01 Weekly

Author: Cheng Xue

The new coronary pneumonia's epidemic continues, and Hong Kong is facing the third wave of outbreaks. Today (July 13) has added 52 newly diagnosis cases, 41 are local infections, and many of them are unknown.Referring to the early last month, Beijing quickly controls the rebound of Xinfa local farmers wholesale market epidemic, and the SAR government must conduct a large area of virus test as soon as possible; however, it has been regarded as Hong Kong, which has been regarded as six major industries ten years ago.The virus detection volume is only about 5,000, which seriously lags behind Macau and Singapore, which is much smaller than the population and local size than us.The problem is whether the low detection volume in Hong Kong is the problem of insufficient detection capabilities, or is it the question of the SAR government's lazy government?

On June 10, a man who lived in Yuenan Street, Xicheng District, Beijing, left Fengtai District's large -scale farmers wholesale market for a new land, and went to hospitals in the area under the fever.The number of people increased rapidly, and reached 36 peaks on June 13 and 14, and then showed a fluctuating decline. By July, the daily number of new diagnosis cases did not exceed two cases; and from July 6So far, there have been no new confirmed cases in Beijing.

How did Beijing quickly prevent the second wave of big explosions?Analysis of the New York Times in the United States, actively testing and tracking close contact, this is the key to the Chinese government's successful control of the epidemic strategy.After the outbreak of the market outbreak of the Xinfaland market, more than 8,000 operations, procurement and staff in the market performed nucleic acid testing, and focused on closed medical observations.The 11 communities around the Xinfang Market have also implemented closed management, and Beijing's daily detection volume has rapidly increased from 8,000 to nearly 500,000 daily.According to the surging news report, from June 11th to July 2nd, Beijing conducted a nucleic acid test on 106 million people with a positive rate of 100,000.3.67.

Bloomberg, USA, has grown zero -growth in Beijing, telling you how they do it, summarize the four major prevention and control measures in Beijing MDash; mdash; First of all, quickly adopt targeted large -scale virus testing; second, quickly take targeted targetingBlocking high -risk areas; Furthermore, avoid people from going to the hospital to cause cross -infection; finally, learn lessons to strictly control overseas imports.

Among them, the most worthy of the SAR government is the large -scale virus test.From the perspective of epidemiology, large -scale testing helps find out who infects the virus, who transmits the virus, and who should be isolated and tracked.As early as May, Yuan Guoyong, a lecturer professor at the Department of Microbiology of the University of Hong Kong, pointed out in a media interview that the most ideal in Hong Kong is to check 7,500 samples per day, that is, one person in Hong Kong is verified to find the community invisible transmission chain.

However, since January this year, the test quantity of virus in Hong Kong has been low. Until June 30, a total of 109388 testing was performed, with an average of 3,600 testing per day, which is far lower than the level of Yuan Guoyong's suggestion.Lu Chongmao, the dean of the Shenzhen Hospital of Hong Kong, attended the Urban Forum recently that the Mainland conducted 3.78 million tests every day. If Hong Kong wants to catch up with national standards, at least 20,000 tests are performed every day.

In this regard, Chen Zhaoshi, director of the Food and Health Bureau, explained at a press conference many times that the difficulty of increasing the difficulty of detection is local, manual and instrument issues.Does other regions face the same problem?Taking Singapore as an example, in early April, Singapore tested about 2,900 samples daily, and by May, the number had increased to more than 8,000 daily.At the same time, the Singapore authorities have cooperated with public institutions and private enterprises to improve the ability of virus testing.After June, Singapore can detect 1.8 samples daily and plan to further expand to 40,000.In Macau, which is only one -tenth of Hong Kong, Macau, which has similar living costs, has also reached 6,000 detection volume per day.

The pneumonia epidemic has spread for more than half a year.We can't help but ask, is the so -called difficulty in local, manual and instrument issues, is it true or an excuse for the authorities to push?Why is the detection volume that can be achieved in other areas always difficult for the Hong Kong government?

Is low detection volume? Is the detection ability?

What are the difficulties of local, manual and instruments?The Hong Kong Government did not leak too much information about the situation of testing technology, tools, and personnel.However, according to the results of the 2017 medical and health service manpower survey, there were 3,426 medical chemicals in Hong Kong, of which 80 % were hired by the Hospital Authority.However, the laboraters are divided into four major subjects, and only those who belong to the Ministry of Microbiology will conduct new coronal virus testing.The so -called difficulty in manpower may be here, but is there no room for improvement?

Although it is not feasible to increase microbial experiments in a short period of time, is it a way to provide relevant training assistance to other laboraters to assist in testing?Earlier, biotechnology companies have developed a faster detection of new crown virus technology, and the authorities have also said that they will cooperate with private institutions to test.This method obviously can alleviate people and technical related issues, but it has not yet been implemented.

As for the testing tools, the Hong Kong government has not announced the stock of reagents so far. In the government announcement on July 7, it will continue to purchase virus reagents.Earlier media pointed out that government reagents were insufficient.Is it not enough?Why is it not enough?For the Hong Kong government with a lot of money, it is obviously a pseudo -proposition to buy reagents.

Behind the low detection volume is the Hong Kong government's nothing to do with the testing industry

From 2008 to 2016, the increase of the increase in output value of the testing and certification industry by the SAR government was listed as one of the six major industries, only increased from 4.5 billion yuan in 2008 to 7.3 billion yuan in 2016.In 0.3%; the number of related employment has only increased from 12,400 to 14,000, still accounting for 0.4%of the overall employment population.

On the other hand, Singapore, which regards the biomedical industry as a national key strategic emerging industry, has an annual output value of about 29.6 billion slope (about 161.2 billion Hong Kong dollars) in 2017, accounting for 9.22%of the total output value of the manufacturing industry.The number of employment is 22,200.The reason why it can develop is because the Singapore government has long -term industrial planning and policies since 20 years ago. It not only provides a large number of resource land and an increase in overseas specialties, but also continuously improves local scientific research.Factory settled.It is precisely because the government has the foundation of this vision that Fang made the epidemic be able to allocate resource technology in a timely manner, so as not to be in a hurry like the Hong Kong government.

The Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue (July 10) post posts on social networking sites. In addition to gradually increasing the daily constant detection volume of public sectors, it will also speed up the assistance of private testing institutions without excluding the use of epidemic prevention and anti -epidemic funds.People test the virus.Whether this crisis can make the Hong Kong government reflect on the past walk without vision and to seriously solve the current epidemic situation in Hong Kong, it still needs further observation.