sovereignty over the South China Sea, in addition to the United States, Britain, India, Japan, Australia and other countries have involved, and the South China Sea terror will become the territory of Southeast Asia in the future.

Beauty Church Police and Judge

Cut a knife with a line

Pompeo's statement, on the surface, is the old bomb, but it is very different from the past China Sea position in the United States, that is, it has changed the attitude towards the sovereignty dispute over the sovereignty of the South China Sea.It also specifically lists the sea reefs that China cannot legally own. Except for the disputed Huangyan Island, Meiji Reef, and Renai Reef, which is controversial in China and the Philippines, the disputes between the China -Vietnam Disputes in the South China Sea Arbitration CaseNankang Darksha, Brunei exclusive economic zone, Indonesian soil island, etc., and even the southernmost Chinese land MDASH; MDASH; MDASH; Zeng Mu Darksha is included.Disclaimer When rejected any rights propositions of the 12 nautical miles of the islands of the islands of the Nansha Islands, it is not forgotten that it does not affect the sovereignty's claims of these islands, because in the sovereignty disputes of the South China Sea, Vietnam, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, and the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines, the Philippines,Various rights of Malaysia, Taiwan, Brunei, and Indonesia are entangled with each other, and dog teeth are staggered. The United States stated that while drawing the restricted area for China, the United States implies that any country can continue to controversy.This time, the United States not only acts as an international police, but also acts as an international judge. It is a knife for the South China Sea. It is not only a retrogression of its existing stance, but also a dangerous precedent.

In this regard, China's official response has strong responses, criticizing the United States itself has not joined the United Nations Convention on the Marine Law, but as the convention maintenancer, exposing its attempt to provoke separation between China and other coastal countries in China and the South China Sea.The Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Hua Chunying said in response to the threat of Steve's sanctions: China is not afraid of threats. If the United States wants to make waves, it will make the storm more violent.

The U.S. State Department blows the media to the media before issuing a statement to make previews in advance, hoping to attract widespread attention. However, after the statement of the United States announced, ASEAN countries, including Vietnam and the Philippines, have performed cautiously and have not echoed.Vietnamese official media reported the US statement, but the official did not formally respond; the Philippine Foreign Minister Luo Qin issued a tough statement on the 4th anniversary of the South China Sea Arbitration case, saying that the results of the arbitration were not to be negotiated.In a dialogue with the Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi, he said that the South China Sea dispute is not the whole of China -Philippine relations, saying that it will continue to negotiate with China to consult the South China Sea Conduct (COC).Xi Jinping also called the Prime Minister of Thailand and the Prime Minister of Singapore, respectively, and was promised to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with China and bilateral multilateral exchanges and cooperation with China.Last Thursday (16th), Vietnam, the chairman of the rotation, proposed that the ASEAN Foreign Minister also rarely issued a joint statement to condolences to flood disasters.It can be seen that although the countries around the South China Sea hopes to use the United States to check and balance China, most countries are very vigilant about involving China and the United States.

The country in the district is faint

Probability of the gunfire to wipe the gun

Compared to politically, the United States' recent movements in the South China Naval event are more provocative. For example, the warships frequently drove closer to the Chinese islands and reefs even into the 12 nautical miles of collar, claiming to be the restrictions on harmless navigation and maintain international law.The right to use the ocean that is recognized and legal.Within half a month, the U.S. military held two double aircraft carrier exercises in the South China Sea within half a month. During the first exercise period, a B-52H bomber also took off from the United States for 28 hours.exercise.The series of actions are obviously to cooperate with the US government's South China Sea, and the US military's last double aircraft carrier exercise in the South China Sea was 6 years ago.Because China has also deployed new fighters and warships on the islands and reefs in the South China Sea. In the China -US wrestling, the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait will become the main battlefield of military confrontation between the two sides.

The Chinese and American troops have signed the rules of maritime accidents and the rules of safety behavior in China and the United States (collectively referred to as rules). When the two parties meet frequently and are relatively far away, the rules are available.It plays a role in avoiding conflict, but as the warship fighters on both sides are increasingly close to confrontation in the South China Sea, the difficulty of implementing the rules has increased significantly.In other words, the existing rules are to regulate the accidental encounters between the two parties, and now the two sides are more interested in meeting, and the probability of wiping guns and getting angry is getting greater.

In a clear comparison with the calm formation of countries in the district, the allies outside the United States are eager to try the South China Sea.While Pompeo's statement was declared, Japan's defense white paper also referred to the status quo unilaterally in China in the South China Sea, and attempted to make changes into factualization.The Royal Navy announced on the same day that Queen Yilisha was the same as two destroyers and two frigates to visit the Far East next year. At that time, warships in the United States and Japan for military drills are likely to be in the South China Sea.Australian Prime Minister Morrison also said that Australia will continue to support the free position of HNAs in South China.It seems that the more violent storm may soon come.