Author: Mao Yongqi

We will never allow mobs to pull down our statues, eradicate our history, poison our children, and trample on our freedom.US President Trump hosted a celebration on the eve of the Independence Day in Mount Rushmore on July 3rd. He accused the recent anti -racial discrimination demonstration. The demonstrator's behavior of overthrowing American historical statues was a left -wing cultural revolution.When the characters commemorative in the statue, the value of the praise and the concept is out of time, pull it down and hide it. Is the problem of social contradictions and racial inequality follow the statue?

On May 25, after George Floyd, a black man in Minnesota, was killed by a white police officer kneeling and neck, the demonstration riots set off a wave of overthrowing statues.The statues and monuments were destroyed or pushed down, including the founding of the United States and the third president Thomas Jefferson, the first President George Washington, the Southern Federal President Jefferson Davis, and the Southern FederationGeneral Robert E. Lee, the eighteenth President Ulysses Grant, the national anthem author Francis Scott Key, and Christopher Columbus, an explorer who was regarded by the American Aboriginal.

Although the matter of pushing down the statue of the Southern Federation of the Federation of the Southern Federation has also occurred in the demonstration wave of Black Lives Matter in the past few years.Go to the higher education institution to remove the chain reactions such as the unity and withdrawn from the Confederate Flag.

Statue to stay related to racial equality

Back to the topic of pushing the statue itself, Trump announced on June 26 that he signed an administrative order to protect the American monuments, monuments and statues of the United States.Trump later announced the signing of administrative orders on Independence Day to build a statue park named American Hero National Garden.Slavers Harriet Tubman, War Hero Hero General Douglas Macarthur, General George S. Patton, and several deceased people such as Ronald Reagan (Ronald Reagan), Former Supreme Court Justice, Antonin Scalia, Rev. Graham of Graham, and so on.

In the independent declaration drafted by Jefferson, it is advocated that people are born and equal, and have indisputable rights, including the right to life, freedom, and pursuit of happiness.system.However, Jefferson and George Washington, who preached freedom and equality with gorgeous text, were slaves. Whenever American people celebrated their independence day or praised these founding nationals, they would inevitably stab the black slaves and aboriginal people.The descendants, as well as the nerves of the people of slavery, celebrate the more celebration and offensive.However, these characters have laid many core values that maintain the United States today, and radical demonstrators are really eager to overthrow the root inequality.

This is to look back at the cause of history. The slave system in the United States is closely linked to white supremacy. The slavery and slave status are only distinguished by skin tone.It is also exploited. Over time, black skin is connected to low and not freedom; white skin is regarded as high and the freedom of being listed in the Constitution.The CONFERATE States of America (Southern Confederation) was composed of 1861. The race became the core topic of their constructing ideal society, and advocated that black slavery in the Literature Literature was the cornerstone of the country.

From the composition to the disintegration, the Southern Federation only experienced five cold and heat, representing its flags and still fluttering in the United States, which lasted more than 100 years.In the past, from time to time in Southern State, the three K party (KU Klux Klan) waved the flag of the southern federation of the southern Federation. The rights and interests of the white supremacy were still protected by US law.Stepping into the 21st century, the sound of the statue of relevant historical figures began to appear one after another.The governments of various local governments have become political issues for the statues of controversial characters or landmarks, and many top institutions in the United States have received great donations from white supremacists. The colleges or buildings are named after these characters.The campus of the universities such as Brown has initiated a discussion history, leading this big mind that has influenced the American society for more than a century, and seeks out of the dilemma of social tear.

History that should not be tilted or wiped off

In addition to the national father -level figures, the problem of leaving the statue of the Southern Federation of the Southern Federation has been discussed in American society for a long time.Until the early 1990s, there were as many as hundreds of statues scattered in the southern United States, standing in important positions in parliamentary gardens and the squares of the Government Hall.With the changes of the times, under the influence of political correct concepts such as racial equality, before the killing incident of Freud, the authorities had removed about 114 statues from 2015 to last year, including Robert Lee, Davis and other characters.

However, some people think that the statue is removed from the eyes as the eyes of the market, and sent to the storage room, all of which are just covering the eye method, but only remove the historical traces, but the racial discrimination disease of the society is not cured.The historical wound of the people.The death of Freud triggered more urgent doubts in the world: Does the former symbolic characters have to be re -examined or overturned?How many stories need to be more comprehensive and honest?How should I teach history to the next generation?

In addition to the statue itself, the location and the surrounding environment also affect the meaning given by it. Therefore, many people have proposed in the past instead of disassembling the statue of the statue.

Standard cultural war before the election

Even though the fact that white supremacy, commemorative controversy and racial discrimination in the southern Federation have been ignored in American society, but Freud's death has once again sounded the mourning clock of American racial inequality.Fate is also fermented under the banner of fate. The scale has never been seen before. The power of the power and politicians have to be faced. In addition, the election is approaching, and the issues such as disassembling the statue and the university removal become fierce.

First, the Democratic House of Representatives, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, followed the public opinion. In early June, he called for the removal of the statue of the 11th southern federal figures in the Parliament Villa, describing the statue to pay tribute to hatred.Trump ’s independent day speeches on Presidential Mountain, pointing directly at the behavior of pushing or destroying the statue is to cancel culture, forcing others to obey and accept his own point of view.It is also a left-wing cultural revolution that intends to overthrow the American Revolution.Mainstream media have interpreted this speech as MDASH; Trump ’s Culture War is deliberately provoked as its election strategy.

How to deal with or pull the statue in the future must be discussed by the society.However, when this anti -racial discrimination movement evolved into a cultural war in politicians, the end will only make the society tear and cannot correct historical errors.