On June 22, the Ishigaki Municipal Council in Okinawa, Japan, approved the majority of the Tsimogu (China known as Diaoyu Islands) submitted by the mayor Zhongshan Yilong.From October 1st, the islands of Jiange will be officially renamed as Dengye Tsimogu.

The name of Ishigaki City on the grounds of improving administrative affairs is a major provocative behavior of Chinese territorial sovereignty.This also reflects that some domestic political conservative forces have never given up their violations of Chinese territorial sovereignty.To maintain the stability of Sino -Japanese relations, we must understand the current domestic political ecology of Japan and its understanding of the Diaoyu Islands.

Japan is negatively regarded as China ’s actions in the East China Sea in the Diaoyu Islands.Since the beginning of this year, the Chinese Maritime Police Ship has continued to perform normalized cruise tasks in the Diaoyu Islands waters.According to Japanese statistics, from January to May 2020, the Chinese Maritime Police Ship entered the Diaoyu Islands' adjacent waters of 495 times, an increase of 18%over the same period last year.

As of June 21, the Chinese maritime police ship patrolled in the waters near the Diaoyu Islands for 69 days, reflecting the will of China's firmly maintaining national territorial sovereignty and implementing effective jurisdiction.At the same time, the military activities of the Chinese navy in the East China Sea have continued to encounter the Japanese invasion.From April 1st, 2019 to March 31, 2020, the number of Japanese fighters intercepted 675 times for the Chinese Air Force and Navy Aviation Military Airways; and 152 times during the first quarter of this year.

In 2014, China and Japan reached four principles of consensus on dealing with and improving the relationship between the two countries, which pointed out that the two parties around the East China Sea, such as the Diaoyu Islands, have different claims in tensions in recent years.Avoid unexpected situations.

In recent years, the tension between the two sides in the East China Sea has extended the overall relaxation trend, but Japan has never stopped criticizing China's activities in the East China Sea in China.Change.Based on this, a positive and peaceful defense system is constructed, and the deterrence and response to the response to various situations of the East China Sea.It can be said that as Ishigaki City, which has jurisdiction over the Diaoyu Islands, has a renamed social public opinion atmosphere in China.

The Chinese Maritime Police Ship law enforce the Japanese fishing vessels in the Lingyu Islands.Since the collision of the China -Japan Diaoyu Islands in 2010, Japan is highly sensitive to the cruise activities of the Chinese Maritime Police Ship in the Diaoyu Islands. The domestic conservative forces have rendered China's marine rights protection activities to threaten Japan's security.In particular, the current situation of the sea area near the Diaoyu Islands eventually seized the Diaoyu Islands with force.Japan wants to strengthen the ability of the Japanese and American alliances and its own ability to curb China to take advantage of Japanese islands.This kind of speech is not only convinced that the Japanese people are convinced, but international public opinion has gradually agreed.

China has been shaped by Japan internationally to destroy the stability of the region and destroy Japan's security threat to the jurisdiction of the Diaoyu Islands.At the beginning of May, the Chinese Maritime Police Ship leared at the Diaoyu Islands to carry out tracking and monitoring Japanese fishing vessels, and asked the fishing boat to stop the relevant activities withdraw from the relevant sea areas.The Japanese Sea Insurance Hall vessels strongly entered the Japanese fishing vessels and the Chinese Maritime Police Ship, which led to the tension of the scene.Japanese officials have accused China of changing the status quo unilaterally in the East China Sea, which has given the space for conservative forces in Japan, which also gives Ishigaki the opportunity to promote renaming plans.

Zhongshan Yilong has long manipulated the Diaoyu Islands issue to strengthen the control of the island.In February 2010, Zhongshan Yilong was supported by the Liberal Democratic Party and the Gongming Party to participate in the mayor of Ishigaki City.After being elected, Yilong, Zhongshan and the city council, applied to the Japanese government to log in to the Diaoyu Islands to investigate the natural ecology, but was rejected.

In April 2012, the Ishigaki City Council passed an opinion that criticized the Japanese government in order to avoid stimulating China without fully adopted measures. The Japanese government asked the Japanese government to buy the Diaoyu Islands and transfer administrative jurisdiction to Ishigaki City.In June, Yoshiko Zhongshan participated in the collective fishing conference organized by Japanese conservative groups to declare sovereignty.In October of the same year, the Japanese government realized the nationalization of the Diaoyu Islands by purchasing.

A few years ago, Zhongshan Yilong has begun to seek the rename of the Diaoyu Islands.In December 2017, Ishigaki City clearly stated that the Diaoyu Islands were renamed Diaoya Tsimoi, but later, it took a lot of time to rename the procedures for time to postpone the submission of the bill.

At that time, Yilong, Zhongshan, stated that Prime Minister Abe had to realize visiting China and improved Sino -Japanese relations without helping help.Nevertheless, the Ishigaki City Council passed the renamed resolution in June 2018, completely ignoring the efforts of the China -Japan leadership to strengthen the healthy interaction, constructive control and control and contradiction;Bad characters.

Abe's ruling foundation shakes, and it is urgent to hold the basic disk.Since Abe has been in power again, he has been elected as President of the Liberal Democratic Party and a sixth national election win -winning. He has set the best time to serve the prime minister after the war after the war.The support rate of the cabinet continues to decline.

On May 23 and 24, the Japanese media Asahi News polls showed that the support rate of Abe's cabinet fell to 29%and did not rose to 52%.The daily news poll on the same day also maintained this level.In terms of routine, the support rate of the cabinet below 30%is to enter the dangerous area for the Prime Minister.

As a spokesperson for conservative forces in Japan, Abe has been supported by conservative forces since its ruling.But since last year, Japan's conservative forces have shown great dissatisfaction with Abe's cabinets in many controversial issues involving China's national sovereignty.They believe that Abe is too pleasing to China and has not adopted a strong position on China on the issue of Japanese interests.

This emotion is transmitted to the government level in different ways to form a strong impact on the foundation foundation of Abe's cabinet.This forces Abe to respond moderately on the demands of conservative forces.Some Japanese problems pointed out that the renamed Ishigaki was actually acquiescence.

Therefore, Ishigaki City is not just local behavior at this time. It is a conservative forces in the domestic political and social in Japan. It is dissatisfied with the Chinese East China Sea rights protection and other activities. The support rate of Abe's cabinet has fallen rapidly.For the law enforcement of Japanese fishing vessels, the police ship invaded China ’s actual jurisdiction of China’ s sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands through illegal means.

In the 2018 Diaoyu Islands' renamed resolution in Ishigaki City, the Diaoyu Islands claimed that the Diaoyu Islands were inherent in Japan. They were placed in the administrative area of Ishigaki. They also mentioned what countermeasures were taken to expressed their concerns about the severe situation caused by the Diaoyu Islands.

This itself reflects the conflict of the conservative forces of the Japanese government, including Ishigaki.On the one hand, it is unwilling to face up to reality, do not recognize that there are controversy around the sovereignty around the Diaoyu Islands, and continuously adopt provocative measures, and unilaterally strengthen effective control.On the other hand, there is no confidence, worrying about this continuous provocation, often stirring the fierce political confrontation between the two countries and the strong nationalist emotions, leading to the comprehensive tension of the relationship between the two countries, dragging the relationship between China and JapanIn the dead cycle.

The current international pattern is in a period of unreasonable changes. The coronary virus epidemic has not been effectively suppressed globally, and its destructive impact on international geopolitics and economy is still spread.As a major country in the region and the world, China and Japan are responsible for maintaining the peace and development of the region.The two countries should have established a sense of overall situation, continue to improve bilateral relations, and inject new positive elements into the more uncertain world.

However, the strategic short -sighted behavior of Ishigaki and the Japanese government really wants to press the suspension key for the hard -won Sino -Japanese relations?Is Japan really prepared the price of the relationship between the two countries to reproduce the variable?Maybe the two sides are time to review, evaluate and reflect on Sino -Japanese relations in the past two years, which is necessary for the long -term development of the relationship between the two countries.China also responds to a more objective, comprehensive and in -depth awareness of Japanese domestic political and social ecology, in order to avoid major misjudgment or deviations on China ’s foreign policy in the future.

(The author is an assistant researcher at the Institute of International Issues of Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)