Current affairs perspective

The U.S. government has officially informed the United Nations Secretary of the United Nations Gutres that the United States will officially withdraw from the World Health Organization on July 6, 2021.Earlier, the United States had suspended economic funding for the international institution and now it will stop funding permanently.

Compared with 12%.The second part is a voluntary funding for WHO Fund.The number of voluntary funds provided by the United States to WHO is different from US priority and global health needs each year.From 2012 to 2018, the voluntary funding provided by the United States was $ 254 million per year.

As a subordinate agency of the United Nations, WHO was founded in 1948.Since its establishment, the United States has been playing an important role in this agency.Now the United States is preparing to decompose with WHO to completely abandon an important role in global health institutions and determining the global health priority field.Health experts warn that the evacuation of the United States from the WHO may have serious consequences on the global health cause, which greatly weakens the ability to discover and respond to disease threats from all over the world.

The United States is dissatisfied with the WHO did not begin this year.In 2014, the United States strictly criticized the early response to WHO's response to the West Africa Ebola epidemic, and believed that its resistance to the epidemic was slow and inefficient, but the bureaucracy was extremely serious.To this end, the United States has urged WHO to conduct a series of reforms, such as establishing permanent emergency health emergency agencies.Most of these reforms were carried out under the requirements of the United States.

Many of the staff of the WHO are Americans. Some Americans are directly hired by this agency. For example, Stuart Middot; Simonson, who is one of the Director -General of the WHO; other Americans are from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention orOther institutions borrow.If the United States withdraws from the WHO, will the Americans who serve as important positions in WHO will leave?

Maria Middot; Fan Middot; Costot; Kohov is also an American. She is also an American.progress.

American experts have also played a key role in the consulting committee of most WHO; the United States has a place in the Executive Committee of the World Health Organization.Similarly, when the WHO establishes various emergency health expert committees to determine the outbreak of certain diseases or epidemics, or whether it constitutes a global threat, at least one American health experts will participate in these expert groups.

After the United States withdraws from the WHO, it may be difficult for American experts to find qualified professionals instead.The future staying of these American experts makes the international health community generally worry.

Some experts said that the United States plays a pivotal role in global health.The absence of the United States in the WHO will indeed seriously hurt the organization's ability to lead the global response to various diseases.Middot, Director of the Global Health Project of the American Think Tank Foreign Affairs Society; Boliki also said that the United States has withdrawn from WHO during the most serious period of coronary virus epidemic. This practice is completely unreasonable.

Boliki believes that the WHO is continuing to resist under pressure, and at this time, the exit is a serious interference to the normal work of the agency.The weakening of the WHO is also equivalent to weakening the ability to cope with crown diseases worldwide, and it is likely that global anti -epidemic becomes more long.As long as the coronal virus continues to rage around the world, people's normal social life and economic activities will be damaged.

David Middot, former WHO, who had been responsible for leading the WHO in 2003, said that the absence of the United States is not only affecting the prevention of epidemic, but also weakening other sanitary plans in the world, such as fighting against drug resistance.The spread of tuberculosis, the spread of love, and the attack of the human body against the human body.

As a world -renowned American epidemic expert, Hyman is also responsible for the global eradication of pediatric paralysis.In this regard, he was worried that after the United States withdrew from the WHO, the efforts to eradicate pediatric paralysis would be seriously frustrated, because it is currently a key moment in the world to completely eliminate spinal ash.The plan to eradicate spinal ashneitis has been closely completed and has received strong funding from many countries. The United States has always been an important participating country and provided experts and funding support.He believes that the United States has now withdrawn from the WHO, which is the shame of the United States.

The author is the State University of Pennsylvania, the United States

Professor of the School of Communication