Xu Liying

Recently, there are two programs related to women, one is the American drama American lady, and the other is a sister who has made a variety show in mainland China.The former showed the conflict between the feminist movement and conservative women in the United States in the 1970s, and the latter tried to break the stereotypes of middle -aged women through the female artist draft aged 30 to 50.The two programs are quite interesting to watch together.

The entry point of the American lady is the amendment to the equal rights rights (referred to as Era) in the climax of the American Women's Movement in the 1970s.Feminists are about to successfully write a bill to ensure that the equality of men and women in the form of law in the form of legal form, but it has been blocked by conservative women headed by Middot; Schravri, led by Schravri, and finally changed 70The direction of the feminist movement has even been affected to this day.

The protagonist of the story Felith Middot; Schravri, as the leader of anti -Era, unswervingly maintains the character of the traditional mainstream social women mdash; mdash; housewives.She has a long -sleeved dancing, has a keen sense of political smell and extensive leadership.Her powerful speech, diligent learning spirit, and perseverance of perseverance all left a deep impression on the audience.

However, on the road of anti -Era, the film also fully demonstrated her own contradictions: she defended the status and rights of housewives, but ran on the political stage with feminism. She was a veritable professional woman; sheStrike Era to destroy women's traditional gender roles and threatening family value, and will also cause housewives to lose their original protection, but she has experienced the problem of gender discrimination in both family or social activities.

Felis did not oppose the feminist movement. She graduated from Harvard and was a national defense strategy expert. However, because of her political career, she saw the loopholes of radical feminists.EssenceJust like the feminist party in the play, she is ironic for herself and controlling her life. She is essentially a feminist.

Within the feminist group, because of the differences in the endorsement group and the differences in concerns, it is also full of contradictions and differences: some people endorse for cross -sex groups, ethnic minorities, and some people pay attention to the legalization of same -sex marriage and abortion;It advocates the elimination of men and women and is full of hatred to housewives; while someone is fighting for equal rights, they consciously use the beautiful face of women to play votes.

The entanglement of personal interests and political ambitions and peace of mind seems to suggest that we are not just from the obstruction of conservative women.When women are discussed as a community, and in fact, when this community does not reach a consensus, the road of feminism is destined to go hard and twists.

In the most prosperous age of Chinese film and television, actresses who have become popular and purple have now entered middle age.In the film and television circle of small fresh meat and small flowers, middle -aged actresses sought breakthroughs.They still have a face value, acting skills, and the unacceptable connections, capital and discourse rights.They just need to find the opportunity to change the stereotypes of the audience for women's age and charm.

As a result, when the sisters were wearing red clothes, carrying high heels, and looking through all eyes and confidence, when they uploaded songs and dances on the stage, they finally burst into the audience's imagination and admiration for their sisters' mature experience and charm.The sister who took the wind and waved to take a quasible time and came out of the trend.Looking positively, this wave may play a certain role in promoting the progress of gender concepts.

However, when I heard the preface, I laughed with tears, and when I was in my youth, I was puzzled.When we look forward to the unique style given by different ages to show the unique style given by the years, what the camera gives us is the face of the twenty -year -old face under the light of the light light.Their compliments to each other are white and thin, and even the tutors' expectations for their sister groups are young and beautiful.Is it implying that youth is the standard of middle -aged women?If there is still no jump to the worship of youth, what is the significance of these different ages of sisters?

Interestingly, in addition to showing that the sisters are not professional singing talents, most of the lenses are sisters' greetings, chatting, complimenions and heart -filled expressions.Obviously, in addition to the youthful shell, the biggest selling point of the middle -aged sister's program is still their uneven minds, calculations and smoothness.Sisters came with the mission of breaking the stereotype, but they were still nailed to the mold of youth and middle -aged minds, so that women who struggled in middle -aged anxiety experienced a more uncomfortable twisting state.

When women always chase the class that goes farther and farther and younger, they only enjoy half of their lives; when women always appear as men's opposites, they only enjoy half of their lives.Just as the feminist writer Betty Middot; Buddhist Dan's question in the mystery of women: Why can women only accept the portrait of half a life instead of the fate of a complete person?We are first people, and the second is women.

The background of the American lady tears the cracks of the feminist movement based on the real history, and shows various contradictions, conflicts, and questions to the audience.However, today, 50 years later, there is still no answer in the tear and conflict in the play.Sisters are still suffering from various prejudices and discrimination.It is conceivable that my sister is about to become another label that seems to be complimented, and it is posted on those women with different styles, so that their middle age is a few more sour.

Women are just a community of imagination.If it is not from the perspective of independent and complete people to fight for equal rights, the quarrel and division between women will probably be able to calm down.

The author is Arizona State University in the United States