Ian Middot; Bruma

MDASH; for a while, the most interesting criticisms on US President Trump and Trumpist have come from right -wing forces.The right wing here does not refer to the real conservatives who have been voting or effective for Republican Presidential Presidential Presidential Right Wing, Radio Right Wing or Gospel right or racist right wing.

The above -mentioned Republican Party who refused to enter the Trump camp from beginning to end, including reporter David Middot; Frem and Peter Middot; Waa (Waner, like Frem, was also a writer of President Bush), and at the same timeMembers of Lincoln planned, their sharp video shows have been angered by president.

Conservative column writers, such as the New York Times Rose Middot; Duttart or Brett Middot; Stephens, or the Washington Post Jennifer Middot; Rubin;Criticism, compared to those more progressive colleagues, can be more effective.

What is the reason for this?

The most important thing is that I think the conservatives of the Anti -Trump always talk about morality like left -wing people, and they have less snobbish emotions.Trump is often ridiculed in the US high -end liberal news circle because of its vulgar taste, vulgar etiquette, and the original grasp of English language.But although this person is unhappy in these aspects, these are not his most dangerous factor.

Conservatives, real conservatives are often stubborn defenders of the system.After all, they want to keep everything.This also explains why they often discovered earlier than others that Trump was not a conservative person at all, but cynical dismissed against norms, treaties, and foundations.If he has any conviction, this is very doubtful, then Trump should be a revolutionary.

Left -wing people criticize Trump is not so efficient because they are not aware of his unique danger.In their opinion, he is just a roaring hate face in a system that they can't accept anyway.Trump is just the appearance of certain high corruption problems under the US free democratic system. This system is always manipulated in the hands of rich people, white and men.In some of them, the Democratic challenger Biden assumed in the November election may be more acceptable, but it is by no means the ultimate solution.

U.S. -style capitalism and American history and gender discrimination may indeed exist in some decaying places.These problems are common in many society, and many of them are neither capitalism nor democracy.And activists should also be praised for working hard to correct these sins.The danger is that important issues such as race and identity can easily transfer people's attention from Trump's specific threats for the Republican Party.

Mainstream freedom and democrats clearly see these dangers, but in terms of publicity, they are often not as effective as right -wing people.This may be related to the nature of liberalism itself.Liberals are inherently disgusted with ideology, have a stronger compromise, or at least they trust in rational and enlightened personal interests.When dealing with Trumpism, the arguing argument is not as successful as a strong body strike, especially the strikes below the belt.

Most conservatives who refused to enter the Trump camp from beginning to end are different from mainstream liberals who are good at compromised.Some of them are highly ideological.For example, the so -called new conservatives are so. Among them, the former vice president Dan Middot; Queell's staff chief, the banner editor -in -chief of the banner Weekly, William Middot; Christopor is an example.He could not get rid of the hypocritical color against Trump's populist protests, because it was precisely that Chris Tolk first advocated the primitive Trump Middot; Palin, as the campaign of John Middot; Kane's campaign in 2008partner.

One of the reasons why the new conservative hated Trump was that the current president was unwilling to use force to spread American democracy globally.Kristol, like David Middot; Frem, and others, are public supporters of the Iraq war.Moreover, he regards Trump as a serious threat because he is a strong defender of American democracy.The combination of conservative beliefs and ideology gospel finally created his ruthless role of anti -Trump street fighter.

The problem is that conservatives never support Trump and liberal temporary alliances, whether it can be dragged through Trump's term.Driven by the ideal of intergenerational, race and gender, the trend of turning to the left within the Democratic Party shows that many people who support Biden get rid of Trump will not just satisfy normal.Their goal is not only to restore Trump's situation before taking office.Biden seemed to realize this.He claims to be President of the Transition, and his age is not the only factor.

Conservatives are likely to resist and transition to US senators Bernie Middot; Sanders and their left -wing supporters.However, if Biden can rescue everyone from Trump, he must move towards the direction of the European society's democratic system to MDASH; MDASH; the pressure of the implementation of medical care, progressive tax rates, and revenue distribution will be increased.

This may lead to the split of the Anti -Trump Alliance, but this may not be a bad phenomenon.After all, even if the Democrats begin to turn left, the real conservative may recapture the Republican Party from the hands of all the fanatics.Of course, only when the Trump and the Republican Party defeated the mountains (this may also be the only way to expel it out of the White House), this would happen.

But the results may be different. If this is true, of course, it is better.Especially after the large decline broke out, what the United States really needed was to implement the new policy again.Franklin Middot; Roosevelt started the New Deal, he was a pragmato, not a left -wing idealist.

Roosevelt is different from Sanders.But he realized that the government had to intervene in order to turn capitalist tide.The conservative Republicans who refused to join the Trump camp from beginning to end are likely to conclude the same.Revolutionary left and extremely right -wing forces are not satisfied with such results.This may be the most powerful argument.

Author Ian Buruma is a writer, and its latest book is Tokyo Romance: A TOKYO ROMANCE: A Memoir)

English Title: Conservatives Versus Trump

Copyright: Project Syndicate, 2020