On July 7, the U.S. Congress has officially received a notice from the Trump administration on the withdrawal of the World Health Organization, which will take effect on July 6 next year; the UN Secretary -General spokesman also confirmed that the relevant notice has been received.In accordance with the relevant terms of the WHO, the member states must notify one year in advance before exiting, and pay all the payable payments.

On May 29 this year, Trump has announced the disconnection of US and WHO.He said that because the WHO failed to promote the extremely necessary reforms he required, we will terminate the relationship with the WHO for this reason.After the Coronatte epidemic and the same WHO, Trump announced in mid -April that he suspended paid to the WHO.Trump said that the funding of the WHO will be used to fund other institutions.

As the domestic epidemic raging and the number of diagnostic people and the number of deaths still remain high, Trump's decision is obviously not a rational move. This move has caused extensive and strong attacks at home and abroad.On May 18, he made it clear that the organization had significantly promoted the reform within a month, but only 11 days have passed, and the warning was put into work, which shows how much Trump can't wait.

As the only superpower in the world, the United States has the thickest medical resources, but Trump has adopted a series of opposite measures after the epidemic, resulting in increasingly dangerous epidemic.

Nowadays, the number of people in the United States and deaths in the world is far ahead of the world. When it comes to an inflection point, there is no eyebrow at all.To this end, Trump frequently wants to use the pot to avoid responsibility for resistance.Its targets include its former Obama, Democratic Party, Congress and related governors, media and China.Now I am angry with the WHO, but this is obviously nothing.

Since Trump has been in the next three years, and this time, his retirement measures have not been doubled.Previously, he had also been dissatisfied with the WTO's organization. Do you want to withdraw from the World Trade Organization?Will you still exit the United Nations in the end?That's the back to the end, and the United States can also pay any amount of allocated fees.

The American people saw the spread of the epidemic, and the relevant measures of Trump had completely lost confidence.According to the polls released by Morning Consul on April 19, only 2%of Trump's anti -epidemic measures support the WHOs, and WHO accounts for 25%.This is because Trump has repeatedly declined after the stigmatization of the organization; because on March 16, this data was as high as 58%.Similarly, the two words that are most mentioned by the investigators are frustrated and puzzling; 31%of the performances of Trump in resistance in anti -epidemic are frustrated.of.

The polls released by the US Broadcasting Corporation on May 22 also showed that 60%of people did not recognize the Trump administration's resistance measures.As the epidemic was completely out of control, any Trump's shaking movement could not reverse the situation at all.Less than five months left, Trump's support rate has significantly behind his opponent Biden.What else can Trump be reversed to reverse the Qiankun and increase the support rate?

The American Medical Association issued a statement on this, which strongly called on the Trump administration to take back the decision, otherwise it would be tantamount to the abolition of martial arts and abandon the leadership of the international community.Even Trump's colleagues were puzzled by this.Republican Senator Alexander pointed out that even if the error of the WHO is to be corrected, it should be after the epidemic is curbed, and it should not be at this critical moment at the current crisis.Because of the important role played by the WHO in this struggle, it has been unanimously recognized in the international community through the previous video conference.

Mai Aiwen, who was the senior director of Asian Affairs of the National Security Council during the Obama period, strongly condemned Trump's move.In his opinion, if Trump believes that WHO is moving closer to China, the United States should increase assistance to the organization, which is the right option, and decide to withdraw from the worst, because this will be the worst.The international leadership capabilities have a significant negative impact.

The New York Times published an editorial on June 13, explicitly accusing Trump's absurd decision; the newspaper believes that the role of the United States should be strengthened.The editorial pointed out: Trump's decision to withdraw from the WHO will lead to a more disadvantage in the health crisis in response to coronary virus.Any new plan (establishment of institutions replaced by the organization) proposed by the Trump administration cannot replace this existing global institution.In the field of public health, it will only give the karma that has urgently need to strengthen the crisis of coordination and add uncertainty and complexity. Therefore, withdrawing from the organization can be described as a policy.

Berry, chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin and the senior representative of the European Union ’s diplomacy and security policy, issued a statement the next day that the above decision was announced by the United States, which strongly urged the United States to re -consider the decision.The statement states that in the context of continuous anti -crown disease epidemic, the main task of each person is to save lives and fully control and slow the spread of the epidemic.The European Union will continue to support the WHO's efforts for this and has provided additional funds to it.

The statement also emphasized that global cooperation and unity through multilateral action is the only effective and feasible way to defeat the current crisis.WHO must continue to lead the leading role to cope with the current and future epidemic crisis.To this end, what we urgently need is the participation and support of everyone.Faced with global threats, we must improve the level of cooperation and seek common solutions, and we should try to avoid all weakening behaviors that weaken international cooperation.At the Video Conference of the WHO that had just held before, with the efforts of the European Union, all the consensus resolutions were unanimously approved.This is essential for WHO to continue to play a guiding role in global resistance.

German Foreign Minister Marus pointed out: This is a wrong signal released by Trump at the time of error.Danish Foreign Minister Cost said that Denmark was deeply worried about it.Norwegian Prime Minister Elna Middot; Solberg said it was a wrong answer in an interview.Horton, editor -in -chief of the well -known British medical journal, criticized Trump's decision to be stupid and terrible.

As the most important ally in the United States, Britain previously announced that he had made a statement of breaking the confession of the WHO in the United States to provide the organization with a funding of 200 million pounds.Since then, Germany has also announced that this year's funding for WHO has been increased to 500 million euros.This is of course a timely rain for WHO, and it is not a face to Trump.

Although the United States is the number one fund -raising country of the WHO, the United States has owed a large number of membership fees since last year.As of the end of February this year, the United States owed 70%of the 2019 World Health Organization's fee. It should have paid about $ 120 million in 2020 conference fees before the beginning of the year, but has not paid so far.This has undoubtedly had a significant impact on the full play of WHO.

There was no epidemic last year. At that time, there was no obvious contradiction between the United States and the WHO, but it also showed a rogue act. At present, the United States must pay all the arrears within one year.This unilateralist approach of the US government is obviously incompatible in the international community. It is also inevitable that it has been widely condemned and discarded by the international community.

(The author is an associate researcher at the Shanghai International Institute of International Institute of International China)