The Hong Kong Ming Pao's review article stated that the trauma of the epidemic has not been cured, and China has encountered a flood disaster that swept 27 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities.As of last Thursday (9th), the flood caused more than 30 million people in Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Sichuan, Guizhou and other places, and more than 140 people died or disappeared.Immersive, nearly 300 hectares were closed, and directly lost more than 60 billion yuan.Since July 4, 212 rivers in the country have a high alarm water level, and 19 of which have occurred in super historical floods. Yesterday, the water level in Wuhan in the Yangtze River has reached the highest value of 28.4 meters in nearly 21 years.The highest record, Jiangxi's flood prevention emergency level has risen to the highest level ... This year's floods are fierce, although there are concentrated weather factors such as short -term and heavy rain, but the scenes of rural rivers are flooding, ocean, and urban water immersive houses.It has exposed many problems such as neglecting the governance of the tributaries, the disruption of small reservoirs, and the backwardness of the urban drainage system.

Floods are natural disasters. Compared with European and American countries, which are located in the temperate marine climate belt. China is in a monsoon climate belt and faces more uncertainty. It can be seen from the legend of Dayu's water.Water treatment has always been a major theme of governing the country.According to tradition, 2020 belongs to the disaster year of "April, eating leaves".According to monitoring data of the National Climate Center, this year, the Equation Middle East Pacific has continued to maintain the state of "El Niuno". Since June, the Western Pacific subtropical high -pressure continues to be strong, providing sufficient conditions for South China's continuous rainfall.As of June 30, the average rainfall nationwide was 7.3%more than the same period of the same year. 75 counties daily rainfall exceeded the record record, and 32 counties daily rainfall exceeded the season's record.

There are blind spots in the rainy and rainy rural water treatment.

However, the fierce flood this year is far less than the floods of the Yangtze River in 1998, but there are still so many places to be reviewed, you need to review it.The lack of water conservancy facilities for more than 20 years.After the 1998 flood, the Mainland focused on governing the Dajiang and Lakes of the main basin, attaching importance to the construction of water conservancy.For more than 20 years, the large -scale backbone hub reservoir flood prevention and disaster prevention and reduction benefits have been significant. At present, the 3900 kilometers of the Yangtze River dry flow has reached the flood control standard, forming a reservoir group with the "controlled reservoir" as the backbone.More than 30,000 monitoring stations, coordinated meteorological satellites, weather radars, and then using intelligent flood prevention forecast scheduling systems to regulate the Yangtze River dry flow water level, which is known as "cm level".

The governance of the small and medium rivers basin is dwarfed.Some experts from the National Disaster Reduction Commission pointed out that remote and scattered small and medium -sized rivers, due to the large number of small and medium -sized river defense, have a relatively small population, and are often ignored in terms of funding. These small and medium rivers are the focus of floods in the south this year.These small rivers lacked dredging for a long time due to narrow river channels. A heavy rain arrived, and soon flooded.The construction standards for these small and medium -sized rivers are low and the flood prevention capacity is weak. In the past, the dangerous situation mainly relied on the villagers' own rescue to block. However, most of the rural areas of rural areas are mostly out of work, and the timely rescue ability is not as good as before.At present, flood monitoring and early warning is good at the country and provincial level, but it is not enough to go to the first level of cities, counties, and villages.It can be seen that the last mile of water treatment is the most important blind spot at present.

On the other hand, according to data from the Ministry of Water Resources, more than 98,000 reservoirs in the Mainland, more than 4,000 large and medium -sized reservoirs are well maintained and operated well.In addition, more than 94,000 small reservoirs have hidden dangers to varying degrees, which is a weak link in flood prevention. This time, individual reservoirs have not notified downstream or even dyke accidents in time.Pay attention to.In addition, the local governments should also be responsible for local governments for the usual management of the downstream flood storage area in the reservoir and the timely reporting evacuation when the floods occur.

A dilemma of drainage in a heavy rain road, the distress of water drainage

If the flood control is mainly to keep the dam, the waterlogging water requires the comprehensive supporting facilities of the city.In the past 20 years, the process of urbanization in the Mainland has made rapid progress. Behind the high -rise buildings, such as underground garages, underground shopping malls, and subways, etc., the urban structure has made the urban structure more complicated, but the underground drainage system has not been fundamentally improved.Not only in small and medium -sized cities, but even oversized metropolises such as Guangzhou and Shenzhen, after a heavy rain, there are often wonders on roads and water, exposing the weakness of urban management.

Urban drainage capacity is usually based on the waterlogging disaster that can be resisting for several years. If once a year, it can generally respond to 36 millimeters of rainfall per hour.The short -term heavy rainfall of 58 millimeters; and once in five years, it can resist the heavy rain of 69 millimeters per hour.According to reports, most cities in the Mainland include Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Basically, they have the ability to drain once a year, and New York, London, Paris, Tokyo and other international metropolises can meet the standards for five years.

With the changes in the seasons, the high -risk areas of the floods will be moved from Jiangnan and South China to the Huaihe River and the Yellow River Basin until August. The authorities have noticed the exposure of water.When Prime Minister Li Keqiang arrived in Guizhou last week, he made a special trip to visit farmers affected by the flood.The executive meeting of the State Council subsequently proposed that relevant departments in various places should strengthen the flood prevention of small and medium -sized rivers, small and medium reservoirs to remove insurance and urban waterlogging, strengthen the inspection and defense of reservoirs and dikes, and propose to establish a reasonable return mechanism to promote water conservancy projects with market -oriented reforms to accelerate water conservancy projectsConstruction.Of course, the construction of water conservancy is difficult to make immediate results, but as long as you really value it, with the wisdom of traditional Chinese water, the ability to "infrastructure madness" is today, and there will be fewer and fewer scenes of water flooding urban and rural areas in the future. It should not be extravagant.?